
kā fēi diàn
  • coffee shop
咖啡店 [kā fēi diàn]
  • [coffee shop] 或为独立的小餐馆,或为附设在旅馆内的小餐馆,供应轻松的便餐或正规的膳食

  1. 咖啡店的广播中播放着猫王的歌。

    Elvis comes on the coffee shop PA system .

  2. 我所知道最近的咖啡店离这里有十五分钟的脚程。

    The nearest coffee shop I know of is a fifteen-minute walk away .

  3. 市中心随处都是教堂和被咖啡店包围的广场。

    The town centre is thick with churches and cafe-lined squares .

  4. 咖啡店老板怒气冲天,充满敌意,把她吓坏了。

    The virulence of the caf é owner 's anger had appalled her .

  5. 结果显示,那些与服务生聊天的人有更高的积极感受和更好的咖啡店体验。

    The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelings and a better coffee shop experience .

  6. 在2014年的一项研究中,英属哥伦比亚大学的心理学副教授伊丽莎白•邓恩邀请人们前往一家咖啡店。

    In a 2014 study , Elizabeth Dunn , associate professor of psychology at UBC , invited people on their way into a coffee shop .

  7. 梅根·墨菲在华盛顿拥有一家咖啡店。

    Megan Murphy owns a coffee store in Washington , D.C.

  8. 美国主要是咖啡店。

    The United States offered coffee shops .

  9. 有些人甚至称其为“咖啡店效应”。

    Some have even dubbed2 " the coffee shop effect " .

  10. 西海岸战后咖啡店式建筑的狂热追随者(卡拉尔安马林)来自互联网

    West Coast aficionados of postwar coffee-shop architecture ( Karal Ann Marling )

  11. 可能是当地的咖啡店。

    It might be your local coffee shop .

  12. 请问附近有没有咖啡店?

    Is there a cafe near by ?

  13. 这个说法最早源于日本,最初指在24小时网吧或者漫画咖啡店过夜的人。

    The term was first created in Japanese language , which originally means " net cafe refugee " , people sleep in 24-hour Internet cafes or manga cafes .

  14. 杰弗里,你想在街角咖啡店点些吃的吗?C:要,等一下。

    Just a moment please Jeffery , do you want to order some food from the Cornershop ?

  15. B:噢,我和Jane以前一起在咖啡店工作。

    B : Oh , Jane and I used to work together at a coffee shop .

  16. 据《财富》杂志(Fortune)5月份报道,这种集装箱咖啡店模式源于星巴克进一步推广得来速门店的计划。

    As fortune reported in May , the container-as-coffee shop model is part of Starbucks ' push further into drive-throughs .

  17. 我们走进了WestVillage的一家咖啡店,乔纳森和我吃沙拉,而孩子们则径直走向油炸食品。

    We go to a caf é in the West Village and while Jonathan and I eat salad , the kids go straight for the heavy fried material .

  18. 消费者在网上或少数商店内可以使用比特币消费,包括放置比特币ATM机的海浪咖啡店。

    Users can buy products and services online or in a handful of stores , including the Waves coffee shop where the ATM is located .

  19. 劳拉埃文斯(lauraevans,化名)坐在伦敦北部一个咖啡店的窗边。

    Laura Evans ( not her real name ) sits by the window of a North London coffee shop .

  20. 客户端请求一个服务器资源(例如,GoogleMaps)&一个抽象符号,如附近一个咖啡店的街道地址。

    The client requests a resource an abstract notion such as the street address of a nearby coffee shop from a server ( for example , Google Maps ) .

  21. 去阿育他城的路上,在这家有名的Oo老师咖啡店稍息一会。

    On the way to Ayutthaya at Teacher Oo 's cafe , a popular place amongst all Thai cyclists .

  22. 幸运的是,BleeckerStreet的咖啡店和破旧的唱片店让克洛艾高兴了许多。

    Luckily Bleecker Street , with its coffee shops and scuffed record stores , makes Chlo ? a whole lot happier .

  23. 我们不禁要称赞RaymondTong把原本可能只售评价一般、提供意粉三文治的咖啡店改造成咖啡爱好者的天地。

    We 've got to give Raymond Tong credit for turning what could have been just another mediocre pasta-and-sandwich caf é into a destination for coffee lovers .

  24. 服务器会通过发送一个资源表现响应这个请求&例如,带有JavaScript和咖啡店地理位置地图的超链接的一个HTML文档。

    The server responds by sending a representation of the resource & for example , an HTML document with embedded JavaScript and a hyperlink to a map of the coffee shop 's geographical location .

  25. Espresso的素质则有点不稳定,虽然我们听说咖啡店上轨道后情况有所改善。

    The quality espresso is a bit variable , though we 've heard that things are improving as the caf é settles in .

  26. 自2007年以来,连锁咖啡店PaneraBread在美国增加了22000个工作岗位,增幅为50%。

    Since 2007 , Panera Bread Co. , a cafe chain , has increased its U.S. workforce by 22000 jobs , a 50 % increase .

  27. 我们所在的咖啡店MaBourgogne以侍者态度粗鲁著称。

    The caf é we were in , Ma Bourgogne , specialises in surliness .

  28. 英国伦敦东区一家咖啡店禁止顾客穿Ugg雪地靴入店,并称其为“渣鞋”,这一举动激起了众怒。

    A coffee shop in East London has provoked outrage after banning Ugg boots and referring to them as slag wellies .

  29. 在万神殿(Pantheon)附近的Sant’Eustachio咖啡店,每杯浓缩咖啡顶部都浮着一层厚到不可思议的栗色泡沫;

    At the Sant'Eustachio caff è , near the Pantheon , every espresso is topped with an improbably thick layer of chestnut-hued foam ;

  30. 电信媒体财务有限公司的创始人蒂姆·法勒表示:“你可能会看到一个巨大的转变,自己经常光顾的咖啡店可能不再那么迫切需要为顾客提供Wi-Fi了。”

    Tim Farrar , founder of Telecom Media Finance Associates said " You could see a big switch . Your coffee shops may be less compelled to provide Wi-Fi for you now . "