
  • 网络Remote sensing satellite;remote-sensing satellite;IRS;QuickBird;ADEOS
  1. 设计了基于HLA的分布式交互的遥感卫星应用分析联邦成员。

    A distributed interactive federate member of application and analysis for remote sensing satellite is designed based on HLA .

  2. CBERS遥感卫星地面接收系统为X/S双波段自动跟踪系统。

    CBERS remote sensing satellite ground receiving system is X / S two band autotracking system .

  3. 基于XML的海洋遥感卫星数据规范化研究

    Standardization research of marine remote sensing data based on XML

  4. 对线阵CCD遥感卫星的轨道进行了设计。

    Design the orbit of CCD remote - satellite .

  5. 遥感卫星CCD相机数据的系统几何校正

    Geometric Correction of CCD Camera Data from Satellite

  6. 法国遥感卫星SPOT数据1A级预处理技术

    Level 1A pre-processing technology of the data from French satellite spot

  7. RS编码与卷积编码级连在遥感卫星数据传输中的应用

    An Analysis on Specification of Remote Sensing Satellite Transmission Channel Coding Adopting Reed-Solomon and Convolutional Coding

  8. 利用MODIS遥感卫星影像反演研究区地表温度;

    The land surface temperature of the study area was retrieved using the MODIS data ;

  9. 高分辨率遥感卫星立体影像RPC模型定位的算法及其优化

    The positioning algorithm based on RPC model and its optimizing of stereo images from high resolution remote sensing satellites

  10. 基于CCSDS标准的遥感卫星下行数据纠错校验技术

    Error Correction Technology Based on CCSDS Standard for Remote Sensing Satellite

  11. 再次,由于建立数字地球需要用到大量矢量格式的图像,而遥感卫星图像是栅格格式,因此本文提出了一种将栅格图像转换为标准的ShapeFile格式矢量文件的方法。

    Secondly , to build the digit earth , people need many vectorial images . Remote sensing images are grid images , so this paper presents a algorithm to convert grid images to standard Shape File format vector files .

  12. 遥感卫星图像处理中的一种新方法&二维RGS法

    A New Method of Correction for Satellite Remotely Sensed Data ── 2D-RGS Method

  13. 这些数据包括一些实测的土壤和植被的数据以及陆地卫星Landsat和欧洲遥感卫星ERS遥感影像。

    The data sets include the images from Landsat and ERS satellites as well as some ground based soil and plant measurements .

  14. 介绍了天基雷达的三种类型:第一种交会雷达、第二种遥感卫星上的合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像雷达、第三种天基监视雷达,该雷达目前正在大力开发。

    In this paper , the following three kinds of space-based radar are described : rendezvous radar , SAR on the remote-sensing satellite and the space-based surveillance radar which is being developing vigorously at present .

  15. 海洋一号(HY-1)卫星是中国第一颗海洋环境遥感卫星。

    The HY-1 satellite is the first satellite for remote sensing of ocean environment in China .

  16. 例如,英格兰Surrey大学建立了一个公司,如今出售冰箱大小的遥感卫星。

    For example , England 's University of Surrey spun out a company that today sells remote-sensing satellites about the size of a refrigerator .

  17. 本文介绍了采用大幅遥感卫星照片和DEM数据生成真实场景和使用IRISPerformer开发工具,实时绘制真实场景的技术;

    This paper introduces a technology that large remote sensing satellite image as texture and DEM data are used in generating reality scene and IRIS Performer develop tool is used in real-time rendering reality scene .

  18. 首先讨论了遥感卫星高速数据中频接收解调系统的应用背景,然后介绍了一种新型多速率中频QPSK解调器的组成和工作原理,并给出了该设备的性能测试方法和测试结果。

    The applied background of high-data-rate demodulator is discussed and the composition and operation principle of a new multirate Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( QPSK ) demodulator is introduced .

  19. Kulkarni的研究组把来自印度两颗遥感卫星的数据与实地观测数据结合起来。

    Kulkarni 's team combined data from two Indian remote sensing satellites with field observations .

  20. 例如,印度把它的印度遥感卫星系统(IRS)设计用于土地使用监测和生态监测与INSAT(印度国家卫星系统)通讯卫星结合了起来。

    Indian Remote Sensing satellite system ( IRS ) designed for land use and ecological monitoring with the INSAT ( Indian National Satellite System ) communications satellites .

  21. 本文针对中国科学院遥感卫星地面站CBERS接收系统给出系统G/T值测量需要的射电源流量密度和修正系数计算公式以及测量误差分析。

    Based on CBERS receiving system of Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station , Chinese Academy of Sciences , this paper gives the equations of radio sources flux density and correction factors needed by G / T measurement , and measurement error analysis .

  22. 他们把两颗印度遥感卫星IRS-P6和IRS-1D的数据结合了起来,再加上实地观测。

    They combined data from two Indian remote sensing satellites , IRS-P6 and IRS-1D , with field observations .

  23. 卫星图像采用美国的LANDSAT卫星的TM卫片,但本方法可用于其他的海洋水色遥感卫星,如最近发射的SeaWiFS。

    This study used the Landsat Thematic Mapper , but the method is transferable to any ocean color-sensing satellite sensor , such as the recently launched Sea-viewing Wide Field-of - view Sensor ( SeaWiFS ) .

  24. 通过对遥感卫星资料中云和雪的光谱特征的分析,提出利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)红外、可见光谱段数据进行云、雪检测和分离的方法;

    This article analyzes the spectrum characteristic of the cloud and snow by means of the remote sensing satellite data , and presents the examination and separation methods by using the medium-resolution image formation spectroscope ( MODIS ) and infrared and visible spectrum section data .

  25. 应用表明该SSIE中间件满足遥感卫星天地一体化仿真系统的功能需求,能较好的支持仿真环境的运行。

    The appliance of this simulation system shows the SSIE middleware can satisfy the requirement of application system for designing remote sensing satellite and support the SSIE run smoothly .

  26. 本文简要介绍了CCSDS和EOSDIS的技术背景,详细阐述了CCSDS制定的关于信道编码和数据传输的标准;并且结合研制的EOS-AM遥感卫星数据接收机,分析了解调和编解码的关键技术。

    This paper briefly introduces the technical backgrounds of the CCSDS and the EOSDIS , particularly expatiates the standard of channel coding and transmission , and comprehensively analyzes the key technology of demodulation and coding through developing the EOS-AM remote sensing satellite data receiver . [ WT5HZ ]

  27. 遥感卫星数据记录系统误码测试技术研究

    BER Testing Technology Research in Remote Sensing Satellite Data Recording System

  28. 遥感卫星图像几何粗校正的数据并行方法研究

    A Data Parallel Algorithm on Geometric Correction of Remote-Sensing Satellite Images

  29. 高速遥感卫星信号接口技术的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of High-Speed Remote Sensing Satellite Data Level Translator

  30. 遥感卫星地面系统面向服务流程管理研究

    Research on Service-oriented Workflow Management for Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Systems