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  • apomixis
  1. 无融合生殖是植物界中普遍存在的一种特殊生殖方式。

    Apomixis is a special reproductive way widely exist in plantae .

  2. 无融合生殖是一种能代替有性生殖而不发生核融合,但能产生种子的生殖方式.它包括:(1)二倍体孢子生殖;

    Apomixis differs from sexual reproduction in its production of seed without nuclear fusion .

  3. 因此,C(1001)是一个具有多种无融合生殖类型的质源材料,值得进一步深入研究和发掘。

    Therfore , C1001 was an useful rice germplasm with several types of apomixis and was worthy of further study and exploitation .

  4. 从水稻同源三倍体中鉴定出无融合生殖种质TAR

    An apomictic autotriploid line tar identified in Oryza sativa

  5. 甜菜无融合生殖系花期差异表达基因cDNA文库的构建

    Construction of the subtractive cDNA library of buds of the apomictic monosomic addition line in sugar beet

  6. 育成了通过省级以上审定的粮、棉、油新品种(组合)300个以上,创造和发明了杂交水稻的冈型、D型、K型不育系;水稻的无融合生殖SAR系;

    Over 300 grain , cotton and oil crop varieties ( lines ) were released by the provincial and the above-level crop examination and approval commissions .

  7. 通过对甜菜叶片基因组DNA的分析,确立了适合于甜菜无融合生殖系的最适宜的AFLP试验体系。

    The foundation of AFLP experimental system that was suitable for sugar beet apomixis was confirmed by the analysis of sugar beet leaf genome DNA .

  8. 小麦和无融合生殖小麦草杂交后代(BC2F2)的生物学特性及根尖染色体数目变化研究

    Studies on the Biological Characteristics and the Variation of Chromosome Numbers in BC 2F 2 between Wheat and Wheat Grass

  9. 甜菜单体附加系M14无融合生殖的细胞胚胎学研究

    Cyto-embryological Study of the Apomixis of the Monosomic Addition Line M14 in Sugarbeet

  10. 甜菜无融合生殖品系M14花期特异表达基因的研究

    Research on Specific Expressed Genes in Florescence of the Apomictic Line M14 of Beta corolliflora in Sugar Beet

  11. 甜菜无融合生殖单体附加系M14的小孢子发生与雄配子体发育的观察

    The observation of Microsporogenesis and the development of male gametophytes in the monosomic addition lines of apomictic beet M14

  12. 高粱SSA-1无融合生殖胚胎学研究

    Embryological study on apomixis in a sorghum line SSA 1

  13. 无融合生殖油菜AMR-1花托离体培养的研究

    Study on excised receptacles culture of apomictic rape AMR-1

  14. 植物无融合生殖的筛选和鉴定研究进展

    Research Progress in Techniques for Screening and Identifying Apomixis in Plants

  15. 苹果属植物无融合生殖研究进展&文献综述

    Studies on the Apomixis in Mains Mill : A Literature Review

  16. 两对互补的显性基因控制着柑桔属和枳属的无融合生殖

    Two Complementary Dominant Genes Controlling Apomixis in Genus Citrus and Poncirus

  17. 植物无融合生殖遗传研究进展&Ⅱ.遗传模式

    Advances in Genetics of Plant Apomixis ──ⅱ . Genetic Models

  18. 无融合生殖在育种工作中具有潜在的应用价值。

    The practical value of apomixis in plant breeding is rem.

  19. 我国水稻无融合生殖的胚胎学研究

    Progress of studies on embryology of rice apomixis in China

  20. 认为山核桃中的无融合生殖为非完全无融合生殖。

    It was thought that it is not complete apomixis in hickory .

  21. 水稻无融合生殖种质筛选的策略

    Basic tactics of selecting and breeding apomictic germplasm in rice

  22. 远缘授粉和激素处理刺激高粱的无融合生殖

    Stimulating sorghum apomixis through distant pollination and hormone treatment

  23. 植物无融合生殖的遗传机理和分子机理的研究进展

    Genetic Mechanism and Molecular Basis of Apomixis in Plant

  24. 植物无融合生殖研究的新进展

    Recent Advances in the Study on Apomixis in Plants

  25. 苹果属植物无融合生殖特性&文献综述植物无融合生殖研究的现状及进展

    Research and Utilization of the Apomictic Characteristic in Malus & A Literature Review

  26. 无融合生殖核桃果实矿质营养变化研究

    Study on Mineral Nutrient Change in Apomictic Walnut Fruit

  27. 无融合生殖是发育生物学领域的重要科学问题。

    Apomixis is an attractive trait in developmental biology .

  28. 苎麻无融合生殖诱导初步研究

    A preliminary study on the induced apomixis in Ramie

  29. 水稻84-15的无融合生殖鉴定

    The Identification of Apomixis in Rice Variety 84 15

  30. 环境的异质性促进了淡黄花百合染色体结构变异的发生,兼性无融合生殖使其染色体所发生的结构变异得以保存。

    Environmental heterogeneity promote happen of structural variations . Facultative apomixes preserve the variations .