
xìn hào tǎ
  • signal tower
  1. 该塔曾是太阴历的观测平台,也是采珠人和渔民归来的信号塔,代表了卡塔尔人的辉煌记忆。

    The tower in Doha once served as an observatory of the lunar phases as well as a signal tower for approaching ships and pearl divers .

  2. 他说你们可以现在可以用GPS,或信号塔或其他什么电脑技术找到手机。

    and he said that you guys can find cell phones now using GPS or cell towers or something computery like that .

  3. 现在的智能手机通过GPS和信号塔跟踪定位,但这只是让手机应用定位你在哪儿而已。

    Today 's smartphones track location through GPS and cell towers , but that does little more than tell apps where you are .

  4. 该数据包括客户端的IP地址及其检测到的任何信号塔或是WiFi结点。

    This data includes the client 's IP address and information about any cell towers or WiFi nodes it can detect .

  5. Q.如果你在广播信号塔上更换灯泡时被雷击了会怎么样?

    Q. What if you were changing the light atthe top of a radio tower , and lightning struck ?

  6. 只建信号塔不足以让5G在全球取得成功。

    Hauling up masts alone will not be enough to make 5G a global success .

  7. 与一般的手机服务不同,ProjectFi将把传统的无线技术通过蜂窝信号塔传输的手机通话与星巴克、机场和其他地方的那种无线互联网服务结合起来。

    Unlike your typical cell service , Project Fi will mix traditional wireless technology , where calls are routed through cellular towers , with the wireless Internet service found in Starbucks , airports and elsewhere .

  8. 有些人反对修建手机信号塔,认为这种粗野建筑会破坏乡村面貌,这些人是否会欢迎《世界大战》(WaroftheWorlds)式的无人机,或者地毯式覆盖的承诺是否足以让那些抱怨的人闭嘴,还都有待观察。

    It is yet to be seen whether those people who object to brutalist mobile phone masts spoiling the countryside will welcome War of the Worlds-style drones , or if the promise of blanket coverage will be enough to keep complainers quiet .

  9. 那里直接通往信号塔

    It will take you directly up to the repeater .

  10. 更糟糕的是,有些稀有的鸟类常常会葬身于信号塔。

    Worse , the towers often kill birds that are already rare .

  11. 奥康纳正朝信号塔跑去

    O'Conner is on foot heading for a repeater .

  12. 该预警会本地化,只使用本地的手机信号塔。

    The warnings will be localized by using only local cell phone towers .

  13. 这场前所未有的洪水摧毁了道路、手机信号塔和电话线路。

    The unprecedented flooding took out roads , cell phone towers and telephone lines .

  14. 你可是时尚界的信号塔。

    You are a beacon for fashion .

  15. 等等,我看到第六大道附近,有几个信号塔

    Wait . I 'm seeing half a dozen cell towers between Sixth and State .

  16. 另外一个项目使用美国基地的信号塔避免塔利班对手机网络的干扰。

    Another project seeks to avoid Taliban with cellphone networks in Afghanistan by using towers on American bases .

  17. 《华尔街日报》报道说,在阿富汗,塔利班强迫当地的手机服务商晚上关闭信号塔。

    In Afghanistan , The Wall Street Journal reports , the Taliban have forced local cell-phone-service providers to shut down their towers at night .

  18. 例如,信号塔每年造成2000多只黄秧鸡死亡,这大概是其总数量的百分之九。

    For example , tower impacts kill more than 2000 yellow rails per year . That 's roughly 9 percent of the total population .

  19. 皮尤研究中心指出,你的手机还会与手机信号塔和无线网络相连,从而导致数据被跟踪。

    As Pew Research notes , your phone also connects to cell towers and Wi-Fi networks , and connection to these technologies allows tracking too .

  20. 德州仪器逐渐减少在曾经重要的生意&为手机制造“基带”芯片,它是处理与信号塔的通信。

    TI is winding down what was once an important business of making " baseband " chips for cell phones , which handle communications with cell towers .

  21. 中国电信业的重组似乎已在去年10月起步,首先是把手机信号塔资产合并成一家公司,以求减少重复和促进高效率资本支出。

    Restructuring the industry appeared to have begun in October with the merging of cell tower assets into a single company , designed to reduce duplication and foster efficient capital spending .

  22. 在东南部和中西部地区塔鸟相撞事件全国领先,那是因为这些地方是最高信号塔(高达900英尺)最集中的区域。

    The Southeast and Midwest lead the country in tower-bird collisions . That 's because these regions have the largest concentrations of the tallest towers , up to 900 feet high .

  23. 电信公司已经开始讨论解决方案,例如在发达国家偏远地区部署无人机或氦风筝(helikites),将移动宽带传送到无法修建陆地信号塔的地方。

    Telecoms companies have started to discuss solutions , such as flying drones , or helikites , being deployed in remote areas of developed countries to deliver mobile broadband to spots land-based masts cannot reach .

  24. 十二英里外有一个信号塔突然开始积极联系底特律的激进分子。真有意思,你跑得越远,就越容易被找到。

    There 's a cell tower 12 miles from here that was suddenly doing a lot of business with some burners in Detroit . It 's funny , but the farther you ran , the easier you were to find .

  25. 同时,北美地区有超过八万个信号塔也会造成这个问题:约1000个最高的信号塔要对百分之七十的死亡事件负责,这些塔上装有红色的警告灯,正是它们将鸟儿们引向灭顶之灾。

    While all of the more than 80000 communication towers in North America cause problems , the roughly 1000 tallest towers cause 70 percent of the bird deaths , luring birds to their doom with red warning lights that are always on .

  26. 这名名叫蕾切尔·欣克斯的女子声称患上了电磁过敏症。为了躲避附近网络热点和手机信号塔释放的“有害”信号,现年43岁的欣克斯只好搬到朋友花园下的棚屋栖身。

    Rachel Hinks claims to suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity . To escape the " harmful " signals released from nearby internet hubs and phone masts , the 43-year-old was forced to move into a shack at the bottom of a pal 's garden .

  27. 但最为隐蔽的电源消耗是蜂窝寻呼,可以用掉12%的电池,即手机信号塔每1.28秒就发一次的声脉冲,提示你来电或者有短信。

    But one of the most hidden energy draws , zapping 12 percent of the battery , was just cellular paging : the pings from a cell tower every 1.28 seconds , that tell your phone if a call or message is on the way .

  28. 共享信号塔资产、董事长对调,现在又加上战略联盟——这些举措突显中国电信业多么像一个小圈子,政府鼓励各公司之间存在恰到好处的竞争,以防它们变得自满。

    The moves to pool tower assets , swap chairmen , and now to join up in a strategic alliance underlines just how clubby the world of the Chinese telecommunications industry can be , with the state encouraging just enough competition between companies to keep them from becoming complacent .

  29. 这种手机里内置的迷你信号发射塔可以让它们通过无线网络连接到其它的手机并且创建自己的网络。

    The phones contain a built-in mini-tower that allows them to connect to other phones via Wi-Fi and create their own network .

  30. 去年,荷兰健康委员会就世界各地与此有关的研究进行了一次总结,结果发现没有证据表明手机及电视信号发射塔所发出的辐射会对人体造成伤害。

    The Dutch Health Council , in an overview of research from around the world , last year found no evidence radiation from mobile phones and TV towers was harmful .