
  • 网络Old Trafford;old trafford stadium
  1. 纪录片将在老特拉福德球场(OldTrafford)结束,这也是这位前英格兰队长开始的地方。小贝将在这片球场上与许多在他光辉的球员生涯中并肩作战过或对抗过的国际知名足球传奇人物踢最后一场比赛。

    It will end where it all began for the former England captain at Old Trafford , where he plays his final game with a host of internationally renowned footballing legends who he played for and against in his illustrious career .

  2. 在老特拉福德球场,他率领球队以4比1的比分大胜纽卡斯尔联队,曼联从而也登上了英超积分榜榜首。

    to send his side top of the table with a 4-1 win over Newcastle United at Old Trafford .

  3. 在老特拉福德球场观看了曼联5:1轻取富勒姆的比赛后,弗格森赞扬了球队的进攻。

    Sir Alex Ferguson saluted his side 's attacking play after watching the Reds romp to a5-1 victory over Fulham at Old Trafford .

  4. 但这一消息引发了球迷的愤怒,一些球迷在俱乐部的老特拉福德球场外焚烧赛季球票续订表。

    However the news sparked outrage from fans , with some burning season ticket renewal forms outside the club 's Old Trafford stadium .

  5. 阿森纳下一个要面对的是冠军杯客场艰难地挑战乌迪内斯,之后还要前往老特拉福德球场迎战下一个超级联赛的对手,上年联赛冠军曼联。

    Arsenal next face a difficult away trip to Udinese in their Champions League , before then travelling to Old Trafford to face champions Manchester United in their next Premier League match .