
  • 网络Octadecane;n-Octadecane;n- octadecane
  1. 相变物质正十八烷微胶囊的制备和表征

    Preparation and Characterization of n-Octadecane Microcapsules

  2. 本论文以三聚氰胺-甲醛为壁材,正十八烷为芯材,采用原位聚合法制备相变材料微胶囊(microPCMs)。

    Phase-Change Materials Microencapsule ( microPCMcs ) was prepared by in-situ polymerization using melamine-formaldehyde resin as the shell and n-Octadecane as the core .

  3. 利用液相色谱/质谱联用仪分析了铜绿假单胞菌O-2-2以正十八烷为碳源所产鼠李糖脂生物表面活性剂的组成。

    A mixture of rhamnolipid biosurfactants , produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa O-2-2 with n-octadecane as carbon source , was analyzed by liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry .

  4. 细菌TT-b1能降解正十八烷,但是不能有效降解柴油,因为柴油中有毒组份芳香烃抑制了其生长与繁殖。

    The bacteria strain TT-b1 can degrade considerably n-octadecane , but can not effectively degrade diesel oil , because its growth is inhibited by aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel oil .

  5. 本文采用气相色谱法,使用QF1色谱柱和氢火焰离子化检测器,以正十八烷为内标物,对10%高渗敌敌畏乳油进行色谱分离和测定。

    A method is introduced for the determination of 10 % high penetration dichlorvos EC by gas chromatography on QF 1 chromatographic column and flame ionization detector using n-octadecane as internal standard .

  6. 含正十八烷微胶囊的储热调温膜性能

    Properties of Thermo-regulated Films Containing Microencapsulated n-octadecane

  7. 相变潜热储能堆积床蓄热放热性能的数值分析含正十八烷微胶囊的储热调温膜性能

    Numerical Analysis of Heat Storge and Dischange Characteristics with PCM Capsules Properties of Thermo-regulated Films Containing Microencapsulated n-octadecane

  8. 采用超声波工艺及细乳液原位聚合方法,研制了以聚苯乙烯为囊壁、正十八烷为囊芯的纳米胶囊相变材料;

    The nano-encapsulated phase change materials ( NEPCMs ) with polystyrene as shell and n-octadecane as core were synthesized by ultrasonic technique and miniemulsion in-situ polymerization .

  9. 建立了新的α与温度关联式。由本方法求得的参数计算了由甲烷到正十八烷的18个正构烷烃的临界压缩因子,总误差为0.01%。

    A new correlation expression between α and temperature is presented , total deviation of the critical compressibility factor values calculated based on 18 compounds of n - alkane , is 0.01 % .

  10. 并以正十八碳烷作内标物,用内标法同时测定薄荷醇的含量及正/异薄荷酮比值。

    Quantity of menthol and ratio of menthone , iso-menthone could be tested simultaneously with the aid of an internal standard n-octadecane .

  11. 异烷似较难氧化。对正十六烷和正十八烷的呼吸商依次为0.44和0.47。

    The respiratory quotient of n-hexadecane and n-octadecane were found to be 0.44 and 0.47 respectively .

  12. 在H2O/Si≤8.0的极浓体系中,研究了辅助烃(正己烷、正庚烷、异辛烷和正十八烷)对合成中孔MCM-41分子筛的影响。

    In the extreme dense system of H 2O / Si ≤ 8 0 , the influences of auxiliary alkanes & n hexane , n heptane , I octane and n octadecane to the synthesise of mesoporous molecular sieve MCM 41 have been studied .

  13. 不同的油类形成的微乳液区面积由大到小的顺序是:正十六烷≈正十四烷>正十二烷>正癸烷>正十八烷>正辛烷;

    The order of the total area of the microemulsion increasing with different kind of hydrocarbon is n cetane ≈ n tetradecane > n dodecane > n decane > n octadecane > octane .