
fēi xínɡ xué xiào
  • Flight School;aviation school
  1. 他进了莫斯科一所飞行学校。

    He joined a flying school in Moscow .

  2. 当J-5系列战斗机已经在1990年内从现役完全地退役的时候,JJ-5在飞行学校保持服役用于初级喷气式飞机训练。

    While the J-5 series fighters had completely retired from active service in the1990s , the JJ-5 remained in service for basic jet training in flight schools .

  3. 他说,飞行学校里谣言很多。

    The flight school was in a buzz , he said .

  4. 他被飞行学校淘汰了。

    He ( was ) washed out of the flight school .

  5. 这个飞行学校一年毕业100名飞行员。

    The flying school graduates a hundred pilots a year .

  6. 所以我们开设了世界上第一家飞行学校。

    So we opened the world 's first flight school .

  7. 他通过走后门把他儿子弄进了一所飞行学校。

    He got hid son into a flying school through the back door .

  8. 我将同意你去飞行学校。

    I will give you permission for flight school .

  9. 有哪个飞行学校会承认一个黑人女学员呢?

    What flight school would admit a black woman ?

  10. 我们举办了两期飞行学校。

    So we 've run two flight schools .

  11. 嗯,长官,我在海军飞行学校的时候,我晕机。

    Well , sir , when I was in naval flight school , I suffered from vertigo .

  12. 2005年,18岁的法里克申请加入马来西亚航空公司,并报名参加飞行学校。

    In 2005 , at the age of 18 , he applied to Malaysia Airlines and signed up for flight school .

  13. 这世界上第一家飞行学校的合理性搞成这个样子:当海岸警卫队找到我,跟我谈话,

    The rational for the world 's first flight school goes something like : when the coastguards come up to me and say

  14. 从军队将塔斯基吉选为黑人飞行员的机场和飞行学校的时刻讲起。

    starting back at the time when the Army chose Tuskegee as the site of its airfield and flight school for black pilots .

  15. 当她从通航飞行学校获得了驾驶证后,她召开了新闻发布会,于2006年现身于珠海的航空表演。

    She issued a press release when she got her license from a military flight school , and appeared in the2006 Zhuhai air show .

  16. 这名沙丹.胡笙的继子因未能取得学生签证,参加佛罗里达州飞行学校的课程,而遭到拘捕羁押。

    The stepson of Saddam Hussein was arrested and detained because he came to take a course at a flight school in Florida without a student visa .

  17. 九一一恐怖攻击事件发生后,任何希望进入飞行学校上课的外国学生,都必须上项核可才行。

    In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks , any foreign student who wishes to enroll in a flight school program needs the above clearance .

  18. 这就是世界各地飞行学校中国学生人满为患的原因,各国都在卖飞机给中国。

    That is why all our flying schools around the world are full of Chinese students and Countries are selling planes to them , right left and center .

  19. 据Cessna公司称,已经有中国的飞行培训学校订购此型号飞机。

    Some training schools in China already have ordered the airplane , Cessna said .

  20. 东非民用航空飞行训练学校;

    East African civil flying school ;

  21. 从学校毕业后,拉里就加入美国空军,但由于视力不佳而被飞行训练学校拒之门外。

    After finishing school , Larry joined the U.S. Air Force , but was rejected from pilot-training school because of poor eyesight .

  22. 购买、销售、租赁、维修和飞行培训学校,及其提供更换等配件服务。

    A / C : Purchase , sell , lease , repair , flying school . Parts : Buy , sell , exchange , repair .

  23. 除了服役当作一种军用教练机,雅可-152K也将会是适用于飞行训练学校和俱乐部的主要训练和特技飞行。

    As well as serving as a military training aircraft , the Yak-152K will also be suitable for primary training and aerobatics in flying schools and clubs .

  24. 第一天回来,我就穿着我的飞行服去了学校。

    I was so proud , I wore my flight suit to school the first day back .

  25. 过去我常常穿着我的飞行服出现在学校里,琼斯说道,她的孩子现在都长大了。

    I used to show up at school in my flight suit , said Jones , whose children are now grown up .