
ɡān shè tiáo wén
  • interference fringe
  1. 用线阵CCD测量干涉条纹间距

    Measurement of Interference Fringe Spacing with Linear CCD

  2. 线阵CCD测量干涉条纹抽样问题的讨论

    A Discussion About the Sampling Problem of Using Linear CCD to Measure the Interference Fringe

  3. InSAR干涉条纹图去噪方法的研究

    The research on filtering of the phase noise filtering in the interferometric SAR

  4. 面光源情况下的Newton环干涉条纹

    Interference pattern of Newton ′ s ring with plane source

  5. 等倾干涉条纹在SPR现象中的规律研究

    Regular Research of Light Interference in SPR Phenomenon

  6. 一种F-P干涉条纹的计算机分析方法

    Computer Analysis of F P Interference Fringe

  7. 着重分析讨论了利用CCD进行干涉条纹采集及利用MATLAB软件对条纹图像进行滤波、边缘提取等处理的一种新方法。

    A new method is analyzed and discussed which the interference fringes are detected by CCD sensor and the image is filtered and edge extracted in MATLAB program .

  8. 并根据样品的IR反射光谱干涉条纹波形推算出薄膜厚度约为3.5μm,按此计算出生长速率高达2μm/h。

    The film thickness was 3.5 m and the growth rate was up to 2 m / h according to the interference pattern in infrared reflectance ( IR ) spectrum .

  9. 最后,应用MATLAB软件,采用数字模拟的方法进行了研究,同样得到了干涉条纹图。

    At last , the method of the digital simulation has been used in the research of the speckle photography based on MATLAB . The speckle interferogram is also obtained .

  10. 量块检测过程中,高于二等和K级的量块工作长度就必须借助绝对测量。利用条纹法、二维FFT法和莫尔条纹法可以准确得到干涉条纹小数部分。

    In the measurement process of the gauge block , higher than the second grade and K level gauge length must be measured with the interference absolute method .

  11. 利用计算机对轴对称介质折射率变化的全息CT干涉条纹进行模拟研究,并给出模拟研究的应用实例。

    Based on this method , simulated study on calculating the variation of deflection index of an axis symmetry media is made by computer and the example of application is also presented in this paper .

  12. 在钠光源照射下,利用CCD摄像机采集芯片和基准面之间的等厚干涉条纹。

    A sodium lamp illuminates the system , and the fringe patterns generated by the interference of the chip and the reference surface are captured by a CCD camera .

  13. 当用两块平板玻璃制作出的空气劈尖顶角发生变化时,应用CCD可观察到劈尖表面移动的干涉条纹。

    When the angle of an air wedge which is formed by two flat glass plates is changed , the moving interference fringes would be observed by means of CCD .

  14. 本文最后采用FFT方法对激光等离子体干涉条纹进行了波面重建,比较了FFT两种重建算法对激光等离子体干涉条纹重建的效果,并分析了其中的原因。

    Compare the effects using two different FFT methods and analyze the reasons why they affect the quality of interference fringes of laser plasma on the reconstruction results .

  15. 文中简要地介绍了CCD探测器用于大色散光谱观测中干涉条纹产生的原因,为什么需要平场,消除干涉条纹和平场的原理。

    The reasons and methods of the optical interfernce effects caused by the CCD , when used to obtain a high dispersion spectrum , and the correction to the flat fields are also introduced .

  16. 用OCV细分干涉条纹技术的研究

    The study of the fine dividing technique for unity interference fringe by using OCV

  17. 本文提出了用CCD(电荷耦合)器件作为传感器,对激光干涉条纹进行自动检测并与微机联机处理,实现了激光干涉条纹图象的拍摄、检测计量、计算处理的连续化、自动化。

    CCD is used as a sensor to detect automatically the laser interference fringes of arc plasma . The continuity and automatization of plasma interferometry process including photogrammetry , measuring and accounting have been realized .

  18. 研究降低高分辨率InSAR(?)低相干区域的影响,对提高干涉条纹图解缠效果,获取高精度DEM数据有重要作用,对复杂地形、特殊地貌区域的测图有重要意义。

    The research on reducing the impact of low-coherence region in high-resolution InSAR plays a pivotal role in improving the effect of interferogram unwrapping results and obtaining high-precision DEM data .

