
yáng nián
  • the year of the sheep
  1. 按照一些迷信的说法,羊年出生的小孩长大后会像温顺的羊一样永远只能追随别人、永远都成为不了领袖。

    Babies born in the Year of the Sheep , therefore , will grow up to be followers rather than leaders , according to some superstitions .

  2. 按照一些迷信的说法,羊年出生的小孩长大后会像温顺的羊一样永远只能追随别人、永远都成为不了领袖。很多中国人认为,羊年出生的孩子注定要遭受痛苦的心碎,失败的婚姻和生意上的霉运。

    Babies born in the Year of the Sheep , therefore , will grow up to be followers rather than leaders , according to some superstitions . The children are destined for heartbreak and failed marriages , and they will be unlucky in business , many Chinese believe .

  3. 有人说羊年不吉利。

    Some people think the year of goat is a jinx .

  4. 他是羊年出生的吗?(他是属羊的吗?)

    Was he born in the year of sheep ?

  5. 汽车工业羊年之运

    A prediction of China 's Auto Industry in 2003

  6. 现在,我和娜塔莎祝大家羊年快乐!

    For now , from me , Natasha . Happy Year of the Goat !

  7. 中国羊年

    The Chinese Year of the Goat

  8. 羊年象徵美好的开始,也预兆新的一年吉星高照、万事亨通。

    The Year of the Ram symbolizes a good start and heralds smooth progress and prosperity .

  9. 羊年生人消极被动、忠诚老实、善良大方。

    Those born in sheep years are thought of as passive , loyal , generous and kind .

  10. 原因很简单:谁都不想在可怕的羊年要孩子。

    Their reasoning : No one wants a baby born in 2015 , the dreaded Year of the Sheep .

  11. 该声明表示,出生率下降是由于受羊年的影响,以及生育年龄的女性数量正在减少。

    The decline is due to the Year of the Goat and the decreasing women of childbearing age , it said .

  12. 中国很多人都认为,羊年出生的孩子命里注定要遭受心碎痛苦、婚姻失败和生意失败。

    The children are destined for heartbreak and failed marriages , and they will be unlucky in business , many Chinese believe .

  13. 我们都想要快点生孩子,避免赶上羊年。26岁的山东省政府工作者张女士说。

    We all agreed to hurry up and avoid the sheep , said Zhang , 26 , a government worker in Shangdong province .

  14. 那么,踏入羊年,我们的货币及金融制度究竟面对哪些风险?

    So what are the risks that we face in the monetary and financial systems as we move into the year of the ram ?

  15. 按癸未羊年立春八字月提与日柱地支相冲,冲者动也。故羊年娱乐圈会多变动,艺人也易多交通意外、离缘分手等事。

    During the year of ram , there will be lots of changes in the entertainment circle , lots of car accidents , separation and etc.

  16. 2015年是中国的羊年,而在中国股市中,羊群心理也很盛行。

    According to the Chinese zodiac , 2015 is the year of the sheep . In Chinese equity markets a herd mentality has broken out .

  17. 我们刚刚告别了马年,并在2月4日迎接羊年的到来。

    We are just saying goodbye to the year of the horse , and on February the 4th we will start the year of the goat .

  18. 该声明同时预测,羊年过后的5年内,中国有望每年迎来1750万至2100万名新生儿的降临。

    After that the Year of the Goat , China is expected to welcome 17.5 to 21 million newborns annually in five years , it projected .

  19. 所以,无论你身在何处,在羊年到来之际,我祝大家身体健康、幸福快乐。新年快乐!

    So wherever you are , let me wish you the very best health and happiness for this , the Year of the Sheep . Xin nian kuai le .

  20. 据国家最高卫生局表示,与2014年相比,2015年全国新生人口数量略有下降,一个可能的原因是因为2015年是羊年。

    The Year of the Goat is the cause for a slight decline in the number of newborns in 2015 over previous year , said nation 's top health authority .

  21. 中国民俗学家表示,羊年生肖的象征物既可能是绵羊,也可能是山羊,但山羊的可能性更大,因为在汉族地区山羊作为家畜更为常见。

    Chinese folklorists say the animal symbol can be either a sheep or a goat but more likely goat , given the latter 's popularity as a farm animal among Han Chinese .

  22. 比如,为适应羊年出生的女性善于社交和爱冒险的特质,你应该安排一场激动人心的团队冒险,去一个的新地方。

    To accommodate the social and adventurous traits of females born in a year of the goat , for example , you should plan an exciting group adventure to a new place .

  23. 这种过度狂热、且大幅传播的“婴儿潮”促使官方的中国新闻社专门发表了一期报道,以揭穿“羊年生的小孩走霉运”这种“毫无根据”的民间传说。

    But the babymania is so widespread that the state-run China News Service issued a report trying to debunk the " unfounded " myth of bad luck for those born in Year of the Sheep .

  24. 按中国农历,羊年从2015年二月十九日开始,所以截止本月末是怀孕的最后时机。

    According to the Chinese lunar calendar , the Year of the Sheep ( also called goat or ram ) begins Feb. 19 , 2015 , so the window for conception closes around the end of this month .

  25. 2015羊年,在这一年出生的人,专家们预测他们的幸运数字是2和7,幸运颜色是棕色,红色和紫色。

    In 2015 , the year of the goat , experts predict that the numbers two and seven , and colours brown , red and purple will bring good luck to those born in the next 12 months .

  26. 羊年春晚上,台湾演员张震与武术男星吴京一同表演的《江山如画》大受好评,张震更是迅速成为网络热门话题,搜索量一路飙升。

    Taiwanese actor Chen Chang became a hot topic on social media and most-searched lists because of his performance with Martial arts star Wu Jing , in Kung fu show Painterly Landscape at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala .

  27. 张女士和她的丈夫都出生于最幸运的龙年,他们安慰自己如果在今年后段怀孕,他们的孩子一定会是十个羊年生人中的可以找到幸福的那一个。

    She and her husband both born in a dragon year , the luckiest of all have consoled themselves with the hope that , if they do conceive later this year , their baby will be that one lone sheep in 10 to find happiness .

  28. 张女士和她的丈夫都出生于最幸运的龙年,他们安慰自己“如果在今年后段怀孕,他们的孩子一定会是十个羊年生人中的可以找到幸福的那一个”。

    She and her husband - both born in a dragon year , the luckiest of all - have consoled themselves with the hope that , if they do conceive later this year , their baby will be that one lone sheep in 10 to find happiness .

  29. 结果表明,蒙古羊一年四季的昼夜行为活动节律和牧食行为不同。

    The feed intake and water intake of Mongolia sheep and palatability indices of various plants grazed by the sheep were measured .

  30. 调整现行羊群结构,使之趋于合理化,可提高羊群的综合生产力,出栏率提高13个百分点,出栏羊只年纯收入提高25%。

    If the current sheep population is optimized , the synthetic productivity of the animal population will be raised considerably , that is , the marketing rate or economic benefit per year per sheep will raise 13 . 3 percent or 25 percent .