
  • 网络Lawas
  1. 此外,神经学家还发现人们越老越快乐。

    Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with age .

  2. 他越老越活跃。

    The older he gets , the more active he becomes .

  3. 在今年的中老越彩绘牛狂欢节上,共有48支队伍参加了比赛。

    Altogether 48 teams joined this year 's China-Laos-Vietnam Bull Painting Festival .

  4. 我越老越健忘了。

    I 'm getting more absent-minded as I get older .

  5. 人越老越有一定之规。

    As people get older they become more set in their ways .

  6. 我父亲似乎越老越易发火。

    My father gets increasingly short-tempered as he gets older .

  7. 我爸爸也是越老越有趣。

    My father is the older the more interesting .

  8. 这个女人越老越有活力而不是无动于衷的。

    A woman who became active rather than apathetic as she grew older .

  9. 为什么,人过中年,人越老越幸福。

    Why , beyond middle age , people get happier as they get older .

  10. 她越老越古怪。

    She gets odder as she grows older .

  11. 女人越老越通灵。

    Women get psychic as they age .

  12. 这是个矛盾,但他确实是越老越健康了。

    It 's a paradox , but the older he get , the healthy he be .

  13. 真是越老越没有了出息,我是闹闹玩的,你还当真?

    It is older and no promise , I was the play , you still really ?

  14. 越老越不要最后犯错误,越老越要谦虚一点。

    The older they are , the more prudent they should be and the more careful not to make mistakes in their later years .

  15. 这类人越老越红,越老越有经验,有老越有知识,越老越有钱财。

    The older the more red these people , the older the more experienced , more knowledgeable and old , the older the more money .

  16. 这看起来好像只是人越老越谨慎的另一种说法,但并不仅仅如此。

    This might seem like just another way of saying that people get more cautious as they get older , but it is more than that .

  17. 常言道,人越老越容易怀旧,但是和许多别的感情一样,怀旧的情结恰恰是年轻时最为强烈。

    We think of nostalgia as an emotion that grows with age , but , like most emotions , it is keenest when we are young .

  18. 另外一个更大的难题可能是大多数人从年少时起就害怕出丑,而且越老越怕。

    Possibly an even bigger challenge , which starts around the pre-teen years for most people and gets progressively worse , is the fear of looking or sounding stupid .

  19. 雅典奥运会后,过去国家队的队友们大都退役了,但她继续前进,而且似乎越老越强。

    Most of her national teammates of the past retired before the Athens Games , but she pushed on , and seemed to get stronger as she got older .

  20. 现在与我有关的问题之一是你越老越有力量,越不需要他人告诉你充满了力量。

    Now one of the problems I have has to do with the fact that the older you get and the more power you accumulate , the less readily people tell you you are full of it .

  21. 随着世界经济的发展、科学技术的进步和生产工艺的提高,越老越先进的大规模生产技术使得市场上充斥着大量的商品,商品交易的市场已有卖方市场向买方市场转变。

    With the increasing economic development and the improvement in science and technology , the advanced mass production technologies enable market abound with a large number of commodities , the master of commodity trading market has changed from seller to buyer .

  22. 越来越多的投资人就非要把自己的积蓄转而去买跟赌博没两样的金融商品,脑袋也就一整天想著上下不断跳动的指数,越老越笨。

    More and more investor is it buy with gambling different financial item to go to transfer one 's own savings to want , the index that the head wants to beat constantly from head to foot in a whole day too is always the more cumbersome .

  23. 湄公河(TheMekongRiver)构成了西部大部分其与泰国的边境线,而东部老、越边境大部分为长山(theAnnamiteChain)山脉所构成。

    The Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand , whereas the mountains of the Annamite Chain form most of the eastern border with Vietnam .

  24. 化石是一种绝种了的动物,越老就越要灭绝。

    A fossil is an extinct animal . The older it is , the more extinct it is .

  25. 人们越老牙齿越少,同时人的年纪越大记忆力也会越来越差。

    Many people lose teeth as they get older , and many people lose some memory capacity as they get older .

  26. 调查结果同样发现,人越老品味越低这样的论调并不对。55岁以上的女人似乎对约会对象更加挑剔。

    The research also disproves the notion that standards drop later in life , as women over 55 were shown to be most picky about who they date . "

  27. 老乔不敢越雷池一步。

    Old Joe was afraid to leave the beaten track .

  28. 硬件越老,就越难找到部件。

    The older hardware becomes , the more difficult it is to find parts .

  29. 老俩口越旅行越健康。

    The old couple thrive on travel .

  30. 但最近,圣诞老人们越来越不需要这样说了。

    These days , though , Santas are having to use it less and less .