
  • 网络Ball of Wool;wool ball
  1. 有一个有趣的游戏叫“羊毛球”。

    Well , there 's a fun one called Ball of Wool .

  2. 她模糊肥皂看起来像羊毛球,他们是,排序。

    Her fuzzy soaps look like balls of wool , and they are , sort of .

  3. 你拿一个羊毛球,放在桌子的正中间。

    You take a ball of wool , and you put it right in the center of the table .

  4. 用织物胶水将羊毛球粘在夹克上,只留下连帽上预备做耳朵的两个空白部分。

    Cover the whole of the jacket with cotton wool balls , leaving two gaps for the ears on the hood .