
  • 网络relationship feature;Relational Features;relation feature
  1. 浐河流域新石器时代遗址人地关系特征因素研究

    Study of the Man-land Relationship Feature Elements of the Neolithic Sites in the Chan River

  2. 利用平面电磁波的上行波场U和下行波场D在反射面上的相位关系特征,可把地震偏移技术中U/D成像理论引入到MT法数据处理中。

    Upgoing / downgoing wave image theory in seismic migration can be introduced into magnetotelluric data processing in terms of the phase relation between upgoing and downgoing plane eletromagnetic waves on a reflection interface .

  3. 这样,2D图像空间关系特征及其描述词汇的对齐关键就在于为句子中的词汇确定其所属的词汇类别,也就是词语分类问题。

    So the key point of 2D image features and their spatial relationships described in terms of alignment is the sentence to determine its own vocabulary category , which is also a word classification problem .

  4. 在购买方供应商关系特征与零部件要素之间建立数学关系事实上几乎是不可能的.本文提出了关系指标(RI)的概念,并应用实验设计方法将BSR定量化。

    Because it is almost impossible in reality to establish mathematical relationships between the BSR attributes and the factors of a project , the concept of relationship indices ( RI ) is introduced to quantify such BSR which are in turn established through design of experiments .

  5. 论技术创新与社会发展的关系特征

    On the characteristics of relationships between technological innovation and social development

  6. 黄土高原半干旱区农田水分系统关系特征的初步研究

    The Farmland Water System in Loess Plateau Semi-arid Area

  7. 该文还分析了票据贴现的法律关系特征。

    The paper also analyzed the characteristics of legal relation of bill discount .

  8. 城市单亲家庭亲子关系特征研究

    Research of Urban Single - Parent Family Relational Character

  9. 上海市氮氧化物污染与气象条件关系特征分析氮氧化物污染控制&控制氮氧化物的生成

    Analyses on features of relation between Nitrogen Oxides Pollution and meteorological conditions in Shanghai

  10. 中学生人际关系特征

    Characteristics of interpersonal relations in middle school students

  11. 新时期中伊关系特征和战略定位分析

    Analysis on the Characteristics and Strategic Definition of Sino-Iran Relationship in the New Era

  12. 空间关系特征参数描述采用认知图方法。

    Spatial relation feature description employs cognitive map .

  13. 在分析虚拟企业信任结构与信任关系特征的基础上,提出了虚拟企业信任形成与构建需要规范化、文本化与信息化的观点。

    This dissertation stresses to study standardization and information management of VE 's trust process .

  14. 和谐是表征事物发展状态和关系特征的辩证法范畴。

    Harmony belongs to the dialectic category which indicates the developing state and relational characteristics of matter .

  15. 沙漠-绿洲过渡带四种多年生植物水分关系特征

    Water relation characteristics of four perennial plant species growing in the transition zone between oasis and open desert

  16. 基于小波变换的水沙关系特征分析:以长江大通站为例

    Rating curves based on wavelet analyses : a case study at Datong station in the lower Changjiang River

  17. 暴露-反应关系特征是指暴露-反应关系曲线的形状及是否存在阈值浓度。

    The character of exposure-response relationship included the shape of the exposure-response relationship and the existence of the threshold concentration .

  18. 模板是由一组依存关系特征的集合所组成的,一个依存关系特征由一个依存关系逻辑表达式表达,这样的模板具有简单直观的特点。

    The template , as a set of dependency characteristics in the form of logic expression , is simple and direct .

  19. 重点研究了构成图元的线元间几何关系特征的判定方法与判定条件。

    The main research about its is geometrical relation 's deducible method and condition between line units of which graphics unit consists .

  20. 儿童认知发展则表现为概念范畴化,从发现和表达事物的显在特征到更为细致复杂的综合特征和关系特征。

    The cognitive growth is characterized by conceptual categorization , from discovering and representing the superficiality to the comprehensive complexity and relationships .

  21. 暴力犯罪中犯罪人与被害人的关系特征及过错责任分析把责任、过错归于某人。

    10 Analysis of the Characteristic of the Relationship between Offenders and Victims and the Liability for Fault in a Violent Offence ;

  22. 现代城市入口具有与古代城市入口完全不同的功能特征、意向特征以及组成要素的关系特征等。

    Therefore , modern urban entrance is different from ancient urban entrance at function , intention and the relationship among different constitution elements .

  23. 随后,本文对供应链的定义、供应商管理、供应商合作伙伴关系特征以及供应商分类主要的模型方法进行了介绍和阐述。

    Secondly , we explained the definition of supply chain , supplier management , supplier partnership and the main features of supplier classification .

  24. 教育中的主体间性是主体与主体之间相互尊重,在法律、各项学校规章制度与道德规范下的相互理解的关系特征。

    Subject interval in education is a mutual respect between subject and subject , and a mutual understanding between school regulations and moral criterion .

  25. 通过对应急领域汉语文本的隐式因果关系特征分析的基础上,基于概念实体研究文本中隐式因果关系的抽取方法。

    Based on analysis of charater of Chinese corpus implicit causality in emergency field , implicit causality extraction method was researched by concept entity .

  26. 网络从网络结构特征、网络关系特征以及网络类型三个方面影响着企业从网络中获得资源的类型和数量,进而对企业成长产生影响。

    Network structure , network relation and network types decide the types and quantities of the resources that the firm obtains from the network .

  27. 金融市场的服务特征主要包括金融服务的特征、金融服务企业的服务特征、金融服务的顾客特征和金融服务市场的供求关系特征。

    The service character of the financial market mainly includes the character of the financial service , enterprise , customer and the financial supply-demand relationship .

  28. 目前,针对空气颗粒物与人群死亡率暴露-反应关系特征的研究已经成为空气污染流行病学研究的关键和难点问题之一。

    The character of exposure-response relationship between particulate matter and population mortality has been one of the critical and difficult problems in air pollution epidemiological study .

  29. 影响因素包括联盟建立前的合伙人自身的特征和合伙人之间的配合关系特征,联盟建立后的合伙人之间的信任关系和合作技巧。

    Firstly , the interior factors influencing on alliance performance that include the characteristics of partner , the characteristics of partner-fit , trust and collaborative know-how are analyzed systematically .

  30. 降水、地表水与地下水转化关系特征明显;④内陆河区水平衡状态,易受人类活动影响等

    Transformation relationship between rainfall , surface water and groundwater is notable , and ( 4 ) The water resources balance of endorheic drainage is easily influenced by the human actions