
  • 网络Interferometry
  1. 研究空气动力流动的激光全息干涉测量法

    Laser Holographic Interferometry for the Study of Aerodynamic Flows

  2. 此传感方法可称为低相干或白光干涉测量法。

    This sensing method is termed " low coherence " or " white light " interferometry .

  3. 高温条件下激光干涉测量法对J积分的初步测定

    Preliminary determination of J-integral by laser interferometric measurement at high temperature

  4. 超短脉冲激光传输及X射线干涉测量法在激光等离子体电子密度测量中的理论研究

    Theoretical Investigation of Propagation of Ultrashort Pulsed Beam and " X-ray Interferometry " in Diagnostics of the Electron Density of Laser Produced Plasma

  5. 高双折射光纤双折射参数的精密干涉测量法

    Precision Interferometric Measurement of Modal Birefringence in High - Birefringent Fiber

  6. 双剪切波面干涉测量法双轴向疲劳试件的稳定性分析


  7. 高双折射光纤中模式耦合空间分布的干涉测量法

    Measurement of spatial distribution of mode coupling in high-birefringent fiber by interferometry

  8. 国外用于位置和振动测量的激光干涉测量法

    The Laser Interferometer for Measurement of Displacement and Vibration Abroad

  9. 光纤低相干干涉测量法的光谱域处理技术

    Spectral Domain Processing of Optical Fiber Low Coherence Interferometry

  10. 多波长干涉测量法适用于纳米级微间距的实时动态非接触测量。

    The multi-wavelength interferometry can be used for real-time and untouched measurement for nanometer scale spacing .

  11. 本文介绍的是用于工业机器人检验的激光干涉测量法。

    This paper introduces the laser interferometer for measurement of displacement and vibration for industrial robot .

  12. 双剪切波面干涉测量法

    Double - Shearing Wavefront Testing

  13. 空间甚长基线干涉测量法

    Space very long baseline interferometry

  14. X光底片在位相对标定半导体激光器相对光频偏的干涉测量法

    AN IN-SITU RELATIVE CALIBRATION FOR X-RAY FILM Research of Interference Measuring Method for Frequency Fluctuation of LD

  15. 正弦相位调制干涉测量法是对参考光束进行正弦相位调制,并对干涉信号进行分析,求出被测物体物理量的方法。

    The sinusoidal phase-modulating ( SPM ) interferometry is that physical quantities are measured by analyzing interference signal with reference beams sinusoidal phase-modulated .

  16. 在各种不同的光学方法中,干涉测量法具有分辨率高和动态范围大的优点。

    There are a variety of optical methods among which the interference measurement has the advantage of high resolution and wide dynamic range .

  17. 实验中采用时间平均干涉测量法,得到了不同振动频率下物体的干涉图形。

    Time average interference measurement method is used in the experiment , and the vibration interference patterns of the object with different vibrating frequencies is obtained .

  18. 基于激光跟踪干涉测量法建立的柔性三坐标测量系统能够有效地解决运动物体(如机器人手臂、数控机床刀具)空间位置测量,并且有望获得高的精度。

    Flexible coordinate measuring system based on laser tracking interferometry principle is an effective method to detect 3D coordinate of moving targets ( such as robot effectors and machine tools ) and possible to get high accuracy .

  19. 文章介绍了两种常用的数控机床定位误差测量方法:一维球列法和激光干涉仪测量法的原理。

    This paper presents the principle of positioning errors measurement methods by using 1-D ball array and laser interferometer .

  20. 同时,通过对一台数控铣床的测量后,发现激光干涉仪测量法更适合于机床定位精度的快速评定。

    Meanwhile , we found that the latter one is more suitable for measuring machine tools linear positioning accuracy after inspecting a vertical milling machine by using the laser interferometer .

  21. 小角度干涉条纹移动测量法

    Measurment of Small Angle by Moving Interference Fringe Method

  22. 总结了超短激光脉冲的测量技术,重点研究了干涉自相关测量法;

    The types of the measurement for ultrashort laser pulse is generalized and the interferometric autocorrelation is expatiated ;

  23. 基于ADS星载天线的建模与干涉仪测向仿真分析空间甚长基线干涉测量法

    Modeling of Space-borne Antenna Based on ADS and Simulation Analysis on Interferometer Direction Finding