
  • 网络Leakage of confidentiality;Let the cat out of the bag
  1. 即属泄漏机密,可被解雇。

    Commits a breach of confidence and shall be liable to dismissal .

  2. 他的老板们认为他是一个有泄漏机密危险的人物。

    His employers thought he was a security risk .

  3. 参议员约翰?麦凯恩现在指责白宫故意泄漏机密信息来获取政治利益。

    Senator John McCain is now accusing the White House of purposely leaking classified information for political gain .

  4. 安全信息系统要防止由内部泄漏机密信息。

    To prevent the secret information from leaking in the information system , encryption is an efficient method .

  5. 他说,如果有国防部的官员设法对这些机密文件进行了审查与编辑,那他们也同样犯下了泄漏机密文件的罪行。

    If Defense Department officials participated in trying to sanitize or redact these documents , he said , they still would be guilty of releasing classified documents .

  6. 金将军还谈到另一名大校,王庆前。他曾是驻东京中国大使馆的军事联络官,因向日本泄漏机密而被捕。

    Jin said another senior colonel , Wang Qingqian , was caught spying for Japan while serving as a military liaison officer at the Chinese embassy in Tokyo .

  7. 民主党参议院情报委员会主席丹尼尔·费恩斯坦称,这里引用道:“继续泄漏机密信息给媒体令人非常不安。”

    Dianne Feinstein , the Democratic chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee said she was , quote , " deeply disturbed by the continuing leaks of classified information to the media . "

  8. 他因泄漏国家机密而被捕。

    He was arrested for having given away state secrets .

  9. 3.disclosev.揭露,透露员工不应泄漏公司机密。

    Employees should not disclose any confidential information of their company .

  10. 一经发现有泄漏amd机密材料的行为。

    Found to reveal amd confidential information .

  11. adj.小心的;机警的他小心翼翼以免泄漏国家机密。

    wary He was wary of telling state secrets .

  12. 他小心翼翼以免[唯恐]泄漏国家机密。

    He was wary of telling state secrets .

  13. 但如果说你,意思是你说漏嘴,泄漏了机密。

    But if you spill the beans , you tell something that was supposed to be a secret .

  14. 2007年,据日媒体报道,王庆前因泄漏军事机密而被军事法庭定罪,并被判死刑。

    Wang was convicted of revealing military secrets to Japan by a court martial in2007 and received a suspended death sentence , according to Japanese media .

  15. 泄漏国家安全机密的可能性。

    The possibility of a security leak .