
  • 网络warming yang and invigorating qi
  1. 温阳益气散结泄水法联合胸腔灌注顺铂治疗肺癌性胸水疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Pleural Effusion Secondary to Lung Cancer with the Treatment Method of Warming Yang and Invigorating Qi , Dispersing Mass and Expelling Fluid Retention Combined with Chemotherapy

  2. 温阳益气,活血利水法对慢性心功能不全患者血浆BNP的作用研究

    The Plasma Level of B-type Natriuretic Peptide Study Influenced by the Effect of ' Warming Yang and Benefiting Qi , Promoting Blood Circulation and Inducing Diuresis ' on Chronic Heart Failure Patients

  3. 以煎剂形成筛选治疗CHF的处方,发现温阳益气方改善泵血功能的效果优于单纯益气和养阴益气的处方。

    By comparing the efficacy of various decoctions used to treat congestive heart failure ( CHF ), We found that warming yang and replenishing qi recipe has better effect in improving blood supply than either replenishing qi recipe or nourishing vin and replenishing qi recipe .

  4. 温阳益气利水法治疗慢性心衰的康复研究

    The Rehabilitation Research of Therapy of Strengthening Qi , Warming Yang , Promoting Diuresis for Chronic Heart Failure

  5. 目的观察温阳益气、散结泄水法治疗肺癌胸水的疗效及与胸腔灌注化疗的协同作用。

    The Therapeutic Effect of Injecting Bleomycin after Retaining the Central Venous Catheter in Thorax for Draining Cancerous Hydrothorax ;

  6. 温阳益气活血复方抗海洛因依赖戒断综合征的临床研究

    A Clinical Study on the Treatment of Heroinism Abstinence Syndrome by Compound Yang - warming , Qi-invigorating and Blood - activating Prescription

  7. 温阳益气、活血化瘀复方对慢性吗啡依赖大鼠的作用

    The effects of warm Yang , replenish energy , invigorate blood circulation and eliminated blood stasis compound prescription in rats with chronic morphine dependence

  8. 结论:中药心衰宁具有温阳益气,活血化瘀,养心通脉,强心利水,疏通微循环,改善心功能的作用,并可减少西药剂量,从而降低西药不良反应的发生率,提高临床疗效。

    Conclusions : Xinshuaining can improve heart function by diuretic , dredge microcirculation and strengthen heart contraction , and decrease dosage and side effects of the western medicine .

  9. 探讨机体微循环在阿片类物质依赖、戒断过程中的不同变化及温阳益气、活血化瘀复方的作用。

    Objective : Discussing microcirculation changes in the process of opiate dependence-abstinence and the role of warm Yang , replenish energy , invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis compound prescription .

  10. 说明温阳益气法可以提高心衰患者的心率变异性,从而可以改善心衰患者的预后。

    It indicates that Warm Yang Tonify Qi Method could increase the heart rate variability of patients with heart failure and then improve the prognosis of the patients with heart failure .

  11. 目的:观察温阳益气利水法治疗慢性心衰的康复治疗的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the effect of the Therapy of Strengthening Qi , Warming Yang , Promoting Diuresis methods in the rehabilitation treatment for chronic heart failure ( CHF ) . Methods : 95 patients suffering from CHF to be in line with deficiency of heart-YANG ?

  12. 目的分别从温阳、益气、化痰、活血类中药里选择九种单味中药活性成分,拟通过体外细胞培养证实其是否存在抗肿瘤耐药效应。

    Objective To investigate the effects against drug resistant tumor cells of 9 active components of traditional Chinese drugs by cell cultivation .