
jiā ròu miàn bāo
  • sandwich
  1. 他拿起夹肉面包片一口咬了下去。

    He took a sandwich and bit into it .

  2. 维吉尔把半个夹肉面包塞到嘴里,慢慢的咀嚼起来。

    Virgil stuck half a sandwich into his mouth and began to chew slowly .

  3. 我选了些简单的:豌豆米饭和夹肉面包。

    I picked on simple things — rice and peas , meat and bread .

  4. 我们做了一些三明治(夹肉面包)带去当午饭。

    We made some sandwiches to take with us for lunch .

  5. 给货车司机端夹肉面包,睡堪萨斯车场的拖车?

    Serving meatloaf to truckers and living in a Kansas Trailer park ?

  6. 然后又强迫我吃夹肉面包。

    Then he forced me to eat meatioaf .

  7. 希瑟把火腿切成片,好做夹肉面包。

    Heather sliced the ham for sandwiches .

  8. 地下室里搬来了床垫,在走廊里到处都铺开了。吃饭由食堂服务员用小车推来,吃的是夹肉面包和胜利牌咖啡。

    Mattresses were brought up from the cellars and pitched all over the corridors : meals consisted of sandwiches and victory coffee wheeled round on trolleys by attendants from the canteen .

  9. 肉夹馍肉夹馍,翻译过来就是“夹了肉的小圆面包”,它和汉堡的配方类似,就是在小圆面包里夹入肉糜。

    Rou jia mo , which translates as " meat placed between bun , " has a similar recipe to hamburgers , consisting of chopped meat inside a bun 。