
  • 网络groove;concave
  1. 槽;凹线车轮在泥泞的路上留下凹痕。

    groove Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road .

  2. 单瓣星型花,中蓝色花瓣有凹线,白色的眼及镶边。半方形花边领口长衫

    Single medium blue fluted star / white eye , edge . semi-square neckline lace trim go

  3. 同时,结合最小能量原理,优化了重要工艺参数&凹模型线高度(H(opt))值。

    Meanwhile , with the aid of the minimum energy principle , the optimum height of contoured die ( H0pt ), which is an essential variable for ironing with contoured die of equal strain rate , has been calculated .

  4. 结晶器铜管在引仲加工过程中,由于凹模中心线与机床运动方向轨迹线不同,造成加工干涉和产品缺陷。

    In the course of drawing process , the process interference and defect take place because of the difference between the centerline of concave die and the trace of moving direction .

  5. 本文利用画法几何原理说明多面体棱线的图示规律,提出处理凹多面体隐藏线的一般方法,这种方法对任意多面体都是适用的。

    The general method for treating hidden line of concave polyhedron by means of the Principle of discriptive geometry to explain some rules of graphic expression of edges of polyhedron is provided in this article . This method is suitable for any polyhedron .

  6. 一次成型凸模和凹模电火花线切割加工

    EDM Wire Cutting for Simultaneously Manufacturing the Punch and Matrix

  7. 利用棱线的图示规律处理凹多面体的隐藏线

    Treatment of Hidden Line of Concave Polyhedron by Means of Rules of Graphic Expression of Edges of polyhedron

  8. 对于一般的多边形窗口(包括凹多边形)的线裁剪,目前尚无有效的算法。

    No algorithm for line clipping based on a generalized polygon ( or concave polygon ) is available in the literature .

  9. 凹面、凹形结构、或凹线胆甾型液晶的平面结构

    A concave surface , structure , or line . cholesteric planer texture

  10. 可是那些在凹点的金线不太可能被带回地球,所以科学家还不能确定这在每个“夏天”都在凹点排成线而且发光的黄色灰尘的化学成分。

    The'gold'pits isn 't likely to be ferried back to Earth , though-scientists remain unsure of the chemical composition of the yelllow , shimmering dust that lines the pit walls every'summer ' .