
  • 网络Yiyou year
  1. 本研究尝试用运气学说来分析缺血性中风病急性期症候特点,寻找缺血性中风急性期症候在乙酉年运气中所呈现的规律。

    This research try to analyze traits about acute symptoms of ischemic stroke by the theory of Yunqi , in order to find rule of these symptoms in relation to Yunqi of Yiyou year .

  2. 在明清易代的变革中,更简单以甲申、乙酉二年是否殉国为判断忠与不忠的唯一标准。

    In the alternation between the Ming and Qing Dynasties , whether they gave their lives for their country in 1644 and 1645 or not was the only loyal criterion .