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jué kǒu
  • crevasse;(of a dyke,etc.)be breached;be breached;breach;burst
决口 [jué kǒu]
  • [(of a dyke,etc.)be breached;burst] 堤岸被水冲出缺口

决口[jué kǒu]
  1. 季风雨使河堤决口。

    Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks .

  2. 堤坝决口,淹没了他们的村庄。

    A dam burst and flooded their villages .

  3. 大坝决口了。

    The dam had been breached .

  4. 大坝决口造成洪灾,70多人因此丧生。

    More than 70 people were killed in the floods , caused when a dam burst

  5. 河堤决口后,马上派出了工程队去抢险。

    The river dyke sprang a leak , and the construction brigade was immediately sent to deal with it .

  6. 嗽叭形堆积通常由堤防决口的洪流所形成

    Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees .

  7. 而且沉积和决口的问题,也是存在的

    Sedimentation , the damage of a breach are problems , too .

  8. 我说当然可以,只是希望以后我们都决口不再提B这个名字。

    I said certainly may , only be hoped later our all crevasse no longer will propose B this name .

  9. 论文通过对溃堤机理的研究,采用Fread提出的宽顶堰流公式来计算堤防决口口门过流量。

    The break-dam flux is calculated by Fread formula based on analysis of the mechanism of break-dam .

  10. 下了十天雨后河堤决口了。

    After ten day of rain the river burst its bank .

  11. 大庆市多决口洪水的二维动态模拟

    2-Dimensional Dynamic Simulation on Flood with Several Breaking in Daqing City

  12. 黄河下游悬河决口灾害的风险分析与评价

    Risk analysis of dike breach in lower reaches of Yellow River

  13. 河堤决口,淹没了大型的工厂。

    The river burst its bank , swamping a large factory .

  14. 河道堤防模拟决口水利计算简化法

    A method simplified of hydraulic calculation for simulating levee breach

  15. 水坝在水的压力下终於决口。

    The dam eventually yield and collapse under the weight of water .

  16. 揭开1938年黄河决口的内幕

    Inside story of dyke-breach on the Yellow River in 1938

  17. 堤防决口机理及其防治

    Mechanism of Dike Breakdown and Its Prevention and Control

  18. 他对美国近年的时政缄默不语,甚至对伊拉克战争也是决口不提。

    He stops short of recent years , scarcely mentioning the Iraq war .

  19. 那水坝在水的压力下决口了。

    The dam burst under the weight of water .

  20. 那犹如天河决口一般。

    It was like a deluge from heaven .

  21. 求解任意决口断面溃坝水力特性的形态参数分离法

    Separation of shape-parameters for the calculation of hydraulic characteristics of dam-burst with arbitrary outlet

  22. 水的压力使堤坝决口。

    The pressure of the water caused the wall of the dam to crack .

  23. 长江九江决口的工程地质问题及防治对策

    Some engineering geological problems in Jiujiang burst along the Yangzi River and its preventive measures

  24. 那水坝到底还是决口了。还教给了他们包扎伤口。

    The dam has finally given . They were also taught to dress the wounds .

  25. 临时围堰在台风大潮情况下决口事故原因分析

    Analysis of Bursting Reasons of Temporary Cofferdam in the Cases of Typhoon and Spring Tide

  26. 那水坝到底还是决口了。

    The dam has finally given .

  27. 中小河流堤防决口时洪水流量推算

    The calculation of flood discharge as the collapse of a dyke of small and middle rivers

  28. 虽然困难沉沉,人们仍决口施止人们的计划。

    In spite of all the difficulties , we are determined to carry out our plan .

  29. 假设一场灾难性的大地震造成大坝决口,试对由此而产生的下游洪水进行建模。

    Model the flooding downstream in the event there is a catastrophic earthquake that breaches the dam .

  30. 曲流河相自下而上为河床滞留沉积-点坝-天然堤-决口扇-泛滥平原的正韵律组合。冲积河流的河相关系

    E. meandering point bars , crevasse splays , natural levees and flood plains . CHANNEL GEOMETRY OF ALLUVIAL STREAMS