
  • 网络Winter;wendt;Went;Tex Winter;alexander wendt
  1. 温特夫人块头很大,个性也较强悍。

    Mrs Winter was large and somewhat overpowering .

  2. 温特是一个非常普通的德国姓氏。

    Winter is a common enough German surname

  3. 在国会的整整21年里,温特顿没有得到过任何在政府里工作的机会。

    Winterton has never had a sniff of a government job in his entire twenty-one years in parliament .

  4. 到这么晚的时候我们再增加一个客人,温特顿太太会发火吗?

    Will Mrs Winterton have a fit if we add one more to the guest list at this late stage ?

  5. 除了那些书和少数报章剪辑以及杂志报道以外,温特一无所有。

    Beyond those books and a handful of newspaper clippings and magazine stories , winter has nothing .

  6. 这幢房子是温特先生的吗?

    Does this house belong to Mr. Winter ?

  7. 法官表示,Gray一直到11月20日之前都保有对温特的监护权。

    Gray will retain guardianship of Winter at least until a November 20 hearing , a judge said .

  8. 来自克尔森男爵夫人的一封信,温特伯恩MEP与CHLG联席主席

    A Letter from Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne MEP Co-Chair of CHLG

  9. 睡眠专家、弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市(Charlottesville,Va.)玛莎•杰斐逊医院睡眠医学中心(theMarthaJeffersonHospitalSleepMedicineCenter)的医学主任W•克里斯托弗•温特(W.ChristopherWinter)参与了辩论。

    One sleep expert , W. Christopher Winter , medical director of the Martha Jefferson Hospital Sleep Medicine Center in Charlottesville , Va. , weighs in .

  10. 采用温特(Winter)加法模型,建立了省一级邮政汽车运输系统中生产量的预测模型,并从生产实际的应用情况出发,研究了对这一模型的自适应校正方法。

    Using the Winter multiplication method , a prediction model for transportation quantity is built for provincial postal transportation enterprises . Then , a study of the self adapting correction technique of this model is made from the aspect of practical application .

  11. 1988年,温特伯格拍摄的道格玛电影《庆典》(TheCelebration)讲述家庭性虐待的故事,维坎德与霍珀都说,这是自己最爱的丹麦电影。

    Both Ms. Vikander and Mr. Hooper cited Mr. Vinterberg 's raw 1998 Dogme film , " The Celebration , " about family sexual abuse , as one of their favorite Danish movies .

  12. 时尚界的宠儿维多利亚和她的丈夫碰见了她的亲密友人美国Vogue杂志编辑安娜温特。温特常规出席她的时装秀,而且为她的藏品做着贡献。

    While fashion lover Victoria and her man caught up with her close friend US Vogue editor Anna Wintour , who regularly attends her catwalk shows and champions her collections .

  13. 根据法院下发的文件表明,洛杉矶市高等法院的法官会将这位出演艾美奖最佳电视剧《摩登家庭》里有些早熟的AlexDunphy一角的温特暂时交由她的姐姐ShanelleGray监护。

    According to court papers , a Los Angeles Superior Court judge last month put Winter , who plays the precocious teenager Alex Dunphy on the Emmy-winning TV comedy , under the temporary guardianship of her older sister , Shanelle Gray .

  14. 2007年,温特菲尔德夫妇成为蛇口QSI国际学校的教师。

    The American couple was recruited by the American nonprofit organization Quality Schools International ( QSI ) in2007 .

  15. 上周五,大众出现全面领导层危机,当时大众董事长费迪南多•皮耶希(FerdinandPiëch)透露,他与长期任职的首席执行官马丁•温特科恩(MartinWinterkorn)工作关系紧张。

    A full-blown leadership crisis was triggered on Friday , when VW 's chairman and patriarch Ferdinand Pi ë ch revealed that his working relationship with long-serving chief executive Martin Winterkorn , was strained .

  16. 从大量霉菌中选育到一株具有较高富马酸酶活性的温特曲霉(Aspergilluswentii)A5-61。

    Aspergillus wentii A5-61 with higher fumarase activity was screened from a large number of molds . According to the experimental results .

  17. 在大众汽车,费迪南德•皮耶希(FerdinandPiëch)试图动摇首席执行官马丁•温特科恩(MartinWinterkorn)的地位,结果自己反被包括工会代表和政治人士在内的监事会其他成员赶下监事会主席宝座。

    At VW , Ferdinand Pi ë ch was ejected as chairman of the supervisory board by other members , including union representatives and politicians , after he tried to destabilise Martin Winterkorn , the chief executive .

  18. NBC广告销售副总裁塞思•温特(SethWinter)称,超过四分之三的里约奥运销售来自黄金时段广告,该比例较伦敦奥运“上升了一些”,得益于本届奥运会的预期收视率更高。

    More than three-quarters of sales for Rio came from primetime television buys , which had " gone up a bit " versus London thanks to expectations for higher ratings , said Seth Winter , vice-president of ad sales at NBC .

  19. 温特报道称,vonage和skype等互联网电话提供商已指责墨西哥电话公司故意屏蔽其网站,以保护自己的长话服务。

    Mr winter reports that voice-over-Internet providers , Vonage and Skype , have accused Telmex of intentionally blocking access to their sites , to protect its long-distance services .

  20. 特拉华州的温特瑟尔博物馆策展人丽莎·米纳迪(LisaMinardi)已经筹办过若干展览,研究过几千份德文尖角字体印刷品,她注意到,德文尖角字体的艺术家们为了谋生,经常粗制滥造。

    Lisa Minardi , a curator at Winterthur museum in Delaware , has worked on the exhibitions , poring through thousands of fraktur and noting the evidence that artists trying to make a living produced them in haste .

  21. 但温特在研究结构时更强调科学分析,提出了三个变量。

    But Wendt emphasizes the scientific analysis and advances three variables .

  22. 温特塞镇于1947年接手这座城市。

    The town of Winterset took possession of the castle in1947 .

  23. 温特阐释国际体系文化及其变迁,约瑟夫。

    Alexander Wend interpreted culture of international system and its change .

  24. 他站在门口,呆望着温特医生。

    He stood in the doorway , staring at Doctor Winter .

  25. 温特医生很生气地拉出一张椅子来坐了下去。

    Doctor Winter pulled out a chair outrageously and sat down again .

  26. 温特法在装备备件消耗预测中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Winter Approach in Forecasting of Spare Parts Consumption

  27. 他鞠躬,温特医生轻轻地还了礼。

    He bowed and doctor winter returned the bow slightly .

  28. 温特还引用了这样一例子。

    And then there is the case quoted by venter .

  29. 温特先生说:“你了解得这样清楚啊。”

    Doctor winter said : " you are thorough !"

  30. 他又关上了皮包把它交还给温特医生。

    He closed the case again and handed it back to Doctor Winter .