
  • 网络Freshwater ecosystem;fresh water ecosystem
  1. 这是因为淡水生态系统和人类活动密切相关。

    That 's because freshwater ecosystems are so closely linked to human activity .

  2. 湖泊、沼泽与河流等淡水生态系统中存在一些对紫外光敏感的磷化合物,它们在紫外光(或太阳光)的作用下释放正磷酸根。

    In freshwater ecosystems , some kinds of widely distributed UV sensitive P compounds ( UVSP ) can release orthophophate when irradiated by UV or sunlight .

  3. 进而说明淡水生态系统倾向于呈现出非平稳特性,而不是平稳特性。

    Freshwater ecosystems were more likely to be nonstationary , instead of stationary .

  4. 目前,水体重金属、农药污染以及重金属与农药间的复合污染已成为淡水生态系统中存在的重要环境问题。

    At present , the pollutions of heavy metals , pesticides and their mixtures are the main environmental problems in fresh water .

  5. 其次,论述水生生态系统对全球变化的调节作用,主要包括淡水生态系统对全球变化的调节作用以及海洋生态系统对全球变化的调节作用;

    Then , the adjustment action of aquatic ecosystem for global change is discussed , mostly included the adjustments of freshwater and ocean ecosystem for global change ;

  6. 所有这些淡水生态系统可以在一个分水岭中被发现&那是一套可以把比如大湖泊或者海洋这样单一的水域排干的栖息地。

    All the freshwater ecosystems can be found within a watershed & a set of habitats that drain into a single body of water such as a big lake or the ocean .

  7. 在2014年,新不伦瑞克大学的研究人员公布了一项已经进行了数十年的研究成果:他们观察了废水的处理过程和其对淡水生态系统的影响,并且发现,即使环境中微量的雌性激素都会摧毁整个海洋物种。

    In 2014 , researchers at the University of New Brunswick released the results of a study that had been going on for several decades . They were looking at wastewater treatment and its impact on freshwater ecosystems , and they found that even trace amounts of estrogen in the environment can wipe out entire species .

  8. 该保护区具有丰富的生物多样性,主要保护对象为国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级鸟类及内陆淡水湿地生态系统。

    The reserve has the rich biodiversity . National level ⅰ and ⅱ birds and Inland freshwater wetland ecological system is the main protection object .

  9. 本文报道罗非鱼不同放养密度对淡水微型生态系统结构与功能影响的部分研究结果。

    In this paper , the effect of varying densities of Nile tilapia , Oreochromis niloticus , on structure and function of freshwater microcosms is studied .

  10. 近年来,由于水体富营养化导致的蓝藻水华是威胁我国淡水湖泊生态系统平衡的主要生态灾害之一。

    In recent years , harmful algal bloom induced by lake eutrophication has become one of the worst ecological disaster to the fresh water ecosystems , especially in China .

  11. 本文用新的底泥耗氧速率的测定方法,探讨了此方法的精密度和水温及底泥中有机质对鱼池底泥耗氧速率的影响。淡水鱼池生态系统的悬浮物结构及有机碳库储量

    This paper concerns a new determination on the oxygen consumption rate in mud of fish ponds . The seston structure and storage of organic carbon pools in freshwater fish ponds

  12. 沉水植物是构建结构稳定、运行良好的淡水水体生态系统的关键因素,因此恢复和重建污染水体沉水植被是预防与治理水体富营养化工作的重要环节。

    According to the study , aquatic vegetation is a key factor for the construction of stable , well-functioning freshwater ecosystems . So , reconstruct-tion and restoration of aquatic vegetation is a very important part for the prevention and control of eutrophication .

  13. 衡水湖是华北平原惟一保存完整的内陆淡水湿地生态系统,生物多样性十分丰富,本文通过对衡水湖湿地水环境监测资料的收集整理,分析了衡水湖湿地水环境质量现状。

    Hengshui Lake is the only inland wetland ecosystem that has been preserved intact with rich biodiversity in the North China Plain . This paper analyzes the present quality of the water environment based on data gathered from water quality monitoring in Hengshui Lake wetland .

  14. 其他淡水和陆地生态系统也因污染而退化。

    Other freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems have been degraded by pollution .

  15. 水华:淡水或海洋生态系统中微生物迅速增长的现象,例如藻类造成的水华。

    Bloom A sudden growth of microorganisms in a freshwater or marine ecosystem , often known as an algal bloom .

  16. 对我国所剩为数不多的淡水湿地植物生态系统原生景观结构特征进行定量分析对于湿地保护与恢复具有重要意义。

    It is very significant to study both landscape pattern and its structure of plant communities in vast wild freshwater wetlands in China which are few in number .

  17. 船底附着生物的一种底栖生物(海底生物):在淡水或海洋生态系统底部生活的生物体。包括一些水底的植物和藻类。

    Benthos The organisms that live on the bottom sediments of freshwater and marine ecosystems . They include plants and algae ( phytobenthos ) that grow below low tide mark .

  18. 淡水真菌在生态系统中起着重要作用,它们能分解淡水中有机质,真菌生长产生的菌丝则可以成为水体中动物的食物而进入生态系统的食物链。

    Freshwater fungi play an important role in ecosystem . They can decompose organic substrata in freshwater , and their mycelium are involved into the food web when grazed by animals .

  19. 看来,长江中下游淡水湿地在陆地生态系统碳氮储存上具有重要意义。

    The wetlands in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River may have significance in C and N storage in the terrestrial ecosystem .

  20. 由于过度捕捞、环境污染以及人类活动导致的栖息地减少,巨型淡水鱼的数量不断萎缩,它们的命运成为淡水生态系统物种的一个写照。

    Increasingly rare because of fishing , pollution , and loss of habitat due to human activity , these so-called megafishes can be indicator species of aquatic ecoystems .