
jī ɡuān bào
  • organ;the official newspaper of a political party, a government, etc.
机关报 [jī guān bào]
  • [organ;official newspaper] 报纸的一种,由国家、政党或群众组织出版发行

  1. 这份报纸是工党的正式机关报。

    This paper is the official organ of the socialist party .

  2. 他们决定关闭这家独立经营的报纸,然后将它办成政府的机关报。

    They decided to close the independent newspaper and launch it again as a government organ .

  3. 《苏报》也高举革命之旗,成为革命团体的机关报。

    Thus , Su Newspaper became the spokesman of the revolutionary organization .

  4. 浅谈晚报的信息服务机关报:如何传递企业品牌价值

    On Information Service of Evening Paper Tactics to Deliver Corporate Brand Value

  5. 星期五将重机关报公布比赛结果。

    There will be a repeat announcement of this result on Friday .

  6. 这是最机关报款式,非常流行。

    It 's the latest thing , very popular .

  7. 审查同意的,由审查机关报中国专利局审批。

    Upon agreement , the examining authorities shall report the applications to CAP for approval .

  8. 他就得退回起点线重机关报起航。

    He 'll have to come back behind the starting line to begin his sail again .

  9. 机关报晚报前景分析

    On the Prospect of Organ-evening Papers

  10. 三是推动司法活动健康发展的新闻舆论监督机制。长期以来,我们似乎片面地理解了党对新闻机构的领导,机关报成了唯一的舆论传媒工具。

    Third , pushing the press supervising mechanism for the activity of the administration of justice .

  11. 机关报:如何传递企业品牌价值

    Tactics to Deliver Corporate Brand Value

  12. 这是今年最流行的款式,最畅销的万能照相机。这是最机关报款式,非常流行。

    This is the Best-selling all-purpose camera in the most pop style this year . It 's the latest thing , very popular .

  13. “这些狗当然拉得动后面这机关报奇玩意儿整天跑啦。”另一个人肯定地说。

    " And of course the dogs can hike along all day with that contraption behind them ," affirmed a second of the men .

  14. 组织构架以卫生防疫站与政府机关报构成联合主体,辅以支持性、协作性机构。

    Methods Framework : The main body is composed of the Hygiene and Anti-epidemics Station and the Government Newspaper Office , some administrations are complement .

  15. 可以把一组这机关报档案收集并打印出来。存储本档案的计算机程序已经研制完备。

    It is possible to have a group of these records collected and printed . Computer programs for storing whole texts are already well developed .

  16. 中国,党报(含党刊,下同)作为各级党组织的机关报,一直引领着中国社会主义新闻事业的方向,在各个历史时期都发挥着重要作用。

    In China , CPC newspaper ( including magazines ), as organ-newspaper , has been leading the direction of Chinese socialist journalism in every historical era .

  17. 如果风声中有两党政治的信息,一定是一些党的机关报上抢先发表了的。

    If it had concerned either of the political parties , depend upon it , it would have appeared in the Gazette with the earliest intelligence .

  18. 赣南《正气日报》创刊于1941年10月,是时任江西省第四区行政督察专员的蒋经国创办的一份专员公署机关报。

    Zhengqi Daily was launched by Chiang Ching-kuo in south Jiangxi who was the chief inspector of the Fourth District in Jiangxi , in October 1941 .

  19. 这种机关报晚报的个案分析将有助于观照其他市级机关报晚报的现状,对其认识也会更加清晰。

    The individual case analysis of current situation of this organ newspaper will benefit Changsha Evening Daily better understands its development by referring to other municipal organ newspapers .

  20. 不要整天躺在床上,起来做点工作。他就得退回起点线重机关报起航。

    Dont lie in bed all day . Get up and do some work . He 'll have to come back behind the starting line to begin his sail again .

  21. 在生活中,常常会发生这机关报事情,有些聪明的人说自己愚笨,有才干的人说自己无能,学识渊博的人说自己浅陋。

    In life , often what will happen this organ , and some smart people say they stupid , talented people who say they incompetent , knowledgeable people who say they shallow .

  22. 《中国体育报》是新中国最早的专业体育报纸,作为国家体委的机关报,曾经长时间占据体育报纸的领先地位。

    China Sports Daily was the first professional sports newspaper in China . As the official newspaper of the National Sports Commission , it has long been occupied the leading position in sports newspaper .

  23. 《体坛周报》是脱胎于湖南省体委机关报的一份体育报纸,但在创刊后比较短的时间从地方性小报发展为全国最大的体育报纸。

    Titan Sports was born out of a newspaper created by Hunan Sports Commission . However , it transformed from a small local tabloid to the largest sports newspaper in a short period of time .

  24. 周一,中共机关报《人民日报》头版发表对“权威人士”的采访,称中国不断飙升的债务水平可能导致“系统性金融风险”。

    On Monday , Communist party mouthpiece the People 's Daily carried a front-page interview with an " authoritative figure , " who said the country 's soaring debt levels could lead to " systemic financial risks . "

  25. 内部因素总结为:从信源出发和从受众出发的新闻生产理念差异和机关报与市场报的报刊经营管理模式的差异。

    The internal factors are the difference in the concept of news production between starting from the source and from the audience and the difference in the newspaper marketing and management method between official newspaper and market newspaper .

  26. 本文以上海和云南668名受众和《人民日报》以及两地党的机关报和晚报为研究对象,首次检验了我国受众议程与大众传媒议程及其关系。

    Through a study of the People 's Daily and both of the audience and the newspapers in Shanghai and Yunnan , for the first time this thesis examines specialties and relationships between the media agenda and the audience agenda setting in China .

  27. 《南方都市报》作为广东省委机关报《南方日报》的子报,于1995年创刊时是周报,1997年改为日报,成为面向珠江三角洲城市群的综合性日报。

    As the subsidiary of the Southern Daily , Southern Metropolis Daily was founded in 1995 when it was a weekly newspaper . In 1997 , Southern Metropolis Daily has become a comprehensive daily newspaper which takes the Pearl River Delta Region as its target market .

  28. 经当地交通管理机关证明报由税务机关核准停驶、拆毁的车、船;

    Vehicles and vessels certified by the respective local transport administration offices and verified and approved by the tax authorities that they are no longer in use or have been dismantled ;

  29. 各省级主管税务机关将批准情况报财政部、国家税务总局备案。

    The provincial taxation authorities shall file the approval with the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation .

  30. 上述注册登记完成后,对注册登记内容的任何变更,均应经审批机关同意,并报登记机关备案。

    After the registration is completed , any changes to the registration information shall be approved by the authorities concerned , and shall be reported to the registry for registration .