
  • 网络ecological pressure;ecological stress
  1. 采用生态压力法选育水稻核不育系的新进展

    New progress in breeding rice genic male sterile lines by using ecological stress method

  2. 在传统经济模式下,以牺牲环境获取能源付出了沉重的代价,面临着巨大的资源和生态压力。

    Under traditional economic mode , heavy price is paid for obtaining energy resource at the expense of the environment , and we are faced with huge resource and ecological stress .

  3. 因此,FA是一种方便易用、经济快捷的生物监测工具,可作为转基因植物所造成的生态压力的早期预警指标。

    So FA could be introduced to the risk assessment of transgenic plants as an earlier warning index .

  4. 2005年的生态压力指数是1991年的2.96倍。

    The ecological pressure index in 2005 is 2.96 times than 1991 .

  5. 我国人口与生态压力分析

    Analysis of population and ecology pressure in China

  6. 内蒙古生态压力指数具有下降趋势。

    The ecological pressure index has decreasing tendency .

  7. 现代社会的生态压力与政治稳定

    Ecological pressures and political stability in modern society

  8. 最后提出了缓解宝鸡市城市生态压力的建议。

    At last , some suggestions are gaven to alleviate this city 's ecological pressure .

  9. 目前,随着环境压力、生态压力的不断增加,植物源除草剂越来越受到人们的重视。

    Plant-derived herbicide has received much more attention with the increase in environmental and ecological pressure nowadays .

  10. 基于生态压力指数的河南省生态安全时空差异分析

    Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Ecological Security in He'nan Province Based on Ecological Tension Index

  11. 土地生态压力较大的在空间上主要分布在人口较为稠密、城市化率较高的地区。

    Land with high ecological pressure is mainly distributed in the area with high dense population and urbanization rate .

  12. 苏珊彭斯:生态压力确实会决定未来商业发展前景。

    Susan Burns : Ecological pressures are really going to be shaping the landscape of business in the future .

  13. 近40年来江河源区草地生态压力动态分析

    Ecological stress in grassland ecosystems in source regions of Yangtze , Yellow and Lancang Rivers over last 40 years

  14. 总体上看,中国面临着较大的生态压力,需要一个偏紧的人口战略。

    As a whole , the ecological pressure is high in China which requires a comparatively restrict population strategy .

  15. 缓解我国农业生态压力的重要途径&试论加快我国劳动密集型农产品的生产

    Significance Ways to Relieve the Eco-pressure of China 'S Agriculture & On Accelerating the Production of Our Labor-intensive Agricultural Products

  16. 人均需求量超过供给量,其矛盾逐渐突出,区域社会面临一定的环境生态压力。

    Per capita demand over supply , gradually prominent contradictions , regional community is facing some pressure on the environment .

  17. 而劳动密集型农产品的特点决定了它的生产不仅适合我国国情,也是缓解我国农业生态压力的必然选择。

    The characteristics of labor-intensive agricultural products is not only suits for China S situation , but also relieves the eco-pressure of C.

  18. 随着西部开发的进程,西部省区正在并将持续面临严重的生态压力。

    However , the economic development of Western region and the improvement of living condition will certainly add more ecological pressure on those western provinces .

  19. 对废弃塑料进行回收再利用,将会大大节约能源和原材料,缓解社会的生态压力,实现可持续发展。

    Recycling of waste plastic will be , significant in savings energy and materials , helpful to reduce the ecological pressure and achieve sustainable development .

  20. 与中部其他地区的比较表明,中部地区的三大城市群发展状况基本相同,实力相差不大,生态压力均比较重。

    Compares with other parts of the central region to show that the central urban development status is similar , ecological pressure difference are heavy .

  21. 生态压力指数的变化趋势和耕地的人均生态足迹变化趋势、人均生态赤字变化趋势相一致。

    The trend of ecological tension index , ecological footprint per capita of arable land , the change trend of ecological deficit per capita are similarly .

  22. 研究结果发现:厦门海岸带总体面临较为严重的生态压力,其中西海域和同安湾最为严重;

    Based on the results above , it was found : ESS in Xiamen coast were relatively severe , especially in Western Sea and Tong'an Bay .

  23. 生态压力指数在研究期间呈逐年上升的趋势,从2005年得4.38上升到2009年的4.84,共上升了10.5%。

    The ecological pressure index showed an increasing trend , rising from 4.38 in 2005 to 4.84 in 2009 , a total increase of 10.5 % .

  24. 2002-2009年丰南区耕地生态压力指数先增大后减小,到2009年达到历史最低值。

    The ecological pressure index of cultivated land increased at first and then decreased from 2002 to 2009 , which reached its lowest value in 2009 .

  25. 1986~2002年生态压力指数从0.75增长为1.20,增长幅度为0.45,增长幅度较大;

    The index of the ecological pressure increased from 0.75 to 1.20 from 1986 to 2001 , and the increased range was 0.45 which was large comparatively .

  26. 本文定量计算了我国各省人口压力和生态压力,在此基础上作了组合类型的划分,并提出分析意见。

    This paper calculates the population and ecology pressure of every province in China , then divides them into different combination types , and puts forward some analytic suggestions .

  27. 然而,快速增长的经济和人口正在给太湖带来日益增加的生态压力,同时导致了近年来水质的恶化。

    But tremendous economic growth and the huge population of the area are putting the lake under increasing environmental pressure , resulting in deteriorating water quality in recent years .

  28. 据美国《科学》杂志报道,全球41%的海域已经受到人类活动的强烈影响,包括中国四大海在内的局部海域受到的影响尤为严重,海洋正面临着前所未有的生态压力。

    According to the U.S. " Science " magazine , 41 % of waters has been strongly influenced by human behavior , particularly waters near China where marine is facing unprecedented ecosystem pressure .

  29. 这些生态压力日益成为现代社会政治稳定的最大威胁,由此决定了生态问题将成为各国政府在21世纪首先要解决的重要政治问题。

    These ecological pressures increasingly pose a great threat to the stability of modern society , thereby becoming a political problem of top priority for all governments to address in the 21st century .

  30. 相对于东部沿海地区,我国中西部地区社会经济发展具有得天独厚的资源优势,同时也面临着巨大的生态压力。

    Compared to the Eastern part of china , the Middle and western part has particular resources advantage in its social and economic development , but it is under much pressure in its ecology .