
  • 网络Changhua;changhua county
  1. 民航局与飞安会官员二○○七年九月十六日于彰化县一架轻航机坠毁地点搜集证据。

    Officials from the Civil Aviation Administration and the Aviation Safety Council gather evidence in Changhua County where an ultralight aircraft crashed on Sept.16,2007 .

  2. 六支来自台中县市、彰化县、南投县的队伍参加了比赛,地主队彰化县队拿下第三名。

    Six teams from Taichung city and county , Changhua and Nantou counties took part in the race , with the host Changhua County team placing third .

  3. 1721年,增设“巡视台湾监察御史”,改“分巡台厦兵备道”为“分巡台厦道”。尔后又增设“彰化县”和“淡水厅”。

    In1721an Office of imperial supervisor of inspecting Taiwan was created and the taiwan-xiamen patrol command was renamed Prefecture administration of Taiwan and xiamen , incorporating the subsequently-created Zhanghua county and Danshui canton .

  4. 与桃园机场衔接的捷运线路将于2015年开通,之后会开通与苗栗县、彰化县和云林县相连的新高铁。苗栗县离雪霸国家公园不远,云林县是探索台湾荒野的出发点。

    A mass rapid transit link to Taoyuan Airport opens in 2015 , followed by new high-speed connections to Miaoli , near Shei-Pa National Park , and Changhua and Yunlin - jumping off points to explore Taiwan 's wilderness .