
  • 网络Yandu
  1. 发现H3PW12O40及上述八种盐都有良好的活性和选择性,其中以Zn~(2+)盐为最佳。

    It was found that H_3PW_ ( 12 ) O_ ( 40 ) and its salts , especially the Zn ~ ( 2 + ) salt , showed good activity and selectivity .

  2. 目的:探讨盐都县围产儿死亡率及死亡原因。

    Objective : Probe into perinatal mortality and cause of death .

  3. 所有这些种类的盐都具有相同的基本性质。

    All of these samples of salt have the same fundamental properties .

  4. 这些有机铯盐都具有升华温度低、热稳定性好的优点。

    All these organic complexes exhibit low sublimation temperature and high thermal stability .

  5. 盐都盐文化初探

    The Inquiring into the Salt Culture of Salt City

  6. 糖和盐都能在水中溶解。

    Both sugar and salt can dissolve in water .

  7. 辣椒和盐都是调味品。

    Pepper and salt are condiments .

  8. 这么好的盐都让你给浪费了。

    You just wasted good salt .

  9. 论自贡成为中国盐都的必然性以及发展趋势

    Discussion on the Inevitability for Zigong to Become Salt Capital in China and Its Developing Trend

  10. 做饭用的油、黄油、盐都会使我们的体重增加,同时也会带来一些健康问题。

    Cooking with oil , butter and salt leads to weight gain and potential health problems .

  11. 重金属和营养盐都是海洋环境质量监测的重要内容。

    The concentrations of heavy metals and nutrient elements are important for the marine environmental quality .

  12. 但是世界上大部分的硝酸盐都产自于智利,并且数量也十分不足。

    But most of the world 's nitrate deposits were in chile , and they were insufficient .

  13. 目的调查了解盐城市盐都区健康体检人员梅毒螺旋体的感染情况。

    To investigate the situation of Treponema pallidum infection among people in the physical examinations in Yandu District of Yancheng .

  14. 结果发现海带根粉和海带多糖对茼蒿硝酸盐都有降低作用。

    The result showed that both kelp root powder and kelp polysaccharide could reduce the nitrate content in crowndaisy chrysanthemum .

  15. 结果表明,这两种锌盐都可以显著改善共聚物涂层的机械性能。

    It has shown that both of these two zinc salts will greatly improve the mechanical properties of the acrylic copolymers .

  16. 测试结果表明:这两种共晶盐都有望成为比较合适的低温蓄冷材料。

    The results show that these two sorts of binary eutectic salt are hope to be suitable for low temperature cool storage .

  17. 多种多样的化学致癌物如苯、烟、硝酸盐都能够引起()促进肿瘤的发生。

    A variety of chemical carcinogens as diverse as benzene , cigarette smoke , and nitrites can initiate and / or promote this process .

  18. 结果表明,六种胆汁酸盐都表现动力学和热力学抑制,而且抑制作用有浓度依赖关系。

    The results show that all the bile salts inhibit the reaction thermodynamically and kinetically and the inhibition effect was found to be concentration-dependent .

  19. 你可以做出选择,你可以把里面所有的盐都挑出来,你也可以往里面倒入更多的水使其不那么苦涩。

    You can try to pick out all the salt or you can keep pouring in more water so eventually it gets less bitter .

  20. 并通过对自贡成为中国盐都发展过程的分析,对自贡盐业的未来发展提出了自己的观点。

    Through analysis on the developing process of Zigong , the authors propose their own viewpoint on the future development of salt industry in Zigong .

  21. 文章从地理、资源及历史的角度阐明了自贡成为中国盐都的必然性;

    This paper expatiates upon the inevitability for Zigong to become the salt capital in China from the perspective of geography , resources and history .

  22. 硫酸盐和氯化盐都对氨有一定的固定效果,其中铁盐和铝盐对氨的固定效果明显,最高可达99%。

    Sulphate and chlorizated salts have a better effect on nitrogen fixation , molysite and aluminium compounds are best among them , with the maximum fixing ratio 99 % .

  23. 有氧条件下,当氧和硝酸盐都存在时,细胞可以同时利用氧和硝酸盐作为电子受体供细胞生长和磁小体矿化。

    Under AS condition , when there is oxygen and nitrate , cells can also use oxygen and nitrate as electron acceptor for cell growth and mineralization of magnetosome .

  24. 顾客甚至可以选择自己想要的各类眼泪,这些盐都是从各类眼泪中提取的,有生气的眼泪、难过的眼泪、欢乐的眼泪、被洋葱熏的眼泪和打喷嚏流的眼泪。

    You can even choose what kind of tears you like , picking from salt made from Tears of Anger , Sorrow , Laughter , Chopping onions or Sneezing .

  25. 自清中叶以来,东西南北万商云集,盐船漫合,至抗战之始,京、鲁、豫、苏菜麇集盐都,各显神通。

    Self-cleaning since the mid , west , south million of merchants , ship diffuse salt together until the beginning of the war , Beijing , Shandong , Henan , Jiangsu cuisine assemble salt recount .

  26. 翻开这本泛黄的地图,穿梭在自贡的历史中,人们无不惊叹,古老的盐都层层叠叠的历史与沧桑。

    Opening an ancient map of hers and dating back to her history , anyone will be amazed at the long history and tremendous changes buried in the layer of salt of the ancient city of salt .