  19. ESPI干涉条纹总是首先在应力最大的位置萌生,然后向低应力区传播。

    ESPI fringes is always first in the location of the greatest stress initiation , and then spread to the low-stress zone .

  20. 提出了用于InSAR干涉条纹图的等值线窗口滤波法并对其进行了深入研究,从理论和实验上都证明了该滤波方法优于正余弦滤波法和Lee滤波方法。

    The application of CWF for InSAR fringes are proposed and well studied . This filter is proved theoretically and experimentally to be better than both the sine / cosine filter and the Lee filter .

  21. 针对散斑干涉条纹图具有很强颗粒噪声的特点,提出了改进的各向异性扩散方程ESPI条纹图去噪方法。

    Due to the serious speckle grain random noise in speckle interferometry , an improved anisotropic diffusion is presented for ESPI fringe pattern denoising in this paper .

  22. 介绍了利用CCD固体摄像传感器和奔腾微机测量干涉条纹的方法,介绍了干涉条纹数字图像检测的原理和软件设计思想。

    A new method for the measurement of interference fringes by using a CCD solid state image sensor and a Pentium PC is introduced in this article . The principles of the digital image detection of interference fringes and the software designation are described .

  23. 同在时间上采用的多次平均的方法相比较,投影法相当于采用了空间上的平均,消除了CCD表面保护玻璃形成的干涉条纹的影响,对空气扰动也起到了很好的抑制作用。

    Compared with the mean method in time , the projecting method uses the mean method in space . So , the method can eliminate the effect of interference fringe introduced by the window glass of a CCD and also the air turbulence are averaged .

  24. 根据系统的同步控制要求,提出了MEMS微结构三维运动测量同步控制方法,实现高频高速运动物体在运动周期内不同时刻视觉图或干涉条纹图的自动采集。

    Based on the testing principle and the requirements for synchronous – control of the dynamic measurement system for MEMS microstructures , a control method based on computer is proposed to automatically realize vision images or interferograms acquisition for moving device with high frequency .

  25. 根据UVVISNIR光谱中的干涉条纹,计算出了Y射线辐照下a-SiC:H薄膜的折射率及其变化趋势,并由此得出Y射线辐照导致其氢含量变小及红外透过率变小的结论。

    The refractive index and the changing behaviour of the a-SiC : H films were calculated by using UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy interference wave and it was found that the hydrogen content and IR transmittance were decreased with Y rays irradiation dose .

  26. 针对相位解缠前的结果,本文选择了现有的Goldstein枝切法、未加权最小二乘法、PCG算法对干涉条纹进行研究。

    According to the interferograms whose phase are wrapped , many existing algorithms are chose to investigate the interferograms in this paper , such as Goldstein branch-cut algorithm , unweighted least-square algorithm and PCG algorithm .

  27. ESPI条纹图相位场直接反映物体变形信息,研究了条纹中心线法、相移法、载波法和单幅ESPI干涉条纹图提取相位的不同方法。

    As the phase field of ESPI fringe patter reflects the deformation of object directly , the fringe-centerline method , phase shifting technology , carrier method and phase extraction method of an ESPI fringe pattern are studied .

  28. 针对经典Hilditch细化算法处理干涉条纹有过多的毛刺和断点的不足的问题,提出了改进的Hilditch细化算法。

    An improved Hilditch thinning algorithm is proposed in order to solve the limitation of the classic Hilditch thinning algorithm with a lot of breakings and bristles .

  29. 分析过程借助于数字图像处理技术,完成对干涉条纹的处理和对条纹有效信息的采样,最终通过Zernike多项式拟合被测波前,从而得出被测元件的面形信息。

    Through analysis of digital image processing technology , interference fringes are processed , the effective information of fringe are sampled . Eventually , through the Zernike polynomials to fit under measured wavefront , the surface shape information under measured component is obtained .

  30. 根据两幅干涉条纹数据形成的X-Y图,提出一种基于四象限内各象限数据点数目与X-Y图整体旋转方向分别提取相差与相移方向的快速算法。

    A fast arithmetic is present to get phase difference and direction . Its basic idea is based on the number of every quadrant data points and the whole rotation direction of all points according to X-Y graph of two interference fringe pattern .