
ɡōnɡ jǐ zhì
  • free supply system;system of payment in kind
供给制 [gōng jǐ zhì]
  • [supply on a maintence basis;free supply system] 按大致相同的标准分配生活资料的制度

  1. 现在我们也只能实行供给制。

    For the present , we have to practise the supply system of distribution .

  2. 另一方面又视供给制为理想的分配模式,追求分配中的平均主义,因而他的分配思想一直徘徊在现实与理想之间。

    Thus , his thought of distribution is always wandering between the reality and the ideal .

  3. 公共选择理论所倡导的经济人假定、弱政府模式以及公共物品的混合供给制对政府改革具有很强的启发意义。

    Public theory , which holds the suppositions of Homo-economics , small government and multi-suppliers of public goods , has great enlightenment on governmental reform .

  4. 如不从根本上打破金融垄断和资金供给制的格局,经济增长方式的转变就难以实现。

    The authors hold that form transformation cannot be accomplished if we do not break the pattern of financial monopoly and the supply system of funds .

  5. 从供给制到职务等级工资制-新中国建国前后党政人员收入分配制度的演变。

    From the provisioning system to duty grade wage system : the evolution of the income distribution system of the Party-government staff before and after the founding of new china .

  6. 把按劳分配当作资产阶级法权来否定,曾一度部分地恢复供给制,使得他的社会公平思想中的平均主义色彩相当浓厚。

    The " distribution according to work " was denied as a bourgeois right , and once was partly restored as the supply system , which makes the egalitarian in his ideas of social justice very strong .

  7. 在计划经济时代,我国实行的是具有浓厚平均主义和供给制色彩的个人收入分配制度,在农村里实行平均主义的工分制,在城市里实行固定的平均主义级别工资制。

    During the times of planned economic system , China pursued an individual income distribution system featured by equalitarianism and rations system , with a workpoint system in rural areas and fixed scaled wage system in urban areas .

  8. 工资制与供给制相结合的分配制度的实施经历了从广泛推行到调整,然后强行坚持,最后终结的四个阶段,前后实施了四年之久。

    The distribution system of the integration of wage system and supply system saw four stages & widespread practice , adjustment , enforcement of practice and final abrogation . This system lasted as long as four years and has left usa bitter lesson .

  9. 城市土地供给单轨制的形成有着一系列的原因。

    A series of reasons contribute to the formation of single-track system .

  10. 所以,打破政府对土地一级市场的垄断,开放农村集体土地一级市场是确立城市土地供给双轨制的关键。

    Therefore , breaking government monopoly and opening up the primary market of rural collective land are the key points .

  11. 城市土地供给单轨制的弊端也是显而易见的,最大的弊端就是与1994年实行的分税制改革联手造成了极为畸形的土地财政。

    Singe-track system and the reform of tax-sharing system in 1994 jointly caused the abnormal land revenue , which is the , biggest disadvantage .

  12. 城市土地供给单轨制形成的另一个原因是改革开放以后我国对香港公共用地批租制度的模仿与借鉴。

    For another thing , we imitate the lease system of public land in Hong Kong after the initiation of the policy of reform and opening-up to the outside world .

  13. 而确立城市土地供给的双轨制,则必须以公共利益作为划分的标准。

    Establishing the double-track system should use public interest as the standard .

  14. 谈谈国有土地供给的双轨制问题

    On the Problems of the Double-track System of the Supply of State-owned Land