
  • 网络Freedom Corps;Freikorps;Free Corps
  1. 黄金团据说是最好的自由军团,一世纪前由苦钢&“庸王”伊耿的一私生子建立的。

    The Golden Company was reputedly the finest of the free companies , founded a century ago by Bittersteel , a bastard son of Aegon the Unworthy .

  2. 自由军团将致力于3个急需的方面:应付本土危机、社区重建、向世界传播美国的同情心。

    The Freedom Corps will focus on three areas of need : responding in case of crisis at home , rebuilding our communities , and extending American compassion throughout the world .

  3. 而一个聪明人会奇怪为什么你父亲会雇佣一个全副武装的骑士来训练你,而不是简单的把你扔到哪个自由军团去送死。

    And a clever man might question why your father would engage a hedge knight to train you in arms instead of simply sending you off to apprentice with one of the free companies .