
  • 网络Salt shell;pellicular salt;silicalite;salt encrustation
  1. 结果表明:由于土表盐壳形成后对水分蒸发的抑制,不同大气蒸发能力条件下地下水埋深为50cm时,随蒸发历时的延长,潜水蒸发由稳定变为非稳定状态。

    The results show that the steady state phreatic evaporation changes into non-steady state with the increase of evaporation time at 50 cm depth of groundwater table owing to the effect of salt crust on the water movement .

  2. 罗布泊干盐湖电磁感应电导率与耳纹成因关系探讨应用EM38电磁感应电导仪测量法调查了罗布泊耳纹地区盐壳电导值,对干盐湖沉积物采取不同尺度和不同空间分辨率的取样与测量。

    The Electromagnetic Induction Measurements ( EM38 ) were applied to investigate electromagnetic induction of the salt crust in Lop Nur Great Ear region and the deposit sampling and measurements were made in different scales and varied space differential rate .

  3. 他的嘴上也结了坚硬的盐壳。

    His mouth , too , is crusted with salt .

  4. 新疆罗布泊环状盐壳的特征与成因

    Features and Causes of Formation on Ring-shaped Salt Crust in Lop Nur Region of Xinjiang , China

  5. 经过千百万年之后,其含盐度变得极大,以至湖上浮着一层浮冰一样的盐壳。

    Through hundreds of thousands of years , it has become so salty that salt crusts float upon it like ice .

  6. 基于决策树方法的罗布泊大耳朵干盐湖区盐壳分类研究

    A Study on Salt Crust Classification Based on Decision Tree Technology in Lop Nur " Great Ear " Dry Salt Lake Area

  7. 暴风雨过后,海面上终于重见天日。太阳蒸发着海水,在他眼睛上留下了坚硬的盐壳。

    The sun had come out hard after the storm and evaporated the water , leaving the salt in a crust on his eye .

  8. 同时,雅丹体表面析出的盐分逐渐固结,形成坚硬的盐壳,减少了外力的侵蚀破坏作用,对雅丹地貌具有一定的保护作用。

    During the processes of yardang landform forming , the extracted salts form hard salt crust , which reduces erosion and damaging effects of external forces and has a protective effect on yardang landforms .

  9. 外加盐对壳聚糖树脂吸附游离酸的影响

    The effect of external-added salt on adsorption of free acid by chitosan resin

  10. 采用氢溴酸盐法测定壳聚糖的脱乙酰度,并与酸碱滴定法测定的结果进行比较。

    The degree of deacetylation of chitosan was determined by hydrobromide method and the values were compared with the values determined by acid-base titration .

  11. 水杨醛与壳聚糖反应制得壳聚糖席夫碱配体,再与钯盐反应得到壳聚糖席夫碱钯催化剂。

    Chitosan schiff-base was synthesized via the reaction of chitosan with salicylaldehyde , which ( reacted ) with a palladium salt to obtain a chitosan schiff-base coordinated palladium catalyst .

  12. 凝胶组成中海藻酸盐和羧甲基壳聚糖的重量比为3:3,随着释放介质的pH值由1.2逐渐增长到7.4,两种生物分子的释放率都增长了。

    For a typical gel composition alginate-to-NOCC weight ratio 3:3 , as the pH of the release media increased from 1.2 to 7.4 , the release rate of both biomolecules increased .

  13. 除了寿司卷与生鱼片,他还点了一碗盐毛豆、软壳蟹、天妇罗虾(prawntempura)。

    He orders a bowl of salted edamame beans , soft-shelled crab and prawn tempura as well as a selection of rolls and sashimi .

  14. 方法成盐法制备碘化壳聚糖,倾注法测定碘化壳聚糖的抗菌活性,并进行急性毒性试验。

    Methods Preparing the chitosan iodide by salification , and determining its antibacterial activity by tilt-pour process .

  15. 海藻酸盐/羧甲基壳聚糖凝胶和高等电点蛋白质间的相互作用可以进一步加以研究,从而开发新的蛋白质给药载体。

    The interaction between alginate / NOCC gel and the high pI proteins could potentially be exploited to generate new protein delivery systems .

  16. 计算结果显示熔盐氯化炉炉壳温度在30~50℃,熔盐最高温度747℃,这与现场实测数据相近;

    The results showed molten-salt chlorinator shell temperature was at30 ~ 50 ℃, the maximum temperature of molten salt reached to747 ℃, and these were similar to field measured data .