
  • 网络Piano Pieces
  1. 从勃拉姆斯钢琴小品Op.118看其音乐风格与特征勃拉姆斯的音乐作品。

    To Discuss the Music Style and Characteristic of Brahms from the Piano Pieces Op.118 ;

  2. 本文通过对勃拉姆斯晚期钢琴小品OP.118的谱面和演奏分析,概括的介绍了勃拉姆斯钢琴小品的音乐特点,并且探讨了他与古典主义的不可分割的联系。

    This article analyzed on the music and musical performance of the Brahms piano pieces OP. 118 and briefed the characteristic of his music , discussed the close connection between his music and classicalism .

  3. 柴可夫斯基与他的钢琴小品《四季》

    Tchaikovsky and His Piano Essay The Four Seasons ;

  4. 新音乐中的传统继承性&试析勋伯格《钢琴小品六首》

    Traditional Inheritance in New Music & Analysis of Schoenberg s Six Piano Pieces ;

  5. 普罗科菲耶夫钢琴小品中的浪漫主义音乐风格

    Romantic Musical Style in Prokofiev 's Piano Music

  6. 并列出了所有的钢琴小品套曲。

    Compound left all pianos sketch divertimento .

  7. 门德尔松的钢琴小品《无词歌》集,在浪漫派抒情钢琴作品中占有特殊的地位。

    The collection " Songs without Words " with piano opusculums by Mendelssohn takes a special position in the lyric piano works of Romanticism .

  8. 这一研究对于演奏者更深入地理解和表现勃拉姆斯晚期钢琴小品的思想与艺术内涵,有着重要的启示意义。

    This study has great significance for those piano-players to further comprehend and express the thought and artistic implication in Brahms 's late piano pieces .

  9. 舒伯特的八首即兴曲开辟了浪漫主义钢琴小品的先河,音乐优雅、精致、抒情动人。

    Schubert 's eight impromptus , considered as the precursor of the romanticism of piano pieces , are graceful , exquisite , lyrical and moving .

  10. 晚期二十首钢琴小品(作品116&119号)是浪漫主义时期这一体裁中不可多得的艺术瑰宝。

    This blend of romantic feeling and classical spirit is exemplified in such works as his late short twenty pieces ( op.116 & 119 ) .

  11. 通过对参赛作品布格缪勒钢琴小品《天真烂漫》和《再会》教学的制作实践,对高师钢琴课教学进行了有益的探索。

    Through rein in to race-entry works Friedrich Burgnlueller 's Piano essay " Innocent and Artless " and " Farewell " making piano lesson teaching .

  12. 从它独特的标题性、隐喻性和独特的音乐语汇特征三个方面入手,细致分析了舒曼钢琴小品套曲的艺术风格特征。

    From its unique title , the metaphor and the unique music vocabulary characteristic three aspects obtain , carefully has analyzed the Schumann piano sketch divertimento artistic style characteristic .

  13. 本文试图通过分析勃拉姆斯晚期四部特性钢琴小品集(作品116&119号)的创作手法,来说明其通过对古典主义形式的剥离,对浪漫主义音乐元素的吸收,形成的独特风格。

    The paper intends to show his deviation from classic forms by analysing his four later clavier essays Op. 116-119 which assimilated romantic elements and formed his own style .

  14. 本文通过对德彪西钢琴小品《亚麻色头发的少女》在曲式、旋律型等方面的具体分析,论述了印象派音乐的创作风格。

    Through concrete analysis of Debussy 's piano opusculum The Lass with Flaxen Hair in its brad , tune and other aspects , it discusses the music style of impressionism .

  15. 结语部分,论述钢琴小品集《无词歌》浪漫与古典的交融,纯粹与理性的结合的创作特点。

    And the part of epilogue summarizes the aesthetic traits of Song without words in composing : the blend of romance and classicality , the combination of purity and reason .

  16. 其中《无词歌》更是钢琴小品中的杰出之作,他的音乐用清新淡雅的音乐语言将他的作品打造成精致细腻之作。

    Which 《 Songs without Words 》 more piano pieces for the excellence of his music with a fresh and elegant musical language to create his exquisite and delicate works of playing for .

  17. 勃拉姆斯创作这几首钢琴小品的灵感受舒伯特、舒曼、门德尔松等人的作品的启发,并把钢琴小品这一体裁谱写得淋漓尽致。

    Brahms creation of this a few piano sketch inspired by Schubert , Schumann , Mendelssohn the work of the person such as inspiration , and the piano sketch this genre compose incisively and vividly .

  18. 处于古典主义和浪漫主义过渡时期的舒伯特成为了这一钢琴小品体裁的奠基者,后来的浪漫主义的钢琴音乐大师肖邦则承袭了舒伯特的衣钵,将即兴曲的创作推向了另一个高度。

    Classicism and romanticism in the transition period Schubert piano pieces in this genre has become the founder , and later master of romantic piano music , Schubert , Chopin was carried on the legacy , the creation of improvised music into another a high degree .

  19. “Prelude”前奏曲,这一古老的体裁经过历史的发展及衍变,在浪漫主义时期终于真正脱离引子功能的附属地位,成为了完全独立的音乐作品&浪漫主义时期的钢琴特性小品。

    Prelude , one of the ancient genres , which has passed through the development and evolution of history , finally separated itself from " introduction " as subordination during the Romantic Period ; and became a completely independent musical genre , the Character piece of the Romantic music .

  20. 格里格《钢琴抒情小品》浅析

    Analysis of E · Greig 's Lyric Piano Opusculum

  21. 主题重复手法是格里格钢琴抒情小品的一个重要创作特点。

    Subject repeating technique is an important creative feature of Grieg 's Lyric Piano Opusculum .

  22. 他一生创作了大量的钢琴音乐作品,首创了钢琴小品套曲的新体裁。

    In his lifetime he created lots of piano music works , and the new piano divertimento sketch genre .

  23. 约翰·勃拉姆斯是浪漫主义时期伟大的德国作曲家,他的钢琴作品不仅是其创作生涯的起点,而且他的晚期二十首钢琴小品,更是浪漫主义音乐不可多得的艺术瑰宝。

    Johannes Brahms is a great German composer during the romantic period . The creation of piano works is the initial stage of his professional career , whereas the twenty piano pieces of his late period of life are extraordinarily precious art treasure in the romantic period .