
  • 网络Alcatel-Lucent;ALU;Alcatel Lucent;Alcatel-Lucent SA;lucent
  1. 华为已经超越法国和美国合资公司阿尔卡特朗讯(alcatel-lucent),成为电信设备市场的第三大供应商,仅次于爱立信和诺基亚西门子。

    Huawei has already overtaken Alcatel-Lucent , the Franco-American company , to become number three in the equipment market after Ericsson and NSN .

  2. 美国的思科系统(CiscoSystems)和瞻博网络(JuniperNetworks)、法国的阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)和瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson)都使用中国生产的零部件,并且设备的最终组装至少有部分是在中国进行的。

    Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks in the U.S. , Alcatel-Lucent in France and Ericsson in Sweden , all use Chinese-made parts and carry out at least some portion of the final assembly of their equipment in China .

  3. 成立于1988年的华为迅速崛起为阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)和思科系统(CiscoSystemsInc。)等老牌网络设备供应商的强敌。

    Founded in1988 , Huawei has grown rapidly to become a major competitor to established network-equipment vendors like Alcatel-Lucent and Cisco Systems Inc.

  4. 过去数年中,华为在电信设备市场上的表现超越了诺基亚公司(NokiaCorp.)和阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-LucentSA)等许多西方竞争对手。

    Over the past several years , Huawei has outpaced many Western rivals in the telecom equipment market such as Nokia Corp. and Alcatel-Lucent SA .

  5. 包括阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、爱立信(Ericsson)和华为在内,中兴通讯在全世界的主要竞争对手最近全都对整个行业给出了悲观的预测。

    ZTE 's main global rivals , including Alcatel-Lucent , Ericsson and Huawei , have all recently offered gloomy forecasts for the sector .

  6. 外国投资委员会与其它非美国公司如阿尔卡特朗讯(AlcatelLucent)谈判达成的缓和协议,包含有关雇员筛查和第三方审计的规定。

    Mitigation agreements negotiated by Cfius with other non-US companies , including Alcatel Lucent , include rules on employee screening and third-party audits .

  7. 阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)表示将无法实现2012年的利润目标。中国的中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTE,简称:中兴通讯)发布盈利预警,称上半年利润可能下滑60%至80%。

    Alcatel-Lucent said it will miss its 2012 profit target and China 's ZTE warned first-half profits could be down 60 % to 80 % .

  8. 阿尔卡特朗讯的北美业务总部,位于朗讯在新泽西州梅山(MurrayHill)的遗留部门附近。众所周知,法国上一任经济部长阿诺·蒙特布尔(ArnaudMontebourg)对于让法国公司受外国控制的交易,一向持批判态度。

    France 's previous economy minister , Arnaud Montebourg , was known for taking a critical view of deals that would lead to French companies passing under foreign control .

  9. 华为的这种开放态度是以近年来华为在欧洲面临的审查为背景的。华为在欧洲的扩张使当地竞争对手大受打击,其中包括瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson)和法国的阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)。

    Huawei 's new openness comes as the company in recent years has faced scrutiny in Europe , where its growth has buffeted competitors , including Sweden 's Ericsson and France 's Alcatel-Lucent .

  10. 伦敦&芬兰电信公司诺基亚(Nokia)周三表示,已同意以全股票方式收购法国竞争对手阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent),对后者估值为156亿欧元(约合1027亿元人民币)。

    LONDON & The Finnish telecommunications company Nokia said on Wednesday that it had agreed to an all-share takeover of Alcatel-Lucent that valued its French rival at 15.6 billion euros , or about $ 16.6 billion .

  11. 伦敦——芬兰电信公司诺基亚(Nokia)周三表示,已同意以全股票方式收购法国竞争对手阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent),对后者估值为156亿欧元(约合1027亿元人民币)。

    LONDON - The Finnish telecommunications company Nokia said on Wednesday that it had agreed to an all-share takeover of Alcatel-Lucent that valued its French rival at 15.6 billion euros , or about $ 16.6 billion .

  12. 关于作者:ManjunathRNaganna目前供职于阿尔卡特朗讯公司,担任高级软件工程师一职,尤其专注基于Java/J2EE的企业应用设计与实现。

    Bio : Manjunath R Naganna is working in Alcatel Lucent as Senior Software Engineer with a specialization in the design and implementation of enterprise applications using Java / J2EE .

