- 名moisture content

Effect of fiber moisture content on the properties of the EPOXY-ACID anhydride matrix CFRP
Owing to the increase of moisture content in working medium entering the gasturbine of the humid air turbine ( HAT ) cycle , the performance of said turbine may be greatly varied .
Simulating the water chiller performance under different outdoor conditions , concludes that the absolute humidity of outdoor air has the most sensitive impact on COP .
Suppositional critical properties Pc 、 Vc 、 Tc of moist air are given for humidity ratios from 0.01 to 0.445 mol / molh-air by the help of Van der waals mixing-rule .
From the results , we concluded that air humidity at the humidifier outlet and the specific power in the IG HAT cycle were enhanced greatly compared to the HAT cycle .
The experimental results are as fellows : O 2 humidity has effect on discharging V I character , and the stable corona can be seen through adjusting flux and humidity .
The balanced moisture of porous material is researched . Based on the GAUSS model , the relationship between the material moisture content and air relative humidity , namely the moisture storage function , in the whole material moisture content is studied .
Desulfurization efficiency added with the enhance of Ca / S molar ratio , flue gas humidity , the moisture content of calcium sorbent , desulfurization efficiency also increased after adding activated vapor , superinducing additive ( FA ), inflicting applied voltage .
The effects of the bed loading , velocity of the gas passing through the bed , relative humidity of the gas , and the sulfur dioxide concentration in the inlet gas on the effeciency of sulfur removal have been investigated in particular .
The mathematical model of drying property in VFB dryer is established on the basis of analysis of heat and mass transfer in drying process . The formulas to calculate the exit moisture content and temperature of drying material are derived .
The prediction of solar radiation and humidity ratio is also discussed .
By Mothod to Determine Moisture Content of Smoke of Coal Fired Boilers
Study on Reduction of Moisture in Fine Coal Powder
Research on main factors affected to moisture content of fine coal filtration cake
Empirical formula of temperature and saturated humidity ratio
Preliminary Study on Mathematical Model on Heat and Moisture Transfer in Wood during Hot-Pressing
The new type filter can efficiently purify air and improve the air quality .
Analytic calculation of CONTAINING-MOISTURE capacity in moist air
Effects of Moisture Contents and Fibers on Properties of High Performance Concrete at High Temperatures
A New Model of Instrument for Measuring the Local Moisture Content in Wet Porous Media
Matrix formulation about temperature and humidity of pavement is been formed , borderline is ensured too .
Deduction and Correction of Equations for Measurement of Air and Flue Gas Wetness with Dry-wet Bulb Hygrometer
The deformations of aerated concrete block in varied initial moisture content and environment were mainly studied .
Comparison between experimental findings and numerical results shows a good coherence , which proves the model reasonable .
The Influence of Thermal Properties of Exterior Walls under the Action of Moisture Content when in Outdoor Climate
The research of improving the spalling resistance of the high strength concrete in the condition of high temperature ;
More moisture content and higher soil initial temperature are favorable to the design and operation of GSHP systems .
With higher regenerating air humidity and higher liquid concentration , the utilization factor of solar energy is lower .
The result is that the relative humidity in this chart is concerned-with dry-bulb temperature as well as humidity ratio .
Under isothermal condition , mass diffusivity of concrete depends on micro-pore structure , initial moisture content and its spatial distribution .