
  • 网络NEo;Ne-Yo;Ne Yo;Neyo
  1. 我想解放你的心灵,尼欧。

    I 'm trying to free your mind , neo .

  2. 他终于来了,尼欧,救世主本人。

    Here he is at last . neo , the one himself .

  3. 这名41岁的歌手在第一轮比拼中,与美国歌手尼欧合作,在舞台上一起演绎了迈克尔·杰克逊的《EarthSong》。

    The 41-year-old singer collaborated with American singer Ne-Yo during the first round of competition , bringing a rendition of Michael Jackson 's hit ' Earthsong ' onto the stage .

  4. 尼欧的「地狱」,某部分是指他钟爱的崔妮蒂牺牲了性命。

    Part of his'hell'is the sacrificial death of his beloved Trinity .

  5. 东部斜坡位于伊尼欧县在伊尼欧国家森林公园。

    The eastern slope lies in the Inyo National Forest in Inyo County .

  6. 尼欧:其他人?其他什麽人?有多少?回答我。

    Neo : others ? What others ? How many ? Answer me .

  7. 从1996年起,卡他尼欧也是义大利电视马拉松基金会的研究员。

    She has been an investigator of the Italian Telethon Foundation since 1996 .

  8. 我有些东西要交给尼欧。

    I had to give something to neo .

  9. 尼欧我想最直接的问题是:我如何能相信你?

    Neo : I suppose the most obvious question is , how can I trust you ?

  10. 至于片中的祭司,则扮演预言家及向导的角色,特别是引领尼欧。

    Like Ezekiel , there is an Oracle who prophesies and guides , especially to lead the hero , Neo .

  11. 尼欧:你是要自己组还是我们来安装?

    Neo : do you want to do it yourself or do you want us to do the installation for you ?

  12. 正如史密夫在战阵中困惑地问尼欧「为什麽」,他回答「因为我自己选择了」。

    As Smith asks in bewilderment during their battle , 'Why ' . Neo answers , 'Because I choose to ' .

  13. 尼欧表示,在这个赛季的第三场比赛巴林站,迈凯轮“皮球脱手”。

    In the third race of the season , in Bahrain , McLaren " fumbled the ball " , says Neale .

  14. 到了第三集,尼欧的拯救者形象依旧出色,被敌人贝恩称为「瞎眼的默西亚」。

    By Matrix Revolutions , Neo is still the Saviour-figure par excellence , referred to by his enemy , Bane , as'the blind messiah ' .

  15. 但是,尼欧表示,在赛车在澳大利亚赛道上接受测试之前,你无法知道自己的位置。

    But , Neale says , it is not until you test the cars on the track in Australia that you know where you stand .

  16. 虽然法拉利没有谴责尼欧卷入此次谋划,但有消息称,考夫兰告诉过他自己得到了这些文件。

    While Ferrari has not accused Neale of being involved in the conspiracy , it emerged that Coughlan had told him he had the documents .

  17. 在〈廿二世纪〉的首部曲,尼欧被塑造成拯救者,由人类(或被设定了人类程式)去拯救人类。

    The first film in The Matrix trilogy introduced Neo as a Saviour-figure , someone human ( or programmed like one ) to be the means of saving the human race .

  18. 在启示的意象,联同圣经战役的意象暗示,尼欧拯救锡安市的人类,并跟撒旦般的史密夫冲突。尼欧伸开双臂,仿如身在十字架上;

    In apocalyptic imagery , with overtones of biblical battle imagery , he saves the bereft humans in the city of Sion and confronts the Satan-figure Mr Smith , and is seen , arms outstretched as on a cross .