
zēnɡ dìnɡ bǎn
  • enlarged edition
  1. 2005年,商务印书馆出版了这部字典的增订版第4版。本文介绍了这一版的修订情况。

    In 2005 , the forth edition of it is published by the Commercial Press , which is introduced in this article .

  2. 方法采用《心理卫生评定量手册》增订版中的患病行为问卷,发放到2001年5月份在性病专科就诊的50名患者中。

    MethodsThe questionnaire from the Handbook of Rating Scales for Mental Health was adopted and50 venereal patients in our department in May2001 were asked to answer the questions .

  3. 博综约取示人门径&评《西方翻译简史(增订版)》总之,作者判断是深入研究文本的门径,任何研究者都无法回避。

    A New Milestone : A Reading of A Short History of Translation in the West ( Revised Edition ) The judgement of the article 's author comes from the thorough study of the text itself ; and there is no avoidance to any scholars .

  4. 《现代汉语》(增订二版下册)中的所字短语

    Phrases of the Character " Suo " in MODERN CHINESE

  5. 《现代汉语》(增订三版)语法部分求疵

    Some Errors in the Part of Grammar in the Third Revised Edition of Modern Chinese

  6. 精益求精的教材范例&谈《现代汉语》(增订二版)语法章的修改

    A Best Improved Example of Textbooks-On the Revision of Grammar Chapter in Modern Chinese Language

  7. 谈《现代汉语》增订二版对语法部分的修改

    Remarks on the revision of the part of grammar in the second revised edition of Modern Chinese

  8. 《现代汉语》增订四版词汇部分修改问题评析

    Review on " Vocabulary " Section in " Modern Chinese Language ( The Fourth Revision Edition )" Compiled

  9. 唯谓形容词和副词&《现代汉语》(增订四版)词类部分评价

    Predicate-only Adjectives and Adverbs : Review on Parts of Speech in " Modern Chinese Language ( The Fourth Revision Edition )" Compiled

  10. 《现代汉语》增订四版修改刍议&以第六章修辞为个案

    Brief Discussion on Modifications in " Modern Chinese Language ( The Fourth Revision Edition )" Compiled & A Case Study on Rhetoric in Chapter Six

  11. 主要分析了黄伯荣、廖序东主编的《现代汉语》(增订三版)在阐释概念的定义、词的分类、短语的分类、语法功能、句子分析等内容时存在的一些问题。

    In the paper , the author analyzes some problems in the book Modern Chinese written by HUANG and LIAO . The problems exist in the definition of concepts , classification of words and phrases , grammatical and sentence analysis .