  13. 正是因为以上原因,行业内的两个最大参与者,芬兰公司诺基亚(Nokia)和法美两国合资的竞争对手阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent),正在为两家公司的合并进行最后阶段的谈判。

    That is why two of the industry 's biggest players , the Finnish company Nokia and its French-American rival , Alcatel-Lucent , are in advanced talks toward a merger that would make the combined companies the world 's second-biggest network equipment maker .

  14. 此前不久,阿尔卡特朗讯(AlcatelLucent)警告称第二季度将发生4000万欧元的营业亏损,而规模小于华为的中国同类企业中兴通讯(ZTE)则表示,预计今年上半年净利润将较一年前的7.693亿元人民币下降60%至80%

    Just days before , Alcatel Lucent had warned of a � 40m operating loss in the second quarter , and ZTE , Huawei 's smaller Chinese peer , said it expected first-half earnings to plummet 60 to 80 per cent from Rmb769.3m a year ago .

  15. 在最新的招标中,华为赢得了其中31%的份额,总部同样驻深圳的中兴(ZTE)赢得了34%,而包括爱立信(Ericsson)和阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)在内的西方企业则各自赢得了9%的份额。

    Chinese telecoms equipment makers have been boosted most from China 's push to upgrade its networks to 4G - Huawei won 31 per cent of the latest tender and ZTE , also based in Shenzhen , won 34 per cent . Western companies such as Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent each secured shares of 9 per cent .

  16. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区致力于维持客户的信任与尊重。

    Alcatel-Lucent China is committed to maintaining our customers'trust and respect .

  17. 诺基亚和阿尔卡特朗讯本身就是行业整合的结果。

    Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent are themselves the result of consolidations .

  18. 诺基亚和阿尔卡特朗讯的合并是迟早的事。

    A combination of Nokia and Alcatel was bound to happen at some point .

  19. 阿尔卡特朗讯通过改变全球的通信方式,致力于丰富人们的通信和生活。

    Alcatel-Lucent 's vision is to enrich people 's lives by transforming the way the world communicates .

  20. 阿尔卡特朗讯在130多个国家有业务运营,也同许多其它全球企业一样,其工作语言是英语。

    Alcatel-Lucent operates in130 countries , and like many global enterprises , its language of business is English .

  21. 阿尔卡特朗讯和诺基亚一起,意在引领下一代网络科技与服务,苏瑞说。

    Together , Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia intend to lead in next-generation network technology and services , Mr. Suri said .

  22. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的资产(包含电子系统或设备)不可用于个人获利。

    Alcatel-Lucent China 's assets , including electronic systems or devices , may not be used for personal gain .

  23. 欧洲早盘,诺基亚股价上涨了3.1%,阿尔卡特朗讯下跌了10.9%。

    In early trading in Europe , shares of Nokia rose 3.1 percent while shares of Alcatel-Lucent fell 10.9 percent .

  24. 贝尔实验室现在是法国阿尔卡特朗讯的一部分,正几乎全面转向开发。

    Bell labs , now a part of france 's alcatel-lucent , is turning its attention almost entirely towards development .

  25. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的员工,无论是团队还是个人,都对其行为、活动和结果负责。

    Alcatel-Lucent China 's employees are all accountable , individually and in teams , for their behavior , actions and results .

  26. 周二,诺基亚股价在赫尔辛基股市下跌超过4%,而阿尔卡特朗讯的股价在巴黎股市上扬16%。

    Nokia shares fell more than 4 percent in Helsinki on Tuesday , while shares of Alcatel-Lucent jumped 16 percent in Paris .

  27. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区开展公正、有力的竞争,并在竞争中遵循适用的反不正当竞争法案,从而确保公司依靠实力提供产品和服务。

    Alcatel-Lucent China competes vigorously and fairly and complies with applicable anti-competition laws to ensure our goods and services are provided on their merits .

  28. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的每位员工都有责任正确地记录和报告财务数据,并确保财务记录的完整性。

    Each Alcatel-Lucent China 's employee is responsible for the accurate recording and reporting of financial data and the integrity of our financial records .

  29. 诺基亚表示,两家公司正在就一项协议进行讨论,该协议很可能包括诺基亚用自己的股份,来交换阿尔卡特朗讯股份的内容。

    Nokia said the companies were discussing a deal that would most likely include Nokia offering its own shares in exchange for shares of Alcatel-Lucent .

  30. 此政策适用于阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的所有业务组织、区域和职能部门,并适用于公司的所有员工、管理人员及高层主管。

    This policy applies to all business groups , regions and corporate functions , and to all employees , officers and directors of Alcatel-Lucent China .