
  • 网络piano education
  1. 香港钢琴教育印象

    Some Impressions of the Piano Education in Hong Kong

  2. 从1965年新加坡独立建国后,钢琴教育得以普及化发展。

    After independence of Singapore in 1965 , piano education has been popularized .

  3. 幼儿钢琴教育策略及价值理性思考

    Pondering on Methods of Teaching the Piano and its Value

  4. 论基础钢琴教育中的良师

    How to Become a Good Teacher in Basic Piano Teaching

  5. 素质教育观下的高等师范钢琴教育

    Piano Teaching at Teachers'Colleges from the Viewpoint of Quality

  6. 中国钢琴教育在幼儿素质教育中的作用

    Effect of Chinese Piano Education in Infant Quality Education

  7. 论高师钢琴教育策略

    On the Strategies of Piano Education in Normal Universities

  8. 试论钢琴教育的基本特点与功能

    The Fundamentals and the Functions of Piano Teaching

  9. 非职业成人钢琴教育的基本问题

    The Basics of the Adult Education of Piano

  10. 新疆钢琴教育发展研究

    The Research for Piano Education Development in Xinjiang

  11. 钢琴教育应该坚定不移地以审美教育为核心。

    The piano teaching should be aesthetic education-centered .

  12. 中国钢琴教育民族化问题论略

    The Brief Discussion about Chinese National Piano Education

  13. 中国早期的钢琴教育机构及钢琴人物

    Chinese Early Piano Educational Institutions and Pianists

  14. 英国伯明翰音乐学院的钢琴教育

    Piano Education at Bermingham Music School

  15. 从钢琴教育地方差异性谈起

    The Regional Difference in Piano Education

  16. 论转型期的高师钢琴教育

    On Piano Education of Transformation Period

  17. 门外谈业余钢琴教育

    Amateur talks about Sparetime Piano Learning

  18. 伴随着钢琴教育师资队伍的成长壮大,许多新问题和新矛盾也随之产生。

    Accompanied by piano education teaching staff has grown , many new problems and new contradictions with resulting .

  19. 珠三角新兴城市&佛山市业余钢琴教育的现状与展望

    The Current Situation and Prospect of the Amateur Piano Education of FOSHAN & A New City in the Pearl River Delta

  20. 我国业余钢琴教育改变了许多家庭的文化生活结构,逐渐形成了一种全新的家庭生活氛围。

    Piano latently edifies people 's sentiment and enriches people 's life , and meanwhile creates a lot of musical talents .

  21. 本文着重探讨了钢琴教育在素质教育中的作用及充分发挥这些作用的主要途径。

    This paper mainly discusses the educational role of teaching piano in quality-oriented education and introduces ways to fully exercise the roles .

  22. 随着音乐教育改革事业的不断发展,高师钢琴教育取得了显著的成效,但同时也存在一些问题。

    With the continuous development of music education reformation , Piano education achieved significant achievements , but at the same time there are some problems .

  23. 此书无论在作曲教学、钢琴教育,还是在弘扬民族音乐等方面,均起到了积极的作用。

    In a word , this book is a great contribution to composition teaching , piano education for children and bringing the folk music to the world .

  24. 大力发展钢琴教育事业,提高全民族的综合素质,培养新世纪人才,这不仅是必要的,而且是可能的。

    To develop piano education can improve the whole nations synthetical quality , cultivate the new century talents . That is not only necessary but also possible .

  25. 本论文试从民族化教育的角度来审视钢琴教育,探讨在钢琴教育中,如何加强中国钢琴民族化内容的学习问题。

    This thesis tries to examine the piano education from the aspect of nationalization and to discuss how to strengthen the ethnic content during the piano education .

  26. 儿童钢琴教育,应使他们在教材学习中感受到音乐的魅力,体会音乐带给他们艺术人生的乐趣。

    Children education , should make their piano music in the teaching material study , feel the charm of music brings them experience the fun of artistic life .

  27. 第一部分,简单介绍了国内目前钢琴教育的现状,并对钢琴教育的有关专著和学术论文按类别做了综述。

    In the first part , the present situation of piano education in China was introduced briefly : It also summarized the related monographs and papers of piano education .

  28. 其次,对新加坡专业与业余钢琴教育中的教学体系,师资力量等方面进行系统的研究与探讨,并提出存在的问题。

    The second part studies system of professional and amateur education system , as well as actuality of piano teachers . This part also points out some existing problems .

  29. 如何在钢琴教育中实施素质教育,这是音乐艺术教育的研究课题。

    The piano teaching should be aesthetic education-centered . How to carry out the attainments education in the piano training is one of the research subjects of the musical education .

  30. 在儿童所接受的早期的钢琴教育中,正规的学习颇为复杂和困难,若要达到一定的演奏水平,必须要具备一定的能力。

    In children is accepted by the early piano education , formal learning rather complex and difficult , if want to achieve a certain performance level and must have certain ability .