
  1. 论黄远生对报刊通讯文体的贡献

    Huang Yuansheng ′ s Contribution to the Style of News Report

  2. 黄远生出生于书香门第,从小就饱读诗书。

    He was born in the scholarly family and well-read .

  3. 黄远生在中国新闻史上是一个开启新闻本位时代的重要人物。

    " Huang Yuansheng " is the first political journalism of the Chinese press .

  4. 黄远生的解释性通讯是我国解释性报道的开端;

    Interpretative reports written by Huang Yuansheng are the origin of Chinese interpretative reports ;

  5. 脚本如船&解读黄远生的《新剧杂论》

    The Scenario is Like a Boat & Interpreting HUANG Yuan-sheng s On New Plays ;