
  • 网络Argonne National Laboratory;anl;Argonne National Lab
  1. 阿贡国家实验室(ArgonneNationalLaboratory,简称ANL)的物理学教授SamuelBader表示,各种不同的稀土矿经常一起发现。

    Samuel Bader , a physicist at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago , says rare earths are often found together .

  2. 通用公司刚刚签了一个协议,可以使用政府资助的研究机构阿贡国家实验室新开发的锂离子电池新技术。

    The company has signed a license agreement to use lithium-ion battery technology developed at Argonne National Laboratory , a government-funded research facility .

  3. 来自美国阿贡国家实验室的托马斯·勒孔特是超导环场探测器(大型强子对撞器实验用)实验团队中的物理协调员。

    Thomas LeCompte of Argonne National Lab is the physics coordinator for what 's called the ATLAS experiment at the LHC .

  4. 根据中国汽车技术研究中心和美国能源部阿贡国家实验室的数据,中国的电动汽车销量首次超过美国。

    According to data from the China Automotive Technology Research Center and the Department of Energy 's Argonne National Laboratory , sales of electric cars in China surpassed sales of electric cars in the U.S. for the first time .