
  • 网络flight attendant
  1. 我觉得当一名机组乘务员挺有趣的。

    I think it 's very interesting being a flight attendant .

  2. 外国人:我是机组乘务员。我是来这里度假的。

    Foreigner : I 'm a flight attendant and I 'm here on vacation .

  3. 如今,机组乘务员的主要职责,就是确保乘客们的安全。

    Now flight attendants are on board primarily for the safety of passengers .

  4. 航空机组乘务员自动排班系统中的算法应用

    Application of Algorithm in Airline Crew Rostering System

  5. 我发现最重要的要求是说好英语,所以我在成为机组乘务员之前在汉德森语言学校学了五年英语。

    I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well , so I studied English at the Henderson Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant .