
  • 网络Orthophosphate;Na.K;ortho-P
  1. 综合溶解度及成分分析结果发现,正磷酸盐在溶液中对KTP的溶解度起重要作用。

    Compared the solubility of KTP with the results of the phosphate composition analysis , we find that orthophosphate in the fluxes plays an important part in the solubility of KTP .

  2. 研究结果表明,TSPP、DSPP、STPP和HMP在鸡胸肉中均发生水解。TSPP在10h内完全水解为正磷酸盐。

    The results showed that TSPP , DSPP , STPP and HMP were all hydrolyzed in the chicken thigh meat . TSPP was hydrolyzed to orthophosphate in 10h .

  3. 最后还讨论了镀液的维护与控制,强调了要防止正磷酸盐积累太多,必需严格控制pH值、温度和焦磷酸盐配比量;

    The pH value , temperature and the ratio of pyrophosphate should all be controlled strictly to prevent the accumulation of phosphate .

  4. 不管底泥的扰动与否,鲤鱼对氨氮,硝态氮和正磷酸盐的影响差异不显著(P0.05)。

    But the effect of the carp on the ammonia nitrogen , nitrate nitrogen and orthophosphate phosphorus were not significant ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 实验还表明,在固定过饱和度情况下,KTP晶体生长速度将随溶液中正磷酸盐相对含量增加而减少。

    In addition , the experimental results indicate that the steady state growth rate of the interfaces decreases with the increase in relative quantities of orthophosphate in the solutions at the same supersaturation .

  6. 焦磷酸盐镀铜液中正磷酸盐含量对镀层性能的影响

    Influence of orthophosphate content on coating characteristic in pyrophosphate copper plating bath

  7. 化学发光法测定天然水中正磷酸盐

    A chemiluminescence mehtod for phosphate determination in natural water

  8. 高温固相反应合成正磷酸盐的研究

    Synthesis research of orthophosphate by high-temperature solid-state reaction

  9. 焦铜十五年&兼论工艺稳定性、正磷酸盐的积聚与成本问题

    15-years pyrophosphate Cu plating concerning stability of the process , accumulation of orthophosphate salts and cost & economical aspects

  10. 土壤中的磷主要以无机正磷酸盐(H2P04-)的形态被植物根系细胞膜上的磷转运蛋白吸收和转运到体内。

    The primary source for P uptake by transporters of plant roots is inorganic phosphate ( Pi ) in soils .

  11. 电絮凝对正磷酸盐和硝酸盐有一定去除效果,在考虑能耗、优化试验条件情况下,具有一定的应用前景,可在特殊情况下小规模应用。

    Considering energy consumption , optimize operating conditions , electrocoagulation has some potential applications in the special circumstances of small-scale applications .

  12. 正磷酸盐、总磷、铵态氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮和总氮的流失负荷均与径流量正极显著的线性关系。

    There was a good linearity relationship between runoff volume and loss load of orthophosphate , total phosphorus , ammonium-N , nitrate-N , nitrite-N and total nitrogen .

  13. 磷酸淀粉酯用途广泛,但是用正磷酸盐作为酯化试剂通过半干法制备磷酸淀粉酯的工艺存在反应效率低、过程产生污染等缺点。

    Starch phosphate is widely used in various aspects , but conventional hemi-dry process using orthophosphates as ester agents has some drawbacks , such as low reaction efficiency and wastewater pollution .

  14. 河道和鱼塘水体的正磷酸盐、总磷和可溶总磷浓度随时间变化趋势显著不同。不同村庄河道水氮磷污染状况不同。

    The variations of phosphate , total P and water soluble P with time showed a great difference with each other . N and P pollution was differed from various villages .

  15. 通过对其转化率的对比,可以看出发生转化的磷化氢部分以正磷酸盐的形式存在于水体中,另外的转化产物可能为次磷酸盐、亚磷酸盐等中间产物。

    The comparative study on the turnover rate suggests that most of the transformed phosphine exists in forms of orthophosphate in the water , and other transforming substances may be exist as some intermediate substances , such as hypophosphite , phosphite .

  16. 重点讨论了金属腐蚀控制的方法以及金属腐蚀控制用的缓蚀剂&亚硝酸盐、正磷酸盐、聚磷酸盐、磷酸酯、有机膦酸、锌盐、硅酸盐、钼酸盐、硼砂和芳香唑类。

    The corrosion control methods and corrosion inhibitors ( nitrites , orthophosphates , polyphosphates , polyol esters , phosphonates , zinc salts , silicates , molybdates , borates and aromatic azoles ) in recirculating cooling water systems are discussed and emphasized .

  17. 这个模型按照1年的时间标度描述东湖藻类的生长和磷循环,其状态变量包括浮游植物磷、藻类生物量、正磷酸盐、碎屑磷和沉积物磷。

    The model describes the growth of phytoplankton and phosphorus cycling in the lake on 1-year time scale , and the state variables in the model are phytoplankton biomass , phosphorus in algal cells , orthophosphate , phosphorus in detritus and phosphorus in sediment .

  18. 采用曝气催化铁内电解法对上海某工业污水场的进水进行预处理,降低了后续生化处理中难降解有机物的负荷,并较大程度地去除了正磷酸盐。

    The catalyzed - iron internal electrolysis process with aeration was used in the pretreatment of the influent of one industrial wastewater treatment plant in shanghai . The load of recalcitrant organics to biological treatment is reduced and the majority of phosphorus is removed .

  19. RPHPLC测定其在正辛醇和磷酸盐缓冲液中的分配系数及不同pH缓冲液和组织匀浆中的稳定性。

    The stability of LAP in mouse serum and tissue homogenates and octanol buffer partition coefficient of LAP were investigated by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography ( RP HPLC ) .

  20. 结果表明,藻密度与温度呈极显著正相关(p0.01),与正磷酸盐和叶绿素a呈显著正相关(p0.05)。

    Results showed that the algae density was significant positive correlation with temperature ( P0.05 ), and also was significantly positively related to orthophosphate and chlorophyll a ( P0.05 ) .