
zài zào
  • Reconstruction;rebuild;replicate;give sb. a new lease on life;give sb.a new lease on life
再造 [zài zào]
  • (1) [give sb.a new lease on life]∶再生。用作感激别人救助

  • 再造之恩,不可妄属。--《宋书.王僧达传》

  • 再造之恩,没齿难忘

  • (2) [rebuild]∶重建;复兴

  • 虽吾之家国,实由卿再造。--《旧唐书.郭子仪传》

  • 国家再造,卿力也

再造[zài zào]
  1. 如果受到损伤,神经细胞再造的能力有限。

    Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed

  2. 网络时代IBM公司实施企业再造的市场营销战略初探

    Preliminary analysis of IBM marketing strategy in enterprise reconstruction in the network era

  3. 首钢公司ERP实施中的业务流程再造

    Business process reengineering in ERP implementation of shougang corporation

  4. 定单ABC成本核算法&成本核算体系的再造

    ABC Method in ' Order ' Concept & the Rebuilding of Cost-accounting System

  5. 应用现场IE再造生产物流

    Applying on-the-spot IE to Rebuild Productive Logistics

  6. 企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineering,简称BPR)作为一种新的管理科学方法日益受到管理学界的重视。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ), as an update management science , has brought to the field of management more and more serious attention .

  7. 邮政企业业务流程再造(BPR)研究

    Study on business process reengineering of post enterprise

  8. KD通信公司的关键业务流程再造

    Key Business Process Reengineering of KD Communication Company

  9. CIMS应用中的企业再造工程

    Business Reengineering In CIMS Application

  10. 如何对传统财务管理流程进行再造;EVA理论以其独特的优越性,在新经济时代下向传统财务管理提出挑战。

    In the new economy , theory of EVA has challenged the tradition performance evaluation due to the superiority .

  11. 其次,在介绍了业务流程再造理论之后,本文对SEM公司的营销业务流程和营销组织进行诊断和分析。

    Second , the thesis introduces BPR theory . And then , marketing process of SEM is diagnosed via analyzing marketing process and organization of SEM .

  12. 业务流程再造BPR(BusinessProcessReengineering)就是对企业的业务流程进行根本性地再思考和彻底性地再设计,从而获得在成本、质量、服务和速度等方面业绩的戏剧性地改善。

    Business Process Reengineering BPR is the fundamental analysis and radical redesign of workflow within and between companys , thereby achieving dramatic improvement in cost , quality , service and time management .

  13. JH医药公司物流流程再造研究

    The Restructuring of Logistics of JH Medicine Company

  14. 采用KANBAN进行再造工艺路线,并使员工参与以改进准确率;

    Reengineering the technics route by KANBAN and improving the accuracy rate by the participation of company staff ;

  15. 在引进ERP系统时,企业经营者所要作的第一件事,是检查公司内部所有的相关业务流程,进行流程改造或企业流程再造(BusinessProcessReengineeringBPR)。

    When introduce the ERP system , the primal work the operators of the enterprise should do is checking all the related business process of the enterprise and do Process Reconstruction or Business Process Reengineering BPR .

  16. 实施企业X再造进而达到文化再造将是新经济下形成具有核心竞争力的创新性企业文化、推动企业前进的源动力。

    Carrying out the X Re-creation of enterprises and then achieving cultural re-creation is the motive power for an enterprise to form key competitive and creative culture , and to promote the enterprise itself under neo-economy .

  17. 树立正确观念,掌握WTO规则,找准市场角色和定位,进行企业过程再造,使企业经营特色化,产品个性化,是企业增强竞争实力的最佳选择。

    But It will be dangerous for the enterprises . The best choice of improving competition ability is setting up correct business concepts , grasping WTO rules , finding a exact market position , implementing BPR , making enterprises characteristic and products individual .

  18. 本文描述了业务流程再造(BPR)在整合新旧电子采购系统中的应用及J2EE实现过程,探讨了基于J2EE的BPR在电子采购系统中应用的科学性与可行性。

    This paper describes the whole process of integrating of old and new e-procurement based on BPR and J2EE , discusses the scientific possibility and necessity of J2EE technology and BPR applied in e-procurement system integration .

  19. 并针对SD公司食盐物流系统存在的问题,运用业务流程再造和现代物流管理理论,提出实施物流管理流程再造的概念。

    To solve the problems existing in the salt logistics systems of SD Company , this paper puts forward to the practical ways to carry out the process reengineering of logistics management by using business process reengineering and modern logistics management theories .

  20. 总之,基于ARIS的ERP实施方法能够为ERP实施过程中的流程再造、组织结构变革提供定量的说明,可以为ERP软件供应商、ERP实施咨询公司和实施ERP的企业在实施ERP系统的时候提供参考。

    In conclusion , the methodology of ERP implementation based on ARIS can provide quantitative specification for BPR ( business process reengineering ) and organization structure change in the course of ERP implementation , can supply references to ERP software venders , ERP consulting companies and enterprise implementing ERP system .

  21. 其次笔者利用现代生产物流理论结合供应链管理思想充分结合UCC的生产物流流程现状拟订出了流程再造方案,并将方案实施的前提条件及实施的技术控制进行了详细的剖析。

    Secondly , with the joint of modern produce logistics theory and UCC 's current status , the author draws out the reengineered flow project , further anatomises the project implementary premises and technique control in detail .

  22. Wolff定律指出:骨能够响应力学激励来改变其表观密度和骨小梁分布的方向,表明骨再造是各项异性行为。

    Wolff 's law states that Bone tissue changes apparent density and trabecular orientation in response to mechanics stimulus , that means bone remodelling is anisotropic behavior . The purpose of this paper is to present an anisotropic bone remodeling self-organizational control model .

  23. 最后讨论该支架结构与Kammer股骨三维桁架理论结构模型之间的关系,以及该结构对骨再造和人工骨支架结构设计前景的影响。

    At last , the relationship between the Kammer 's three-dimensional truss theory of the femur and the concentric architecture is discussed , and then the expectant effects of the concentric architecture are forecasted .

  24. 带蚓状肌的游离足趾再造拇、手指

    Free toe transfer with lumbrical muscle for thumb and finger reconstruction

  25. 结果本组5例患者,行10侧乳头再造术后均取得了良好效果。

    Results Ten nipples in five patients underwent effective nipple reconstruction .

  26. 国有商业银行会计业务流程再造的现实思考

    Practical Thought on Accounting Business Process Reengineering of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  27. 企业再造是适应生存环境的必然选择

    The Necessity of Enterprise Reconstruction Implementation for Self-adjustability to Existing Environment

  28. 振兴东北:再造中国经济第四增长极

    Restore North-east region : reproduce Chinese economy 's fourth increasing top

  29. 鹰嘴窝再造治疗青少年肘关节僵直

    Reconstruction of olecranon fossa for treatment of elbow stiffness in teenager

  30. 预扩张额部皮瓣用于鼻再造及修复面部缺损

    Simultaneous nasal reconstruction and facial defect repair using expanded forehead flap