
yáng tí
  • rumex japonicus
羊蹄[yáng tí]
  1. 不同温度·盐浓度·破除休眠方法对羊蹄萌发的影响

    Response of the Rumex japonicus to temperature and salt - tolerance

  2. 方法;对小鼠分别以腹腔注射、灌胃、皮肤涂抹三种途径给予羊蹄叶水提取液08、04、02g/kg。

    Methods : The water extract of Rumex japonicus Houtt leaves was given orally , dermal and IP and the doses were 0.8,0.4, 0.2g/kg respectively .

  3. 目的:研究蓼科药用植物羊蹄(RumexjaponicusHoutt.)

    Objective : To study the chemical constituents in dried roots of Rumex japonicus Houtt .

  4. 干羊蹄筋的各项营养指标均显著高于鲜牛羊蹄(P<0.01),这主要是干羊蹄筋的水分含量较低所致。

    All the nutrient indexes were significantly higher ( P < 0 . 01 ) in dried tendons of mutton than in fresh yak and sheep hooves mainly due to the lower water content in dried tendons of mutton ; in finished products .

  5. 羊蹄软包装食品生产工艺研究

    Study on Productive Technique of soft Packing Food of Sheep Hooves

  6. 羊蹄甲属植物杂交及亲本亲缘关系的鉴定

    Hybridization between Bauhinia and Identify the Genetic Relationship of Parents Plants

  7. 羊蹄角注射液主要成份为氨基酸。

    The main ingredients of the sheep 's nail are aminoacids .

  8. 羊蹄甲属隶属于豆科,乔木,灌木或攀缘藤本。

    Bauhinia belongs to Leguminosae , tree , shrub or climbing vine .

  9. 软罐头扒羊蹄的研制

    Preparation of soft tinned and stewed sheep foot

  10. Ca~(2+)对红花羊蹄甲切花的保鲜作用

    Freshness Preservation of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) to cut Safflower Bauhinia - purpurea

  11. 羊蹄甲属植物研究进展

    Advances in studies on Bauhinia

  12. 确定微波萃取红花羊蹄甲花红色素的最佳试验条件。

    To definite the optimum experimental condition for microwave extraction red pigment of Baubinia blakeana Dunn flower .

  13. 人工造林可加速土壤层的形成进程,提高土壤的入渗率,如香樟-羊蹄甲基混交林,土壤层稳渗率为4.72mm.min-1,而母质层仅为0.16mm。

    Vegetation restoration could speed up the process of soil formation and raise the infiltration rate of soil .

  14. 单滚筒式羊蹄压路机常压滚筒干燥的奶粉

    Single drum sheep-foot roller

  15. 对羊蹄甲属植物11种中国特有种的花粉形态进行了研究。

    Pollen morphology of 11 Bauhinia species endemic to China has been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy .

  16. 岷江干旱河谷土壤水、氮和磷对小马鞍羊蹄甲幼苗生长的影响

    Influence of soil moisture , nitrogen and phosphorus contents on Bauhinia faberi seedlings growth characteristics in arid valley of Minjiang River

  17. 结果可以有效地对部分羊蹄类生药进行鉴别,所得分类结果与传统植物分类学结果基本一致。

    Results The method can identify crude Yangti to a certain degree with results coincident with that of the traditional phytotoxnomy .

  18. 结果表明:19种羊蹄甲植物的遗传相似系数为0.51-0.83,在遗传相似系数0.59处明显聚为两大类。

    The results indicated that : 19 Bauhinia materials ' genetic similarity is between 0.51-0.83 , materials were obvious divided two groups at the genetic similarity 0.59 .

  19. 通过正交试验探讨影响羊蹄软包装食品质量的关键生产工艺。

    The critical productive technique affected the quality of soft packing food of sheep hooves was probed into on the basis of the results of orthogonal design .

  20. 有刺乔木,灌木,或多年生草本植物,包括云石属,桂皮,羊蹄甲属;通常包括在豆科。

    Spiny trees , shrubs , or perennial herbs , including the genera Caesalpinia , Cassia , Ceratonia , Bauhinia ; commonly included in the family Leguminosae .

  21. 对19份羊蹄甲材料进行亲缘关系研究,从100条引物中筛选出13条能扩增出清晰带型且多态性好的引物。

    Study on the genetic relationships between 19 Bauhinia materials used the 13 ISSR primers which can amplify clear banding pattern and have well polymorphic were screened from 100 ISSR primers .