
  1. 清初湘南派行盐引案反映了食盐专卖制度与地方政治、市场需求的关系,值得重视和研究。

    This reflected the relation of salt monopoly and local politics and market requirement .

  2. 清初政府在湖南南部地区派行盐引,成为这一地区建立食盐专卖制度过程的重要开端。

    In the Qing Dynasty , the formal salt market was formed in this area and it was the beginning of salt monopoly system .

  3. 其结构主要就是以预提盐引案为引,折射出清中期的盐政制度问题,即吏治问题和监察手段的漏洞。

    Its structure mainly analyse the withholding salt cited the case cited refraction the Salt Administration system of the mid-Qing Dynasty : vulnerability of the officials and monitoring means .

  4. 乾隆三十三年,两淮盐引案发,因收受盐商价值万余之古玩,被拘系,病死扬州狱中。

    Qianlong thirty-three years , cited the incident Salt Salt , Salt for accepting more than the value of antiques , detained , Department of Yangzhou died in prison .

  5. 本文主要通过讨论清代的三大贪污案之一,也是最大的经济犯罪案件两淮预提盐引案来论述清朝盐法制度与清代中期的吏治问题。

    In this paper , by discuss one of the three corruption cases in the Qing Dynasty also is the largest economic crimes in the Huai River withholding salt cited case , in order to discuss the salt law system and officialdom problem of the mid-Qing Dynasty .

  6. 无机盐对引气混凝土的力学性能影响规律与非引气混凝土一致。

    The influence of inorganic salts on mechanical performance of air entrainment concrete is similar with non-air entraining concrete .

  7. 太平天国定都南京,太平军足迹遍布淮盐销售引地,从而对淮盐运销产生了极大的影响。

    The troops of Taiping Heavenly kingdom , with its capital in nanjing , covered almost all the areas of the Huai sea salt sales , which ever brought great trouble to the Huai salt transportaion and sales .

  8. 北洋政府时期,在长芦盐区,因引岸专商制沿袭已久,弊端丛生。

    In Changlu salt area in the period of Northern Warlords Government , many abuses occurred because of the long term practice of the inviting investment and demarcation monopoly system .