
  • 网络Buenos Aires Province
  1. 这位第一绅士自己很有可能将党派候选人名单带到布宜诺斯艾利斯省。

    The " first gentleman " himself will probably lead their Peronist party 's list of candidates in Buenos Aires province .

  2. 卡其尔先生也许会把这支新的联盟选举名单带到人口众多的布宜诺斯艾利斯省。

    Mr de Narv á ez may lead this new alliance 's electoral list in populous Buenos Aires province , perhaps going head-to-head with Mr Kirchner .

  3. 事发地点是在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯省东北部的圣特雷西塔海滨度假胜地。当有人发现一条小海豚后,众人便纷纷上前簇拥与它合影。

    The group of people huddled around the mammal taking selfies after it was found on the Argentine beach resort of Santa Teresita in the north-eastern Buenos Aires Province .