
  • 网络Copyright law of the United States;U.S. Copyright Act;Copyright Act;United States Copyright Act
  1. 2001年11月普通仲裁第一案&美国版权法第110(5)节一案的出现表明WTO仲裁制度的实践发展到了一个新的层次。

    In Nov.2001 , United States-Section 110 ( 5 ) of the US copyright act , the first case which recourse to general arbitration indicated the practice of the arbitration within the WTO had advanced to a new stage .

  2. 美国版权法学者罗斯教授认为:这是作者概念的转折关头,这是知识产权概念诞生的关键时刻。

    Professor Rose believed that this is the critical moment of the birth of copyright .

  3. 首先,它声称自己的行为符合美国版权法的“公平使用”条款毫不在意那些书籍的拷贝量已是车载斗量,而且会进入那些甚至在本国版权法中根本不承认这种概念的国家。

    First , it contends that its actions qualify as " fair use " under US copyright law never mind that books are being copied by the truckload and will be accessible in countries that do not even recognise that concept in their own copyright laws .

  4. 今年的3月19日,联邦最高法院做出判决,宣布美国版权法不限制国外购进的产品在美国再次出售,扩大了“首次销售原则”的适用范围(“首次销售原则”

    On March 19th the Supreme Court ruled that American copyright law does not restrict goods produced abroad from being resold in America . The ruling , widens the reach of the " first sale doctrine , " which gives copyright-holders control of their goods until their first sale ;

  5. 保留所有权利。此程序受美国和国际版权法保

    All rights reserved . This program is protected by US and

  6. 美国主张,其版权法110节第5段完全与其在《trips协定》下所承诺的义务相符。

    The United States contends that Section 110 ( 5 ) of the US Copyright Act is fully consistent with its obligations under the TRIPS Agreement .

  7. 再次,笔者简单阐释了美国法院对谷歌数字图书馆侵权案的态度,介绍了美国修改版权法的立法建议。

    Again , the author briefly explains the attitude of the United States Court of infringement of the Google Digital Library , introduced legislative proposals to modify the copyright law in the United States .

  8. 其次,由于美国对合理使用的界定与中国并不相同,而美国的合理使用制度比较规范,具有可参考价值,所以本文自然要重点介绍美国版权法所规定的合理使用的标准。

    Secondly , since the U.S. fair use as defined in China is not the same , and the rational use of system specification , with a reference value of this paper naturally focuses on the standard of the reasonable use under United States copyright law .