
āo àn
  • concave bank;cutbank
凹岸[āo àn]
  1. 凹岸边摊的Pa/Pe值与半成熟边滩接近.平均为5.3;

    Pa / Peof concave bank point bars averages 5.3 , which is near that of half - matured point bar .

  2. 因此,针对所要解决的工程实际问题,决定采用紧靠凹岸布置四道斜底槛的方式作为最终的消减急流冲击波方案。

    Therefore , the scheme of four cages that are disposed on the side of concave bank is the last scheme according to the practical engineering problem .

  3. 弯曲河道凹岸冲刷的环流分析

    Analysis of Secondary Currents of Outer Bank Erosion in Channel Bends

  4. 山区沿河路基河湾凹岸的护坦防护

    Apron Protection for Concave Bank Along River Subgrade of Mountain Area

  5. 影响河湾凹岸最大冲刷深度的因素众多,而且这些因素的关系是非线性的。

    Many factors of non-linear relationships affect the maximal scour-depth at river bends .

  6. 内河弯曲航道凹岸取水口处船舶安全横距计算模型研究

    On Security Distance-abeam Computation Model at Inland Curving Channel Concave Bank Intake Place

  7. 曲流河凹岸滩坝沉积模拟研究

    Concave bank Beach Bar Deposition of Meandering River

  8. 一般凹岸深水岸线多,而凸岸浅水岸线多,河流束窄段、有节点控制的地方深水岸线多。

    And also there is much deep water in river constriction segment and in the area which has kickpoint controlled .

  9. 凹岸部位主流线的顶冲和弯曲河道横向环流的侧蚀,是决口的外部因素;

    The external cause is the mother current scouring the concave bank and the lateral circulation scouring the curved river channel .

  10. 通过工程实际应用,证明河湾凹岸路基冲刷防护采用护坦基脚式挡土墙或护坦式基脚护坡是一种经济有效、易行的浅基防护型式。

    The design methods of the apron protection for concave bank along subgrade river are effective measures pass through practical application .

  11. 对河湾水流的形态和环流的形成、发展规律及凹岸水下路基边坡泥沙运动特性进行了分析。

    The theory analyses about the circulation flow structure , development features and subgrade slope sediment movement laws in the bend river have been made .

  12. 弯道水流在做曲线运动时形成螺旋流,而它正是弯道凹岸冲刷和凸岸淤积的根本原因。

    When curved channel flow made curve motion , spiral flow was formed which was just fundamental reason for concave bank erosion and convex bank sedimentation in bend .

  13. 深槽逼近凹岸,前沿水深与港阔足够万吨轮通行与调头的需要。

    The water depth near the bank and the width of the pool are enough for a ten thousand-ton ship to pass through and to turn back its body .

  14. 分析表明,蓄水后土脑子河段已基本完成由凸岸深切河曲向宽浅河曲变化的过程,将会进一步转化为凹岸深槽的河曲。

    The results reveal that after the impounding , Tunaozi Shoal transformed basically from convex-bank entrenched meander to shallow broad river , and will further develop to a concave-bank deep channel .

  15. 桂林市城区湖泊凹岸区水体氮、磷特征分析保定城区河道水体水质改善与修复试验研究

    The TN and TP Character of the Concave Belt of Water System in the City Zone of Guilin Experimental Study on the Water Quality Improvement and Restoration of River Body in Baoding City

  16. 弯道进口处的凸岸、弯顶及其以下部位都是河岸崩塌的严重区域,凹岸崩退速率较大。

    Bank will seriously fail at the inner of the upstream , apex and the outer of the downstream in curved reach , of which there is a greater erosion rate at the apex .

  17. 笔者利用弯道概化模型试验成果对河湾螺旋水流特性及凹岸路基的侵蚀机理进行研究。

    In this paper , study on the characteristics of spiral flow in curved channel and the erosion mechanism of the bend subgrade is performed by using a model of generalized typical river bend .

  18. 研究发现,天然凹岸弯曲河段对污染带浓度变化范围分布有较为显著的影响,在弯曲河段变化范围明显减小,同时使污染带的最大宽度变大。

    Study found that the concave bank of natural river bend range of pollution concentration distribution with more significant impact in the river bend range significantly reduced , while the maximum width of contamination with larger .

  19. 本文运用动量和动量矩定理,建立了河流弯道水流对凹岸岸壁单位面积上的作用力和合力作用点位置的计算模式。

    Based on the equations of momentum and moment of momentum in fluid mechanics , a model which calculates the force per unit area and the point of resultant force which the flow exerts on the outer bank of a bend is presented .

  20. 突出体现在水流失去平衡,产生凹岸高、凸岸低的横比降,而且弯道急流表面还将产生水冠较大的菱形冲击波。

    These mainly behave at that the water flow losses it 's instability and generates the transverse gradient that the water surface of concave bank is higher than convex bank , and that the big diamond impact wave even occurs on the water surface .

  21. 本文阐述了长江镇扬河段近百年来河床演变对镇江港的影响,镇江港由凹岸的深水良港,演变为凸岸的挖入式港池;

    This article expounded the effect of the riverbed evolution of Zhenjiang-Yangzhou section of the Changjiang River over the past century on Zhenjiang port which used to be a deepwater harbour with concave bank and has been developed into a completely dredged port with convex bank .

  22. 在所有结构组合条件下,弯道水面都有较大偏斜和扭曲,并且在弯道中部主法线方向上,基本为凹岸水面高凸岸水面低的规律。

    Under the all different structures ' combination , the water surface had large bias and turn-around in the torturous path , and in the middle of the path along the longitude , there had the regularity that sink bank surface was higher than the convex bank one .

  23. 研究结果表明土体失稳主要分布于、2区的潮汐通道中,且以通道深槽边坡、通道凹岸、通道交汇处以及通道中的残留高地边缘等部位最为常见。

    Research results suggest that many instabilities exist in tidal channels of ⅱ and ⅲ 2 regions , what is more , the deep troughs of the channel , concave bank , conjoining of channels and margins of relict salients in channels are the positions where the instabilities concentrate .