
  • 网络key equipment;critical equipment;Key Devices
  1. 本论文首先对HFC网的拓扑结构、体系结构、关键设备、信道特点等方面进行了充分的研究,指出这种网络拓扑结构固有的缺点,那就是上行是多点到一点的信号汇聚。

    This paper firstly investigates the topology , architecture , key devices and channel features of HFC network , then points out its inherent disadvantages of this kind of topology .

  2. CMTS系统是HFC网络中的关键设备之一,它能够使有线电视用户实现宽带接入并享受交互式综合业务服务。

    CMTS system is one of the key devices in HFC network , it can make CATV users access broad-band network and enjoy the interactive integrated service .

  3. 家庭网关是智能家庭网络的关键设备,是家庭网络设备与Internet沟通的桥梁。

    Smart Home Gateway is the key to the Home Network , and is a bridge between Internet and the home network devices .

  4. CO2汽提塔是尿素合成工艺中的关键设备之一。

    CO_ ( 2 ) stripper is one of the most important units in the Urea-synthesis process .

  5. PTA装置关键设备国产化探讨

    Study for feasibility of key equipment of PTA plant made at home

  6. 蒸汽发生器(SteamGenerator简称SG),作为核动力装置中一、二回路之间的连接枢纽,是核电站的关键设备,也是核动力装置运行中发生故障最多的设备之一。

    Steam Generator , as the hinge linking the primary and secondary circuits in nuclear-power device , is one of the easing-broken devices .

  7. 汽车EPS电液伺服加载系统是进行汽车EPS测控系统性能试验的关键设备。

    Electro-hydraulic servo loading system of EPS in automobile is a key fundamental equipment for EPS performance test in lab.

  8. 电极控制是钢包精炼生产线的关键设备,本文探讨其可编程序控制器PLC实现技术,该系统具有操作简便,安全可靠等特点,有自动/手动功能。

    The electrode-control is a key equipment for ladle refining production line . In this paper , the implementation of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) has been developed .

  9. LCM视角下的变电站及关键设备缺陷分析

    LCM-based defect analysis of substations and key equipments

  10. 为CZ-3A三级冷氦增压系统得到实施提供了一个必不可少的关键设备。

    It provides the cold helium pressurization system of the stage 3 of CZ-3A with a key device .

  11. 本论文将迅速发展的FPGA技术应用于数字电视系统中,研究探讨了数字电视前端系统中的关键设备&传输流复用器的FPGA建模和实现,以及相关的关键技术。

    This paper applies the FPGA technology in digital TV system , makes research on digital TV front-end system key equipment & MPEG-2 transport stream multiplexer , and FPGA modeling and implement .

  12. AGV是物流系统中的关键设备之一,本文简单阐述了AGV的激光导引及控制原理。

    AGV is a important equipment of Material Flow Systems . In this paper , summarized laser guided AGV 's navigation and control principle .

  13. 本文介绍了10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)燃料元件气体输送系统的关键设备、管路设计及输送气体流量计算。

    The key equipments , the design of tubes and the calculation of transportation gas flow are described in this paper .

  14. 将EOS功能集成于多业务接入平台,构成MSTP(Multi-serviceTransportPlatform)设备,相应成为城域网中的关键设备。

    In many service Transport platform , they integrate EOS function , it makes EOS form MSTP ( Multi-Service Transport Platform ) equipment become key equipment in the land net of the city correspondingly .

  15. MPEG-2编码器就是电视信号传输数字化的关键设备之一,其性能直接关系到广电传播的质量。

    The MPEG-2 encoding equipment is one of the key equipments which is used to transmit the digital TV signal , which quality will effect directly to the quality of broadcasting and TV transmission .

  16. 介绍了微电子专用关键设备0.7μmi线投影曝光系统光刻物镜的主要技术指标,及设计试制中解决的关键单元技术和试制结果。

    The main specifications of lithography lens , solved key unit techniques in design and the development results of 0.7 μ m I line projection system , which is a special key micro electronic equipment , are reviewed .

