
  • 网络hydrocarbon-bearing structure
  1. 中国含油气构造的成因类型

    Genetical classification of hydrocarbon bearing structures in China

  2. 构造滑脱层的识别和厘定对该区构造建模和准确落实地下含油气构造具有重要意义。

    The identification of the detachments are significant to the structure modeling and trap determination .

  3. 福拉凹陷转换带位于中部构造带,是重要的含油气构造带。

    Fula Transform Zone in the middle structural zone is formed during the first rifting phase in Early Cretaceous .

  4. 中国东部陆相断陷盆地含油气构造带已经基本完成了三维地震勘探工作。

    3-D seismic exploration has been basically finished in oil / gas-bearing structural belts of China eastern continental fault basins .

  5. 正确识别含油气构造中的油、气、水分界面一直是含油气构造评价的一个关键问题。

    It is a key question that exactitude recognition of interface between gas and oil and between oil and water in the oily construction .

  6. 综合分析构造、沉积、油气检测、钻井显示等资料和数据,对本区划分为两个有利含油气构造带。

    By the multidisciplinary analysis of structure , deposition , oil-gas examination , well drilling demonstration , we forecast two favorable hydrocarbon structural belts .

  7. 以压性或压扭性构造或粘土层为主要封闭型的含油气构造,遥感图像上呈现为一条富水的深色带。

    Oil gas bearing structures sealed by compressional or transpressional structures and clay beds appeared to be dark zones with high content of water in the images .

  8. 随着南海油气勘探的深入,发现一些低孔低渗油气藏或含油气构造。

    Along with the development of exploration activity in the South China Sea , some low porous and permeable oil and gas reservoirs or structures have been found .

  9. 根据含油气构造几何形态、成因机制,综合岩石圈板块运动方式,我国的含油气构造可分为两大类、六种主要类型。

    Based on the structural history , genetic mechanism , geometrical configuration and plate movement , the hydrocarbon bearing structures are classified into two types and six sub-types .

  10. 经济勘探在海上油气勘探中越来越受到重视,含油气构造经济下限资源量确定是经济勘探评价中的一项重要内容。

    Economic exploration is becoming more and more important in offshore petroleum exploration , in which it is a major aspect to determine lower economic limit resources for hydrocarbon prospects .

  11. 在此基础上用多并评价方法对气层在纵向和平面方向上的分布特征进行了研究,发现了新的含油气构造。

    On the basis of crossplot and ratio methods , the features of gas zone distribution in both horizontal and vertical direction by means of multiwell evaluation . New oil and gas bearing structures have been found .

  12. 凝析气藏富集在凹陷的西部斜坡带和中央褶皱背科带南段,前者已发现2个油气田和3个含油气构造,凝析气产自平湖组砂岩;

    Condensate gas pools are enriched at the west slop and the central folded anticlinal belt of the sag , till now , 2 oil gas fields and 3 hydrocarbon-bearing structures tested from sandstone of Pinghu formation have been discovered at west slop ;

  13. 依据石油地质理论及分析化验资料、钻井和测井资料,以及油气成藏理论、油气系统理论等,对油气成藏条件和可能的含油气构造进行了分析和评价。

    According to petroleum geology theories , testing , drilling and logging data , as well as petroleum accumulation and petroleum system theory etc. , this paper presents the analysis and evaluation of the petroleum accumulation elements and the potential oil and gas structures .

  14. 含油气盆地构造岩相分析的内容和方法

    Contents and methods of TECTO - lithofacies analysis in hydrocarbon-bearing basins

  15. 南美西北部典型含油气盆地构造特征

    Structural Characteristics of Typical Oil-Bearing Basins in Northwest of South America

  16. 东北地区中新生代含油气盆地构造分析与形成机制

    Structure Analysis and Mechanism of Meso-Cenozoic Oil-Gas Bearing Basins in North-East China

  17. 中国含油气盆地构造分析主要进展与展望

    Main Progress and Prospects of the Structural Analysis of Petroliferous Basins in China

  18. 重力、地震联合反演在研究含油气盆地构造中的应用

    Application of combined gravitational and seismic inversion to studying geological structure inside a hydrocarbon-bearing basin

  19. 含油气盆地构造分析的认识与实践

    Understanding and practice of basin structure analysis

  20. 介绍了一种陆相断陷湖盆的盆地分析内容和方法,即含油气盆地构造岩相分析法。

    This paper introduces the principles of a new effective method of basin analysis for continental fault-depression lacustrine basin .

  21. 并指出由天山向塔里木盆地推进的前列式背驮构造、堑垒式引张构造及走滑转换构造可以成为晚期成藏的含油气局部构造。

    Finally it is shown that the forward thrust fault block sequence of piggy-back pushing from the Tianshan Mountain to the Tarim basin , tensile structures with graben-horsts and strike slip transfer tectonics could become the oil-gas bearing local structures with oil pools formed in the late period .

  22. 西北地区主要含油气盆地大地构造特征

    Tectonic character of main oil-bearing basin of northwest part of China

  23. 中国近海含油气盆地新构造运动和油气成藏

    Neotectonic movement and hydrocarbon accumulation in petroliferous basins , offshore China

  24. 含油气盆地反转构造研究综述

    Summary of inversion structure on petroliferous basin

  25. 论中国含油气区的构造环境性质、分区及其成油气专属性

    The properties , divisions and OIL-GAS-FORMING specialization of the tectonic environment of Chinese oil-gas-bearing areas

  26. 含油气盆地的构造运动学过程,受控于大地构造动力学背景。

    The tectonic kinematic process of the oil-gas bearing basins is controlled by tectonic dynamic conditions .

  27. 西非被动大陆边缘含油气盐盆地构造背景及油气地质特征分析

    Tectonic Evolution and Petroleum Geology Characteristics of Petroliferous Salt Basins Area Along Passive Continental Margin , West Africa

  28. 指出西北地区含油气盆地大地构造环境、油气地质特征和勘探条件与东部含油气盆地相比具有许多特殊性和复杂性。民乐-山丹地震的区域构造变形背景与中短期前兆

    Contrast to the eastern oil-gas bearing basins , the regional tectonic background , petroleum geological features and exploration conditions of basins in northwest of China are more special and complicate . Regional Tectonic Background and Medium-and Short-Term Auspice of the Minle-Shandan Earthquakes

  29. 中国东部中新生代含油气盆地的反转构造

    Inversion Structure Characteristic of Petroleum Basin in Mesozoic and Cenozoic in Middle and East China

  30. 世界上大约有60%的含油气圈闭与盐构造有关。

    About 60 % petroliferous traps are associated with the salt structure in the world .