
lǎo wán gu
  • old stick-in-the-mud;old diehard;old fogey;fuddy-duddy;fogey
老顽固 [lǎo wán gù]
  • [old stick-in-the-mud; old diehard] 一向墨守陈规、十分固执的人

老顽固[lǎo wán gu]
  1. 他说话听起来真是个老顽固!

    He sounds like such an old fogey !

  2. 来参加迪斯科舞会吧!别再当老顽固了!

    Come to the disco and stop being such an old fogey !

  3. 那人是个老顽固。

    The man is a fossil .

  4. 瞬间我就明白了为什么他老人家是个暴躁的老顽固了。

    Suddenly , I understood why that man was so cranky .

  5. 他们必须跟像我这种老顽固打交道。

    They have to deal with grumpy old farts like myself .

  6. 我会成为像他那样的老顽固吗?

    Am I going to become an old fogy like him ?

  7. 然而,“老顽固们”毕竟还懂得一些知识。

    The old fogies may have known something after all , however .

  8. 这就是一个科学永远也不能彻底消除的“老顽固”。

    That 's a nut science may never fully crack .

  9. 你从哪里找来这么一个老顽固?

    Where did you dig up that old fossil ?

  10. 我们的文学老师是个老顽固。

    Our literature teacher is an old fossil .

  11. 贝尔教授真是个老顽固。

    Isn 't Professor Bell an old fossil ?

  12. 当我说我热爱真理,他认为我是个古板守旧的老顽固。

    He thought I was a square when I said I loved the truth .

  13. 我只是占婆兰的一个老顽固。

    Only the stubborn man of champaran .

  14. 他是个老顽固。

    He is a stubborn old man .

  15. 老顽固还可以,不过我将与的想法地起来。

    Some old fogeys are OK but I cannot relate to their ideas very well .

  16. 被称作帕拉塞尔苏斯,在座可能有人知道这个名字,老顽固帕拉塞尔苏斯,

    called Paracelsus , a name probably familiar to some people here , good , old Paracelsus

  17. 想劝他接受新思想根本不可能,他决对是个老顽固。

    You are flogging a dead horse trying to persuade him to accept the new concepts-he is absolutely an old fossil .

  18. 这个复仇心切的老顽固,谁知道他还有什么阴谋?只要他活着,国家就不得安宁。

    MARKAL who knows what plots he may hatch , stubborn and vengeful as he is ? Alive , he cannot be trusted .

  19. 保罗·纽曼饰演的唐纳德·沙利文是一个典型的老顽固。他在快退休的时候,仍然忙个不停。

    Paul Newman stars as Donald " Sully " Sullivan , an archetypal old grump determined to keep busy as he approaches retirement .

  20. 多亏了他,人们可以在触控板上使用自然滚动的同时,还允许一个老顽固使用滚轮鼠标。

    Bless him , he also made it possible to use natural scrolling on the trackpad while simultaneously allowing an old fogey to scroll on a mouse .

  21. 老顽固的巴塞罗纳拒绝放弃追求队长法布雷加斯,他们认为西班牙人将会在这个夏天会成为他们的一员。

    Barcelona are stubbornly refusing to give up on their pursuit of captain Cesc Fabregas , saying that the Spanish international has to be a Barcelona player this summer .

  22. 你说你老板声称这份工作不能两个人分担言下之意是,他是一位反对工作妈妈的老顽固。

    You say your boss " claims " the job can 't be done as a job share - the implication being that he is a bigoted enemy of the working mother .

  23. 白雪公主:请保佑这七位小矮人,他们对我是那么的好。还有,希望我的美梦成真,阿门!对了,但愿老顽固喜欢我。

    Snow White : Bless the seven little men who have been so kind to me . And , and may my dreams come true . Amen . Oh , yes , please make Grumpy like me .

  24. 其他的评委已经有了定论:你是一位老学究、刻薄鬼,要不就是老顽固。

    The others judges have already decided that you are a pedant , a meanie or a bigot .