  17. 反应器是PTA装置进行生产的关键设备,而反应釜用机械密封失效则会导致反应工段全线停车,给正常生产造成很大的影响。

    The reactor is the key production equipment in PTA unit . Failure of mechanical seal in the reaction vessel will lead to the shut-down of the whole reaction section which will affect the normal production unit .

  18. 简要介绍了年产1.5万m3中纤板生产线改造前的情况,重点论述了关键设备和工艺的改造过程,以及改造后的情况。

    This paper presents a situation before transformation of 15 000 m 3 / a medium density fiberboard ( MDF ) production line . The key equipment and technology of 30 000 m 3 / a MDF production line were discussed .

  19. SD-175型排种器试验台是排种器性能试验的关键设备,利用PLC及智能型仪表构成SD-175型排种器试验台运行自动控制系统,本文结合试验台的工作原理。

    SD-175 seed-meter test platform is the key equipment for seed-meter performance test . PLC and intelligent apparatus constitute the working automatic control system of the type SD-175 seed-meter test platform .

  20. 所以加快研究OFDM信号识别系统理论,研制具有自主知识产权的关键设备和系统,无疑对增强国家信息高科技创新能力,推动军队信息化建设,促进综合国力和竞争力的进一步提高都具有重大意义。

    To speed up the theory research of OFDM signal recognition system , develope the key equipment and systems with independent intellectual property rights , will undoubtedly enhance the national hi-tech innovation and promote the construction of military information , improve the national comprehensive strength and competitiveness further .

  21. 作为当代物流处理自动化的有效手段和柔性制造系统的关键设备,AGV已经得到了越来越广泛的应用,对AGV的研究也具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    As the valid measure of contemporary logistics processing automation and the key equipment of flexible manufacture system , the AGV has already got more and more extensive application , so that the research on AGV has very important theory meaning and realistic meaning .

  22. 并以此设计了一种直接调用3DS模型文件的接口程序,建立了关键设备虚拟仿真场景。

    Moreover , the paper provides the way for transferring model from the platform by OpenGL to create scenes , designs an interface program to directly transfer 3DS model documents , and realizes the scene simulation of key equipments .

  23. 于是,不考虑设备失效机理和破坏形式,不能精确计算单台设备的风险值,成为了HSE管理体系的薄弱环节,也制约了HSE在油气生产系统尤其关键设备风险管理方面的应用。

    Therefore , without consideration of the equipment failure mechanism and the destruction form or without calculation the single equipment precise risk value has become the weak link of HSE management system and also has restricted the application of HSE in the aspect on equipment risk management .

  24. 介绍X25协议及其在中国的应用情况,对X.25同步通信控制器的发展进行了总结和分析,给出一种微机加入公用数据网关键设备&高性能的智能X.25同步通信控制设备的设计。

    25 protocol and its application in CHINA , then Summarizes the progress of X. 25 synchronous communication controller . At last , a key device for microcomputers to jon PSDN - a high-performance intelligent X.

  25. 通过对现有SCFE基本工艺及原理的分析,提出了小型SCFE系统工艺,并进行系统设备配置,同时用断裂力学理论对SCFE系统关键设备&高压萃取釜进行疲劳寿命估计。

    Based on analysis of existing basic SCFE technique and principle , a minitype SCFE system is developed and the theory of rupture mechanics is applied to estimate of fatigue life on the SCFE key part high pressure extractor .

  26. 主氦风机是10MW高温气冷实验堆(简称HTR10)的关键设备,其功能是提供一回路氦气循环所需的压力升,从而使堆芯的热量传输给蒸发器。

    The helium circulator is a key component of the 10MW High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor ( HTR 10 ), which provides pressure rise required for helium circulation within the primary system in order to assure the thermal energy transfer from the reactor core to the steam generator .

  27. 关键设备工序紧凑的动态调度算法

    A Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm Based on Key Equipment 's Compact Procedures

  28. 手机比吸收率测量系统中关键设备性能研究

    Research on the equipment performance of SAR testing system for mobile phones

  29. 通信控制器是计算机网络中的关键设备。

    Communication controlers are the key devices in computer network .

  30. 水轮发电机组是水力发电的关键设备。

    Turbine-Generator machine set is the crucial equipment of waterpower .