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  1. 萧衍死后,侯景立太子萧纲为傀儡皇帝。

    Xiao Gang became a figurehead emperor after Xiao Yan died .

  2. 第一部分,主要论述萧衍诗歌的思想内容。

    The first part , the ideological content of Xiao Yan poetry .

  3. 萧衍是为梁武帝,共在位48年。

    He was called Emperor Wu of Liang and his court existed 48 years .

  4. 萧衍与齐梁文学萧衍与梁代文坛

    Xian Yan and the Literature between Qi and Liang Dynasties Xiao Yan and the Literary World of the Liang Dynasty

  5. 梁武帝萧衍在中国文化史上是以崇佛的面目出现的。

    The emperor of Liang dynasty , Xiao Yan , is famous for revering Buddha in the history of Chinese civilization .

  6. 萧衍横跨齐梁,在这两次诗歌高潮中扮演着重要的角色。

    Xiao Yan Qi and Liang across the two periods , in the climax of the two poems play an important role .

  7. 次年3月,侯景攻入台城,萧衍被软禁,不久饿死在台城。

    In March the following year , Tai Cheng was occupied , Xiao Yan was put under house arrest and starved to death soon .

  8. 本文拟以个案研究的方式,论述萧衍诗歌的思想内容和艺术特色,及其对诗歌发展的贡献和影响。

    This case study intended to approach the content of Xiao Yan poetry and art features , and its contribution to and influence on poetry .

  9. 本文第一章主要梳理了萧衍参与和发起的一系列文学活动,并探讨了这些文学活动对梁代文坛的影响。

    The first chapter focuses on the arrangement of the literary activities held and attended by Xiao Yan and discusses their influence upon the literary circle in Liang Dynasty .

  10. 侯景见形势不利,急于称帝,于是废萧纲,萧栋自立,改国号汉,大杀萧衍子孙,此时梁已完全处于崩溃的边缘。

    Being eager to ascend to throne , Hou Jing dethroned Xiao Gang , then Xiao Dong and proclaimed to be Emperor of Han accompanied with the mass killing of Xiao9s families .

  11. 第二章首先考察萧衍现存诗赋情况,基本确定他现存诗歌九十多首,赋四篇。

    In the second chapter , the author first explores the existence of Xiao Yan 's poetry and prose , making a preliminary conclusion of over 90 poems and four pieces of prose .

  12. 萧衍、萧统对永明文学的沿革,二人在文学思想的类似使得梁代前期的文学思想保持其一致性和连续性;

    Xiao Yan , Xiao Tong to forever the definite orders study evolution , two people similar will cause the Liang generation of preliminary literature thought in the literature thought to maintain its uniformity and the continuity ;

  13. 梁代的统治者萧衍、萧统、萧纲、萧绎由于其特殊的政治地位,加上他们对文学特别的重视和偏爱,在这场文学变革中扮演了非常重要的角色。

    The rulers of Liang Dynasty , Xiao Yan , Xiao Tong , Xiao Gang and Xiao Yi , played the key role in the reform because of their special political status and great interests in literature .

  14. 公元501年,萧道成的族弟萧衍在襄阳起兵,攻进建康,结束了齐的统治,并称帝,建立梁朝。

    In 501 , Xiao Yan , half-brother of Xiao Daocheng took the advantages of this disturbance , led an uprising in Xiangyang ( now Xiangfan City , Hubei ) , seized the capital Jiankang and named his dynasty Liang .

  15. 梁朝的建立者萧衍,擅长文学,499年被任命为雍州刺史,他乘齐国内乱,发兵夺取了皇位,建立了梁朝。

    Xiao Yan , the founder of Liang , was a master of poems and was appointed the Garrison Commander of Yongzhou in 499 . Taking advantages of confusion in Southern Qi , he secured the throne and established Liang .

  16. 萧衍对百姓用刑极其残酷,南朝注籍的户口只有500多万人,梁每年判处二年以上徒刑的就达5000人之多,国家监狱里总是塞得满满的。

    Besides , the rulers of Liang were merciless to their people . For example there were as much as 5000 civilians was sentenced to prisonment above two years given the fact that the total registered permanent residents was 500 000 then . The prison was always crowded .

  17. 本文以萧衍接受和创制《清商曲辞》这一文学现象为基础,展开一种关系型研究:主要体现在萧衍和《清商曲辞》之间的接受与被接受关系;

    It is as the foundation that this text will accept and formulate this phenomenon of 《 qingshangquci 》 with Xiao Yan , launch the research in a kind of relation type : Reflect in between Xiao Yan and acceptance of 《 qingshangquci 》 and accepted into relation mainly ;

  18. 从清丽典雅的风格、灵活多样的用典、和谐优美的声韵、形式各异的对仗、生动传神的炼字等几个角度进行论析;第三部分,主要论述萧衍诗歌的贡献影响。

    Mainly from its poetry and elegant style of Elegant , flexible use of allusions and harmonious beauty of rhyme , antithesis methods of exploration , refining and vivid portrayal of the perspective of several characters ; the third part , the main effect of Xiao Yan poetry contributions .

  19. 侯景走投无路,于548年8月反于寿阳。侯景渡江,很快攻下建康石头城和东府城,但萧衍所住的台城却一时攻打不下。

    Trapped in the corner in 548 , Hou Jing fought back to Shouyang , crossed the Yangtze River , seized the Shitou Cheng ( Stone district ) and Dong Cheng ( Eastern City District ) of Jiankang City and isolated Tai Cheng , the district where Xiao Yan resided .

  20. 萧衍第七子、湘东王萧绎派大将王僧辩东讨,连败侯景,并乘胜东下,梁太守陈霸先也从广州率兵北上。

    The army led by Wang Sengbian , subordinate of King of Xiang Dong , Xiao Yi , the seventh son of Xiao Yan , beat Hou Jing and headed for the east . Even worse , governor Chen Baxian of Liang also set out with his army from Guang Dong .