
  • 网络Moselle River;Moselle;mosel
  1. 到2月底,英美军队在杜塞尔道夫以北好几个地方进抵莱因河。两个星期以后,他们已经牢牢控制了摩泽尔河以北的莱因河左岸。

    By the end of the month the British and Americans had reached the Rhine at several places north of duesseldorf , and a fortnight later they had firm possession of the left bank from the Moselle River northward .

  2. 摩泽尔河在宁静的乡间蜿蜒穿行约160英里。

    The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside

  3. 科布伦茨城建立在莱茵河和摩泽尔河的汇合处。

    The city of Koblenz was established at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel .

  4. 关于设立国际委员会保护摩泽尔河免受污染

    Protocol concerning the Constitution of an International Commission for the Protection of the Mosel Against Pollution

  5. 因为到9月的第二周,美军已经打到了亚琛前面和以摩泽尔河为界的德国边境线上。

    By the second week in September American units had reached he German border before Aachen and on the Moselle .