- Dislocation;diastrophism;the changing of the relative positions of objects

(1) [the changing of the relative positions of objects]
(2) 事物的相对位置发生变动
(3) 事物相对位置的变动
High Pressure Jet and Wash for Bedding Fault Zone in Layer C_5 and Fractured Fault Zone
What have been measured using the GPS method or fault-slip-inversion method can deal only with the surface and shallow crust .
After high pressure jet and wash , cement grouting , the bedding fault zone in layer C5 and fractured fault zone were tested , checked and analyzed by supersonic wave .
The slip distribution on the fault plane and then the slip at each sub-source are determined from a hybrid source model , which combines asperity model and k square model .
Assuming that the ratio of the asperity size to the size of whole dislocation surface is C. and the fracture begins in the center , it calculates the effect of different C-values on the far-field seismic wave spectrum .
The offset range was up to three magnitudes and four gradient with its maximum motion 350m .
On the basis of GPS observational data , dislocation on boundaries and strain inside blocks of a multi block system are computed with Discontinuous Deformation Analysis ( DDA ) and Dislocation Model ( DM ) .
It has been found that the upper bound of the focal fault is the G interface obtained by seismic sounding data and is consistent with the high-dip angle deep fault beneath the interface , which proved that the deep fault underwent a shers disturbance during the earthquake .
And the Weibull model is established to estimate the risk of the activity of faults , taking into consideration factors such as the fault-induced vibration , displacement , creep , ground fracture , liquefaction , and landslide .
The historical moderate and strong events in East China exhibit mainly a NE trending slip , while the modern events show the NW-SE trending slip on the land and NE and NW trend slip in the sea area .
The generalized J-M sets for decimal index number have discontinuity and collapse , and their evolutions depend on the choice of the principal range of the phase angle .
The stability analysis of steep bank slope associated control by angle Fault 18 and low-angle fault zone between layers found that the side slope obviously control by weak structural surface .
The layers over 300m in the site have undergone vertical movements which have different amplitudes and frequencies for about 20 times . All the reflected interfaces are basically continuous and stable along the horizontal direction but there are some local fluctuation and disturbance .
The steep faults trending from NNE to NE in this region are liable to produce strong earthquakes , whose co-seismic faultings are , for the most part , right lateral slip ;
In this paper , we simulate the evolution process of cumulative Coulomb failure stress change (Δ CCFS ) in North China since 1303 , manifested by secular tectonic stress loading and occurrence of large earthquakes .
If the dislocation is limited with 50 cm , it will not induce the failure of the dam itself , but will result in the local damage of the concrete cut-off wall nearby the fault .
The abyssal fault with high dip angle under the detachment surface cutting through the middle and lower crust to Moho is the causative fault for the Xingtai large earthquake , whose dislocation can cause strong earthquakes , shallow fault activity and the motion of surface material .
Combining with the source mechanism of the earthquake and the fault structure in the source area , the authors have considered that the earthquake is the result of the left lateral dislocation of the segment of the west Haiyuan fault which is in EW direction .
Observational Effect Surface Displacement and Strain Produced by En Echelon Faulting
Study on influence of fault dislocation on a core rockfill dam
The Research on Alternate Displacement About Base-sliding Masonry Structure with Graphite
On features of slip motion on source fault plane in Western Hubei
Analysis on spatial distribution and mechanical property of epidote quartz dislocated belt
Stress drop , slide velocity and sudden - instability criterion for earthquakes
The shear displacement of perimeter joints is also enlarged .
There exist some regional variations in the movement of earthquake faults .
The oscillation during instability of rock body and the multilateral faulting traces
Shear Zones Within Layer of Basalt and Their Effect on Rock Mass
Especially occurs on land fault moving out of place .
Seismic hazard analysis method for fault rupture and dislocation